Simulation of VUV electroluminescence in micropattern gaseous detectors: the case of GEM and MHSP

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Published 11 September 2012 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd
, , Citation C A B Oliveira et al 2012 JINST 7 P09006 DOI 10.1088/1748-0221/7/09/P09006



Electroluminescence produced during avalanche development in gaseous avalanche detectors is a useful information for triggering, calorimetry and tracking in gaseous detectors. Noble gases present high electroluminescence yields, emitting mainly in the VUV region. The photons can provide signal readout if appropriate photosensors are used.

Micropattern gaseous detectors are good candidates for signal amplification in high background and/or low rate experiments due to their high electroluminescence yields and radiopurity. In this work, the VUV light responses of the Gas Electron Multiplier and of the Micro-Hole & Strip Plate, working with pure xenon, are simulated and studied in detail using a new and versatile C++ toolkit. It is shown that the solid angle subtended by a photosensor placed below the microstructures depends on the operating conditions. The obtained absolute EL yields, determined for different gas pressures and as functions of the applied voltage, are compared with those determined experimentally.

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