technical report

Radiation study of Lead Fluoride crystals

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Published 13 May 2022 © 2022 IOP Publishing Ltd and Sissa Medialab
, , Citation A. Cemmi et al 2022 JINST 17 T05015 DOI 10.1088/1748-0221/17/05/T05015



Lead fluoride (PbF2) crystals represent an excellent and relatively innovative choice for high resolution electromagnetic calorimeters with high granularity and fast timing for high intensity environments. For this reason two PbF2 crystals, sized 5× 5 × 40 mm3, were irradiated with 60Co photons up to ∼ 4 Mrad and with 14 MeV neutrons up to a 1013 n/cm2 total fluence. Their loss in transmittance was evaluated at different steps of the photon and neutron irradiation campaign, resulting in a total of 30% loss above 350 nm. With crystals always kept in dark conditions, natural and thermal annealing, as well as optical bleaching with 400 nm light, were performed on the irradiated specimens, resulting in a partial recovery of their original optical characteristics.

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