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Development of a silicon-based thermal neutron detection system

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Published 13 May 2024 © 2024 The Author(s)
, , Citation A.Mohammad E. Alsulimane et al 2024 JINST 19 P05025 DOI 10.1088/1748-0221/19/05/P05025



Neutron detection systems are of increasing importance in applications from basic science to medical applications and reactors. 3He proportional counters remain the most popular choice for monitoring thermal neutrons with a detection efficiency of around 60%, however, due to 3He global shortages, a new generation of detection technologies will be required to meet the rising demand. As a result, extensive research is being conducted to investigate alternative methods of neutron detection. This work presents such a system and demonstrates its calibration and evaluation using an AmBe neutron source. The detection system involves silicon sensors coated by converter layers to make the detectors sensitive to thermal neutrons via neutron capture and measurement of the resulting secondary charged particles. The detection system is presented in two configurations, a single and a multi-layer configuration, where the latter is used to increase the total detection efficiency. In addition, the system is capable of determining coincident signals from a single neutron capture, a feature which allows background suppression and an increase in the purity of the neutron signal which is particularly useful in mixed radiation environments.

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