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Risk Analysis of High Pressure Gas Pipeline Leakage Based on Bow-tie Model and IAHP

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Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd
, , Citation Yu Zhang et al 2020 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 461 012079 DOI 10.1088/1755-1315/461/1/012079



Natural gas is a kind of inflammable and explosive high-risk gas, and its transportation mainly depends on high-pressure pipelines. Serious pipeline leaks can cause fires and explosions. These accidents will cause loss of life and property to residents along the line. Therefore, it is very important to conduct risk analysis on high-pressure gas pipelines. In this paper, the Bow-tie model is used to conduct a strict logical reasoning on the causes and consequences of pipeline leakage, and a complete and clear risk evaluation index system for high-pressure gas pipelines is proposed. Secondly, the improved analytic hierarchy process (IAHP) is used to calculate the weight of each indicator and sort the weights. The calculation shows that the equipment plays a major role in the first-level indicators. Among the secondary indicators, the safety equipment, alarm system, natural disasters, operational misoperations, safety inspection errors, and design misoperations account for a significant weight ratio. The evaluation results of various factors are basically consistent with the actual situation. The research results can provide a reliable basis for the daily safety management of gas pipelines.

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