Model Hamiltonians for Local Quantum Field Theory

Kenneth G. Wilson
Phys. Rev. 140, B445 – Published 25 October 1965
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We study the problem of renormalization for the interaction of a charged scalar meson field with a fixed two-level point source. Our especial interest is coupling-constant renormalization. We study in particular the problem of obtaining eigenstates and eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian for the fixed-source theory. We propose a model for the fixed-source theory, in which mesons exist only if their momenta (k) lie within an infinite set of intervals: 0<k<k0, 12Λ<k<Λ, 12Λ2<k<Λ2, etc., where k0 is of the order of the meson mass, and Λ is much larger. We solve this model by treating the mesons in the nth interval (or lower) as a perturbation on mesons in the (n+1)st interval (and higher). This reduces the problem to the solution of two strongly cut-off Hamiltonians, one of which must be solved for an infinite sequence of coupling constants {gn}, one for each momentum interval. We show that even if the low-momentum coupling constants g1, g2, etc., are small, the sequence goes to infinity as n. We analyze the Lee model similarly; here the sequence is undefined above some finite value of n. We show a close analogy between our analysis and the analysis of quantum electrodynamics of Gell-Mann and Low. Then we analyze the full fixed-source Hamiltonian qualitatively. We expland the meson field in terms of a complete set of "wave-packet" states, the coefficients being discrete oscillator variables. The states are so chosen that the self-interactions of oscillators dominate the coupling between oscillators. For each order of magnitude for the meson momentum, there is one pair of oscillators coupled to the source; this coupling can be analyzed analogously to our model. The full fixed-source Hamiltonian is thereby reduced to the solution of a Hamiltonian for two oscillators coupled to a two-level source.

  • Received 14 June 1965


©1965 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Kenneth G. Wilson*

  • Laboratory of Nuclear Studies, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York

  • *Alfred P. Sloan Fellow.

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Vol. 140, Iss. 2B — October 1965

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