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Deconstructing non-abelian gauge theories at one loop

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Published 1 April 2004 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd
, , Citation Zoltan Kunszt et al JHEP03(2004)061 DOI 10.1088/1126-6708/2004/03/061



Deconstruction of 5D Yang-Mills gauge theories is studied in next-to-leading order accuracy. We calculate one-loop corrections to the mass spectrum of the non-linear gauged σ-model, which is the low energy effective theory of the deconstructed theory. Renormalization is carried out following the standard procedure of effective field theories. The relation between the radius of the compactified fifth dimension and the symmetry breaking scale of the non-linear σ-model is modified by radiative corrections. We demonstrate that one can match the low lying spectrum of the gauge boson masses of the effective 4D gauged non-linear σ-model to the Kaluza-Klein modes of the 5D theory at one-loop accuracy.

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