Near-Threshold Production of the Multistrange Ξ Hyperon

P. Chung et al. (E895 Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 202301 – Published 14 November 2003


The yield for the multistrange Ξ hyperon has been measured in 6AGeV Au+Au collisions via reconstruction of its decay products π and Λ, the latter also being reconstructed from its daughter tracks of π and p. The measurement is rather close to the threshold for Ξ production and therefore provides an important test of model predictions. The measured yield for Ξ and Λ are compared for several centralities. In central collisions the Ξ yield is found to be in excellent agreement with statistical and transport model predictions, suggesting that multistrange hadron production approaches chemical equilibrium in high baryon density nuclear matter.

  • Figure
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  • Received 18 February 2003


©2003 American Physical Society

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Vol. 91, Iss. 20 — 14 November 2003

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