Relative proton and γ widths of astrophysically important states in 30S studied in the β-delayed decay of 31Ar

G. T. Koldste, B. Blank, M. J. G. Borge, J. A. Briz, M. Carmona-Gallardo, L. M. Fraile, H. O. U. Fynbo, J. Giovinazzo, J. G. Johansen, A. Jokinen, B. Jonson, T. Kurturkian-Nieto, J. H. Kusk, T. Nilsson, A. Perea, V. Pesudo, E. Picado, K. Riisager, A. Saastamoinen, O. Tengblad, J.-C. Thomas, and J. Van de Walle
Phys. Rev. C 87, 055808 – Published 28 May 2013


Resonances just above the proton threshold in 30S affect the 29P(p,γ)30S reaction under astrophysical conditions. The (p,γ)-reaction rate is currently determined indirectly and depends on the properties of the relevant resonances. We present here a method for finding the ratio between the proton and γ partial widths of resonances in 30S. The widths are determined from the β2p- and βpγ-decay of 31Ar, which is produced at the ISOLDE radioactive ion beam facility at the European research organization CERN. Experimental limits on the ratio between the proton and γ partial widths for astrophysical relevant levels in 30S have been found for the first time. A level at 4689.2(24)keV is identified in the γ spectrum, and an upper limit on the Γp/Γγ ratio of 0.26 (95% C.L.) is found. In the two-proton spectrum two levels at 5227(3)keV and 5847(4)keV are identified. These levels were previously seen to γ decay and upper limits on the Γγ/Γp ratio of 0.5 and 9, respectively, (95% C.L.) are found, where the latter differs from previous calculations.

  • Received 11 March 2013


©2013 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

G. T. Koldste1, B. Blank2, M. J. G. Borge3, J. A. Briz3, M. Carmona-Gallardo3, L. M. Fraile4, H. O. U. Fynbo1, J. Giovinazzo2, J. G. Johansen1, A. Jokinen5, B. Jonson6, T. Kurturkian-Nieto2, J. H. Kusk1, T. Nilsson6, A. Perea3, V. Pesudo3, E. Picado4, K. Riisager1, A. Saastamoinen5,*, O. Tengblad3, J.-C. Thomas7, and J. Van de Walle8

  • 1Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
  • 2Centre d’Études Nucléaire de Bordeaux-Gradignan, CNRS/IN2P3–Université Bordeaux I, F-33175 Gradignan Cedex, France
  • 3Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, CSIC, E-28006 Madrid, Spain
  • 4Grupo de Física Nuclear, Universidad Complutense, E-28040 Madrid, Spain
  • 5Department of Physics, University of Jyväskylä, FIN-40351 Jyväskylä, Finland
  • 6Fundamental Fysik, Chalmers Tekniska Högskola, S-41296 Göteborg, Sweden
  • 7GANIL, CEA/DSM-CNRS/IN2P3, F-14076 Caen Cedex 5, France
  • 8CERN, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland

  • *Present address: Cyclotron Institute, Texas A, and M University, College Station, TX 77843-3366, USA.

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Vol. 87, Iss. 5 — May 2013

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