When every single cell in the body has the same voltage and capacity, it is said to be in cell balance. Maintaining the identical state-of-charge for each cell in a multi-cell pack by balancing contributes to the pack's maximum capacity and service life. Two basic techniques of balancing exist: Overcharged cells lose charge due to passive balancing, which dissipates the stored energy as heat. Active balancing distributes energy from abundant cells to least cells to preserve battery pack energy. Battery management systems (BMS) use resistors to achieve passive cell balancing, which balances the states of charge in individual cells. Every cell has a resistor connected in parallel with it. The matching resistor is triggered when a cell is charged too much, releasing extra energy as heat. Until all cells have voltages that are comparable, this process is repeated. Active balancing is more efficient than passive balancing, and less expensive. In BMS, energy is transferred between cells to balance their state of charge, a process known as active cell balancing. It controls the flow of energy by using electronic parts like capacitors and inductors. Active balancing can quickly balance cells or correct large voltage imbalances since it is more sophisticated and effective than passive balancing. A cell's state of charge (SOC) represents its current capacity as a function of its rated capacity. This technology optimizes battery performance, prolonging overall lifespan and promoting reliable energy management in electric vehicles. By minimizing voltage deviations, LC-based balancing contributes to increased driving range and sustained battery health.
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