29 January 2007 Modeling for hue shift effect of human visual system on high luminance display
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This paper proposes a color correction method based on modeling the hue shift phenomenon of human visual system (HVS). Observers tend to perceive same color stimuli, but of different intensity, as different hues, what is referred to as the hue shift effect. Although the effect can be explained with the Bezold-Brücke (B-B) effect, it is not enough to apply the B-B model on high luminance displays because most displays have a broad-band spectrum distribution and results vary according to type of display. In the proposed method, the quantities of hue shift between a high luminance display and a normal luminance display were first modeled by a color matching experiment with color samples along the hue angle of the LCH color space. Based on the results, the hue shift was then modeled piecewise and was finally applied to the inverse characterization of display to compensate the original input image. From evaluating the proposed method using the psychophysical experiment with some test images, we confirmed that the proposed modeling method is effective for color correction on high luminance displays.
© (2007) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Tae-Hyoung Lee, Myong-Young Lee, Kee-Hyon Park, and Yeong-Ho Ha "Modeling for hue shift effect of human visual system on high luminance display", Proc. SPIE 6493, Color Imaging XII: Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications, 64930A (29 January 2007); Logo
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