Scaling properties of one-dimensional off-diagonal disorder

Published 9 November 2006 IOP Publishing Ltd
, , Citation Hosein Cheraghchi J. Stat. Mech. (2006) P11006 DOI 10.1088/1742-5468/2006/11/P11006



Validity of the single-parameter scaling (SPS) in the one-dimensional Anderson model with purely off-diagonal disorder is studied. It is shown that the localized region with standard symmetry is divided into two regimes: SPS and non-SPS. Moreover, the scaling relations for the Lyapunov exponent are proposed for these two regimes. In the non-SPS regime, in addition to the localization length, there exists a new length scale which is related to the integral density of states. A physical interpretation of the new length is as the crossover length which separates regions with chiral symmetry from those with standard symmetry.

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