16 April 2004 Robust 3D object model reconstruction from video
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In this paper, we present a 3D object reconstruction system that recovers 3D models of general objects from video. We assume the video of the object is captured from multiple viewpoints. The proposed system is composed of the following components: feature trajectory extraction, 3D structure from motion, surface reconstruction, and texture computation. In the feature trajectory extraction, we compute dense optical flow fields between adjacent frames and aggregate them at the interest points to obtain reliable feature trajectories. In the next structure from motion stage, we develop a robust algorithm to recover the dense 3D structures from several viewpoints for uncalibrated image sequences. For the surface reconstruction from the recovered 3D data points, we develop a new cluster-based radial-basis-function (RBF) algorithm, which overcomes the extensive computational cost limit in a divide-and-conquer manner. For the last texture computation process, we combine multi-view images to form the texture map of the 3D object model. Finally, experimental results are given to show the performance or the proposed 3D reconstruction system.
© (2004) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Po-Hao Huang, Yi-Lin Chen, Chia-Ming Cheng, Yu-An Lu, and Shang-Hong Lai "Robust 3D object model reconstruction from video", Proc. SPIE 5302, Three-Dimensional Image Capture and Applications VI, (16 April 2004);
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3D modeling


Reconstruction algorithms

Algorithm development

Motion models

Optical flow

Feature extraction


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