Hadronic light-by-light scattering in the muon g2: A new short-distance constraint on pion exchange

Andreas Nyffeler
Phys. Rev. D 79, 073012 – Published 20 April 2009


Recently it was pointed out that for the evaluation of the numerically dominant pion-exchange contribution to the hadronic light-by-light scattering correction in the muon g2, a fully off-shell pion-photon-photon form factor should be used. Following this proposal, we first derive a new short-distance constraint on the off-shell form factor which enters at the external vertex for the muon g2 and show that it is related to the quark condensate magnetic susceptibility in QCD. We then evaluate the pion-exchange contribution in the framework of large-NC QCD using an off-shell form factor which fulfills all short-distance constraints. With a value for the magnetic susceptibility as estimated in the same large-NC framework, we obtain the result aμLbyL;π0=(72±12)×1011. Updating our earlier results for the contributions from the exchanges of the η and η using simple vector-meson dominance form factors, we obtain aμLbyL;PS=(99±16)×1011 for the sum of all light pseudoscalars. Combined with available evaluations for the other contributions to hadronic light-by-light scattering this leads to the new estimate aμLbyL;had=(116±40)×1011.

  • Figure
  • Figure
  • Received 29 January 2009


©2009 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Andreas Nyffeler*

  • Regional Centre for Accelerator-based Particle Physics, Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Chhatnag Road, Jhusi, Allahabad - 211 019, India

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Vol. 79, Iss. 7 — 1 April 2009

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