Using 22Na and 83mKr to calibrate and study the properties of scintillation in xenon-doped liquid argon

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Published 4 December 2020 © 2020 IOP Publishing Ltd and Sissa Medialab
, , Citation Y.Y. Gan et al 2020 JINST 15 P12007 DOI 10.1088/1748-0221/15/12/P12007



We have measured the properties of scintillation light in liquid argon doped with xenon concentrations from 165 ppm to 10,010 ppm using a 22Na source. The energy transfer processes in the xenon-doped liquid argon are discussed in detail, and a new waveform model is established and used to fit the average waveform. The time profile of the scintillation photon in the xenon-doped liquid argon and of the TPB emission are presented. The quantities of xenon-doped are controlled by a Mass Flow Controller which is calibrated via a Redusial Gas Analyzer to ensure that the xenon concentration is accurate. In addition, a successful test of 83mKr as a calibration source has been implemented in the xenon-doped liquid argon detector for the first time. By comparing the light yield of the 22Na and 83mKr, it can be concluded that the scintillation efficiency is almost same over the range of 41.5 keV to 511 keV.

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