Decay tunnel instrumentation for the ENUBET neutrino beam

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Published 21 May 2020 © 2020 IOP Publishing Ltd and Sissa Medialab
, , Innovative Particle and Radiation Detectors 2019 (IPRD19) Citation F. Acerbi et al 2020 JINST 15 C05059 DOI 10.1088/1748-0221/15/05/C05059



The uncertainty in the initial neutrino flux is the main limitation for a precise determination of the absolute neutrino cross section. The ERC funded ENUBET project (2016–2021) is studying a facility based on a narrow band beam to produce an intense source of electron neutrinos with a ten-fold improvement in accuracy. Since March 2019 ENUBET is also a Neutrino Platform experiment at CERN: NP06/ENUBET. A key element of the project is the instrumentation of the decay tunnel to monitor large angle positrons produced together with νe in the three body decays of kaons (Ke3) and to discriminate them from neutral and charged pions. The need for an efficient and high purity e/π separation over a length of several meters, and the requirements for fast response and radiation hardness imposed by the harsh beam environment, suggested the implementation of a longitudinally segmented Fe/scintillator calorimeter with a readout based on WLS fibers and SiPM detectors. An extensive experimental program through several test beam campaigns at the CERN-PS T9 beam line has been pursued on calorimeter prototypes, both with a shashlik and a lateral readout configuration. The latter, in which fibers collect the light from the side of the scintillator tiles, allows to place the light sensors away from the core of the calorimeter, thus reducing possible irradiation damages with respect to the shashlik design. This contribution will present the achievements of the prototyping activities carried out, together with irradiation tests made on the Silicon Photo-Multipliers. The results achieved so far pin down the technology of choice for the construction of the 3 m long demonstrator that will take data in 2021.

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