
An optimization design for fiber-optic neutron detector based on 6LiF/ZnO:Ga and wavelength shifting fibers

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Published 10 May 2024 © 2024 IOP Publishing Ltd and Sissa Medialab
, , Citation Bangping Xiong et al 2024 JINST 19 P05020 DOI 10.1088/1748-0221/19/05/P05020



The fiber-optic neutron detector consists principally of a neutron-sensitive scintillator, optical fiber, and photomultiplier tube. It has features such as small size, real-time online measurement capability, and high resistance to electromagnetic interference. This detector is excellent for neutron detection in areas with limited space and strong electromagnetic interference. However, its small size results in a comparatively low neutron sensitivity. The goal of this study is to look into the relationship between detector parameters and performance in order to improve the detector design. The research begins with the development of a detector model using Monte Carlo simulation programs to investigate the relationship between the6LiF/ZnO:Ga mass ratio, thickness, wavelength-shifting fiber length, and detector performance. The 6LiF/ZnO:Ga mass ratio was then used as the test parameter to create equivalent detector samples for experimental validation. The results show that the detector has the highest neutron sensitivity when the mass ratio of6LiF/ZnO:Ga is 1:1. This pattern is consistent with theoretical simulation results, indicating that the optimization strategy for detector parameters is feasible. The results of this work give a theoretical foundation for the development and practical implementation of the fiber-optic neutron detector.

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