12 March 2002 Data compression method for tetrahedral meshes
Shyh-Kuang Ueng, Kris Sikorski
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Proceedings Volume 4665, Visualization and Data Analysis 2002; (2002)
Event: Electronic Imaging, 2002, San Jose, California, United States
In this paper, a looseless compression scheme is presented for Finite Element Analysis(FEA) data. In this algorithm, all FEA cells are assumed to be tetrahedra. Therefore a cell has at most four neighboring cells. Our algorithm starts with computing the indices of the four adjacent cells for each cell. The adjacency graph is formed by representing a cell by a vertex and by drawing an edge between two cells if they are adjacent. The adjacency graph is traversed by using a depth first search, and the mesh is split into tetrahedral strips. In a tetrahedral strip, every two consecutive cells share a face, and thus only one vertex index has to be specified for defining a tetrahedron. Therefore the memory space required for storing the mesh is reduced. The tetrahedral strips are encoded by using four types of instructions and converted into a sequence of bytes. Unlike most 3D geometrical compression algorithms, vertex indices are not changed in our scheme. Rearrangement of vertex indices is not required.
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Shyh-Kuang Ueng and Kris Sikorski "Data compression method for tetrahedral meshes", Proc. SPIE 4665, Visualization and Data Analysis 2002, (12 March 2002); Logo
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Finite element methods

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Electroluminescent displays

Data compression



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