
Site and bond percolation on four-dimensional simple hypercubic lattices with extended neighborhoods

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Published 3 March 2022 © 2022 IOP Publishing Ltd and SISSA Medialab srl
, , Citation Pengyu Zhao et al J. Stat. Mech. (2022) 033202 DOI 10.1088/1742-5468/ac52a8



The asymptotic behavior of the percolation threshold pc and its dependence upon coordination number z is investigated for both site and bond percolation on four-dimensional lattices with compact extended neighborhoods. Simple hypercubic lattices with neighborhoods up to 9th nearest neighbors are studied to high precision by means of Monte-Carlo simulations based upon a single-cluster growth algorithm. For site percolation, an asymptotic analysis confirms the predicted behavior zpc ∼ 16ηc = 2.086 for large z, and finite-size corrections are accounted for by forms pc ∼ 16ηc/(z + b) and pc ∼ 1 − exp(−16ηc/z) where ηc ≈ 0.1304 is the continuum percolation threshold of four-dimensional hyperspheres. For bond percolation, the finite-z correction is found to be consistent with the prediction of Frei and Perkins, zpc − 1 ∼ a1(ln z)/z, although the behavior zpc − 1 ∼ a1z−3/4 cannot be ruled out.

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1. Introduction

Percolation on lattices with extended neighborhoods, which goes back to the 'equivalent neighbor model' of Dalton, Domb and Sykes in 1964 [13], has been a question of long-standing interest in the percolation field, both because of its theoretical significance and practical applications [48]. Following the work of Dalton, Domb and Sykes, many researchers have performed extensive investigations, such as long-range site percolation on compact regions in a diamond shape on a square lattice [9], site and bond percolation on body-centered cubic lattices with nearest and next-nearest neighbors [10], site percolation on face-centered cubic lattices up to fourth nearest neighbors [11], and site percolation on all eleven of the Archimedian lattices with long-range connections [1214]. The idea of 'complex neighborhoods' where various combinations of neighborhoods, not necessarily compact, was introduced by Malarz and Galam [15], and has been followed up by many subsequent investigations in two, three, and four dimensions for both site percolation [1521] and bond percolation [2226]. In the mathematics field, there has also been work on this model, under the name of 'range-R' model. Penrose [27] studied both site and bond percolation, including asymptotic behavior for bond percolation, and more recently Frei and Perkins [28] and Hong [29] have studied the finite-size corrections.

Since the early days of the study of percolation, researchers have focused on exploring the correlations between percolation thresholds pc and properties of the lattice, especially the coordination number z which gives the number of nearest neighbors to a vertex, since z (along with the dimensionality) seems to be one of the main determinants of the threshold. In the context of extended-range percolation, earlier investigations [17, 24, 25, 30, 31] demonstrated that the percolation thresholds for lattices with extended neighborhoods can be fitted well by a simple power given by pc za or pc ∼ (z − 1)a . It has been argued [3, 7, 8, 14] that for longer range site percolation, the asymptotic behavior for large z could be related to the continuum percolation threshold ηc for objects of the same shape as the neighborhood. In general d, these arguments imply [21]

Equation (1)

where d is the dimension of the system. Equation (1) holds for systems with compact neighborhoods, and is independent of the type of lattice. For finite z, one expects asymptotic corrections of the form

Equation (2)

where c = 2d ηc and b an empirical constant. Another proposed form (without any additional parameters) is [21]

Equation (3)

For bond percolation, the asymptotic behavior of pc tends to the Bethe-lattice behavior [27]

Equation (4)

for z, because for large z and the corresponding low p, the chance of hitting the same site twice is vanishingly small and the system behaves basically like a tree. The finite-z correction in four dimensions was recently predicted to be [28, 29]

Equation (5)

This is in contrast to the behavior for d = 2 and 3, where it has been shown that

Equation (6)

where x = (d − 1)/d for these two dimensions [28]. In two and three dimensions, both the asymptotic behavior and the finite-z correction for site and bond percolation have been confirmed by extensive simulation work [14, 2123, 25, 32]. However, more work is needed to confirm the asymptotic behavior for d ⩾ 4, and to understand the difference of the correction exponents in different dimensions.

In this paper, we focus on four-dimensional simple hypercubic (sc(4)) lattices with extended neighborhoods. Both site and bond percolation on sc(4) lattices with up to 9th nearest neighbors are investigated by employing Monte-Carlo simulation, and we find site and bond thresholds of these lattices with high precision. For site percolation, both z versus 1/pc and z versus −1/ln(1 − pc ) lead to the predicted asymptotic value of zpc ∼ 16ηc = 2.086. For bond percolation, data fitting shows that the thresholds are consistent with the behavior in equation (5) above. However, the behavior of equation (6) with x = 3/4 cannot be ruled out.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. The simulation results and discussions are given in section 2, including some simulation details (section 2.1), results for site percolation (section 2.2) and bond percolation (section 2.3). In section 3, we present our conclusions.

2. Simulation results and discussions

2.1. Simulation details and basic theory

We use the notation sc(4)-a, b, ... to indicate a four-dimensional simple hypercubic lattice with the ath nearest neighbors, bth nearest neighbors, etc. In the Monte-Carlo simulations, by using a single-cluster growth algorithm (see [24, 25, 33] for more details), a site on the lattice of size L × L × L × L with L = 128 under periodic boundary conditions is chosen as the seed, and an individual cluster is grown from that seeded site. We grow many samples of individual clusters for each lattice, which are 5 × 108 for sc(4)-3, sc(4)-1,3, sc(4)-2,3, sc(4)-1,2, sc(4)-1,2,3, and sc(4)-1,2,3,4 lattices, and 108 for other five lattices. Clusters with different sizes are distributed in bins of range of (2n , 2n+1 − 1) for n = 0, 1, 2, .... An upper size of the cluster, which is called the upper size cutoff, needs to be set to halt the growth of clusters larger than that size, to avoid wrapping around the boundaries. For clusters still growing when they reach an upper size cutoff, we count them in the last bin. Here for site percolation, we set the upper size cutoff to be 215 occupied sites for the sc(4)-1,2 and sc(4)-1,2,3 lattices, 213 for the sc(4)-1, ..., 9 lattice, and 214 for other lattices. For bond percolation, we set the upper size cutoff to be 216 occupied (wetted) sites for all lattices.

If one defines ns (p) as the number of clusters (per site) containing s occupied sites, as a function of the site or bond occupation probability p, then in the scaling limit, in which s is large and (ppc ) is small such that (ppc )sσ is constant, ns (p) behaves as

Equation (7)

where τ, σ, and f(x) are universal, while A0 and B0 are lattice-dependent metric factors. When p = pc and for finite s, there are corrections to equation (7)

Equation (8)

where Ω is another universal exponent. Then the probability that a point belongs to a cluster of size greater than or equal to s is given by ${P}_{\geqslant s}={\sum }_{{s}^{\prime }=s}^{\infty }{s}^{\prime }{n}_{{s}^{\prime }}$, and it follows from equations (7) and (8) that [24, 25]

Equation (9)

where A1, B1 and C1 are non-universal constants. Equation (9) provides two methods to determine the percolation threshold pc , and we will show them in detail in the next subsection, combined with our simulation results.

Due to the universality of τ, Ω and σ, these exponents depend only on the system dimension, not the type of the lattice. We choose the central values of the estimates τ = 2.3135(5) [24], Ω = 0.40(3) [24], and σ = 0.4742 [34, 35], which are relatively accurate and acceptable, in the numerical simulations. The number of clusters greater than or equal to size s could be found based on the data from our simulation, and the quantity sτ−2 Ps could be easily calculated.

2.2. Results of site percolation

From the behavior of equation (9), we can determine if we are above, near, or below the percolation threshold. For large s where the finite-size effect term s−Ω can be ignored, equation (9) becomes

Equation (10)

This implies that sτ−2 Ps will convergence to a constant value at pc , while it deviates linearly from that constant value when p is away from pc , when plotted as a function of sσ . Figure 1 shows the relation of sτ−2 Ps versus sσ for the site percolation of the sc(4)-1, ..., 9 lattice under probabilities p = 0.004 828, 0.004 829, 0.004 830, 0.004 831, 0.004 832, and 0.004 833. For small clusters, sτ−2 Ps shows a steep rise due to the finite-size effect, while for large clusters, sτ−2 Ps shows a linear region. As p tends to pc , the linear part of sτ−2 Ps become more nearly horizontal. Based upon these properties of the linear portions in figure 1, the central value of pc can be determined from the slope:

Equation (11)

As shown in the inset of figure 1, pc = 0.004 8301 can be deduced from the p intercept of the plot of the above derivative versus p.

Figure 1.

Figure 1. Plot of sτ−2 Ps versus sσ with τ = 2.3135 and σ = 0.4742 for site percolation of the sc(4)-1, ..., 9 lattice under different values of p. The inset indicates the slope of the linear portions of the curves shown in the main figure as a function of p, and the central value of pc = 0.0048301 can be calculated from the p intercept.

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If p is very close to pc , equation (9) reduces to

Equation (12)

implying a linear relationship between sτ−2 Ps and s−Ω for large s. In figure 2, we show the plot of sτ−2 Ps versus s−Ω for the site percolation of the sc(4)-1, ..., 9 lattice under probabilities p = 0.004 828, 0.004 829, 0.004 830, 0.004 831, 0.004 832, and 0.004 833. It can be seen that when p is away from pc , the curves show an obvious deviation from linearity for large s, while better linear behavior emerges if p is very close to pc . Then we can conclude the range of the site percolation threshold of 0.004 830 < pc < 0.004 831 here.

Figure 2.

Figure 2. Plot of sτ−2 Ps versus s−Ω with τ = 2.3135 and Ω = 0.40 for site percolation of the sc(4)-1, ..., 9 lattice under different values of p.

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Based upon the two methods indicated in figures 1 and 2, as well as the errors for the values of τ = 2.3135(5) and Ω = 0.40(3), finally, the site percolation threshold of the sc(4)-1, ... ,9 lattice can be deduced to be pc = 0.0048301(9), where the number in parentheses represents the estimated error in the last digit. The figures for the other seven lattices we simulated are shown in the supplementary material [36] in figures 1–14 (, and the corresponding site percolation thresholds are summarized in table 1.

Table 1. Site percolation thresholds on four-dimensional simple hypercubic lattice with extended neighborhoods up to the 9th nearest neighbors. The interaction range R for the sc(4)-1, ..., n lattice is $\sqrt{n}$.

Lattice z pc (present) pc (previous)
sc(4)-1,2320.0617731(19)0.061 90(23) [19]
sc(4)-1,2,3640.0319407(13)0.031 90(23) [19]
sc(4)-1, ..., 51360.0147918(12)
sc(4)-1, ..., 62320.0088400(10)
sc(4)-1, ..., 72960.0070006(6)
sc(4)-1, ..., 83200.0064681(9)
sc(4)-1, ..., 94240.0048301(9)

In table 1, we also show in the last column previous site percolation thresholds for the sc(4)-1,2 and sc(4)-1,2,3 lattices provided by [19]. For these two lattices, we get substantially more precise values. For the other six lattices, it appears that our results are new.

With regard to the asymptotic behavior between percolation thresholds pc and coordination number z for site percolation on lattices with compact nearest neighborhoods in four dimensions where ηc for hyperspheres equals 0.1304(5) [37], one should expect from equation (1) that

Equation (13)

The extended-range nearest-neighbor regions on a lattice are not exactly spherical in shape, of course. A limit of a more non-spherical surface is a system aligned hypercubes, where ηc = 0.1201(6) [37], implying c = zpc = 16ηc = 1.922(10), which is not much smaller than the value above. Indeed, for some small values of z considered here, the neighborhood tends to a hypercube. However, for large z where the neighborhood becomes more spherical, one would expect that zpc should approach the value 2.086.

By plotting the relation of z versus 1/pc and z versus − 1/ln(1 − pc ), as shown in figures 3 and 4, respectively, we can see that data fitting of both plots lead to the asymptotic value of 2.065(11), which agrees quite well with the theoretically predicted value for hyperspheres above.

Figure 3.

Figure 3. Plot of z versus 1/pc for site percolation on the four-dimensional simple hypercubic lattices with compact nearest neighborhoods shown in table 1. Data fitting gives the slope of c = 2.065(11), compared with the prediction of zpc ∼ 16ηc = 2.086(8), and the intercept of −1.290(12).

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Figure 4.

Figure 4. Plot of z versus −1/ln(1 − pc ) for site percolation on the four-dimensional simple hypercubic lattices with compact nearest neighborhoods shown in table 1. Data fitting gives the slope of 2.065(11), compared with the prediction of zpc ∼ 16ηc = 2.086(8), and the intercept of −0.250(12).

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In contrast to the case of two and three dimensions [32], here we find that the plots of z versus 1/pc and z versus −1/ln(1 − pc ) have very similar behavior and give an identical slope. This is because the values of z considered here are much larger than we considered in the lower dimensions, and for large z and small pc the formulas are nearly identical. If we compare the slopes and intercepts of the two plots:

Equation (14)

we see, ignoring $\mathcal{O}({p}_{c})$ and higher-order terms, that the two plots are equivalent, with c' = c and b' = bc'/2. In fact, our measured values c = c' = 2.065(11), b = 1.290(12) and b' = 0.250(12) agree with these formulas. For systems of large z, the general formula equation (2) is sufficient and for fitting the data, and the formula (3) is not more beneficial.

2.3. Results of bond percolation

For the bond percolation simulated in this paper, figures 5 and 6 show the plots of sτ−2 Ps versus sσ and s−Ω, respectively, for the sc(4)-1, ..., 9 lattice under probabilities p = 0.002 4105, 0.002 4110, 0.002 4115, 0.002 4120, 0.002 4125, and 0.002 4130. Similar to the discussion above, we conclude the bond percolation threshold of the sc(4)-1, ..., 9 lattice here to be pc = 0.0024117(7). The figures for the other 9 lattices we simulated are shown in the supplementary material [36] in figures 15–32, and the corresponding bond percolation thresholds are summarized in table 2.

Figure 5.

Figure 5. Plot of sτ−2 Ps versus sσ with τ = 2.313 5 and σ = 0.474 2 for bond percolation of the sc(4)-1, ..., 9 lattice under different values of p. The inset indicates the slope of the linear portions of the curves shown in the main figure as a function of p, and the central value of pc = 0.002 4117 can be calculated from the p intercept.

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Figure 6.

Figure 6. Plot of sτ−2 Ps versus s−Ω with τ = 2.313 5 and Ω = 0.40 for bond percolation of the sc(4)-1, ..., 9 lattice under different values of p.

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Table 2. Bond percolation thresholds for the four-dimensional simple hypercubic lattice with extended neighborhoods up to the 9th nearest neighbors. Previous results include the sc(4)-1,2 (z = 32, pc = 0.035827(1)), bcc = sc(4)-4 (z = 16), and fcc = sc(4)-2 (z = 24) lattices [24].

Lattice z pc zpc
sc(4)-1, ..., 51360.0077389(9)1.05249
sc(4)-1, ..., 62320.0044656(11)1.03602
sc(4)-1, ..., 72960.0034812(7)1.03044
sc(4)-1, ..., 83200.0032143(8)1.02858
sc(4)-1, ..., 94240.0024117(7)1.02256

Table 2 also shows the values of zpc for each lattice. With the increase of z, the value of zpc decreases and tends to the asymptotic value of 1. In figure 7, we show the relation of zpc versus zx with x = 0.5, 0.75, and 0.9, and also versus (ln z)/z. We see that the behavior is consistent with the prediction of equation (5), but we cannot really rule out the behavior of equation (6) with x = 3/4, which follows the behavior x = (d − 1)/d predicted for d = 2 and 3.

Figure 7.

Figure 7. Plot of zpc versus zx with x = 0.5, 0.75, and 0.9, and versus ln z/z, for bond percolation on the simple hypercubic lattices with compact nearest neighborhoods listed in table 2 with z ⩾ 64. Data fittings show that both z−3/4 and (ln  z)/z give good representations of the behavior of zpc . The intercept of the brown line for the fit with x = 3/4, 1.0001(5) is close to 1 as required, and the slope gives a1 = 2.134(19). The intercept and slope of the black line for the fit with ln z/z are 1.0028(10) and 1.406(14), respectively.

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3. Conclusion

To summarize, in this paper, in order to further explore the correlation between percolation thresholds pc and coordination number z in higher dimensions, we have carried out extensive Monte Carlo simulations for site and bond percolation on four-dimensional simple hypercubic lattice with extended neighborhoods up to 9th nearest neighbors. By employing an effective single-cluster growth method, we found precise estimates of the percolation thresholds for 18 total systems.

For site percolation, the asymptotic behavior was investigated by plotting both z versus 1/pc and z versus −1/ln(1 − pc ), and both figures for large z tend to the theoretical value of zpc ∼ 16ηc ≈ 2.086 based upon ηc = 0.1304(5) [38]. Our intercept value c = 2.065 implies ηc = c/16 = 0.1291 with an estimated error of 0.0007, which is (nearly) within the combined standard deviations of the value 0.1304 of [38].

For bond percolation, the asymptotic value of zpc tends to the Bethe-lattice behavior of unity with the increase of the coordination number z. We accounted for the finite-z corrections by considering equations (5) and (6), and our data shows consistency with the predicted behavior (5), but also a good fit with (6) with x = 3/4. As the critical dimension for percolation is six, it will be interesting to further check the behavior of the bond thresholds in five dimensions.


The authors are grateful to the Advanced Analysis and Computation Center of CUMT for the award of CPU hours to accomplish this work. This work is supported by 'the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities' under Grant No. 2020ZDPYMS31.

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