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Published 2012 July 13 © 2012. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.
, , Citation David Hollenbach et al 2012 ApJ 754 105 DOI 10.1088/0004-637X/754/2/105



We model the production of OH+, H2O+, and H3O+ in interstellar clouds, using a steady-state photodissociation region code that treats the freezeout of gas species, grain surface chemistry, and desorption of ices from grains. The code includes polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which have important effects on the chemistry. All three ions generally have two peaks in abundance as a function of depth into the cloud, one at AV ≲ 1 and one at AV ∼ 3–8, the exact values depending on the ratio of incident ultraviolet flux to gas density. For relatively low values of the incident far-ultraviolet flux on the cloud (χ ≲ 1000; χ = 1 = local interstellar value), the columns of OH+ and H2O+ scale roughly as the cosmic-ray primary ionization rate ζcrp divided by the hydrogen nucleus density n. The H3O+ column is dominated by the second peak, and we show that if PAHs are present, N(H3O+) ∼4 × 1013 cm−2 independent of ζcrp or n. If there are no PAHs or very small grains at the second peak, N(H3O+) can attain such columns only if low-ionization potential metals are heavily depleted. We also model diffuse and translucent clouds in the interstellar medium, and show how observations of N(OH+)/N(H) and N(OH+)/N(H2O+) can be used to estimate ζcrp/n, χ/n and AV in them. We compare our models to Herschel observations of these two ions, and estimate ζcrp ∼4–6 × 10−16(n/100 cm−3) s−1 and χ/n = 0.03 cm3 for diffuse foreground clouds toward W49N.

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The OH+, H2O+, and H3O+ ions form the backbone of interstellar chemistry and are important probes of the cosmic-ray ionization rates in diffuse clouds, on the surfaces (AV < 1) of molecular clouds, and (with less reliability as we will discuss in this paper) in the interiors (AV ∼ 4–8) of molecular clouds. They are the backbone of chemistry because once H2 forms, cosmic-ray ionization of H or H2 leads to the formation of these ions, and H3O+ recombination with electrons leads to OH and H2O. Reaction of OH with C or C+ leads to CO.6 Once these basic molecules are formed, many of the other polyatomic and rare species follow.

The pathway of cosmic-ray ionization of hydrogen to these molecular ions follows two routes (see Figure 1). In gas with significant H atoms, the ionization of H leads to H+ that then proceeds via a series of reactions (see Figure 1, top) to OH+, H2O+, and H3O+ ions. We note that the charge exchange of O with H+ is slightly endothermic, so the reaction rate is proportional to exp(−230 K/T); this means that this reaction slows down at cooler temperatures, and a greater fraction of the cosmic-ray ionizations of H are followed by recombination of H+ with neutral or negatively charged polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs or PAH) or electrons rather than proceeding to form O+ and then OH+. It is this atomic route to OH+ which is primarily important in diffuse clouds and in the AV ≲ 2 surfaces of molecular clouds. A second route dominates deeper in the opaque interiors of molecular clouds. Here, the ionization of H2 leads to H+2, which then proceeds via a series of reactions (see Figure 1, bottom) to OH+, H2O+, and H3O+. A key competitor here to the formation of OH+ is the dissociative recombination of H+3 with electrons, which has a high rate coefficient compared to the reaction of H+3 with O. In addition, the reaction of H+3 with CO dominates that with O when the CO abundance exceeds that of O. Therefore, low electron abundances and high O abundances are needed to ensure that a large fraction of cosmic-ray ionizations of H2 eventually produces OH+.

Figure 1.

Figure 1. Standard ion–neutral chemistry leading to the formation of OH+, H2O+, and H3O+ in clouds via ionization of atomic H (top panel), and via ionization of molecular H2 (bottom panel). In the top panel, the destruction of H+ labeled "P/P/e" means the neutralization of H+ by reacting with PAHs, PAHs, or electrons. "CR" means cosmic-ray ionization.

Standard image High-resolution image

As we shall show in this paper, these two routes lead generally to two peaks in the abundances of OH+, H2O+, and H3O+ as a function of depth or AV into a cloud. The first peak (at AV ∼ 0.01–1 depending on the ratio of the incident FUV flux to the gas density) occurs in atomic gas where the cosmic-ray ionization of H begins the chemical chain.7 The second peak (at AV ∼ 3–8, again dependent on the FUV flux/gas density ratio) occurs in molecular gas where the cosmic-ray ionization of H2 begins the chemical chain. Deeper in the cloud, the gas-phase oxygen freezes out as water ice on grain surfaces (e.g., Hollenbach et al. 2009, hereafter H09), and the gas-phase abundances of the three ions drop. Whereas significant columns of OH+ and H2O+ are produced in the first peak, most of the H3O+ column arises in the second peak.

In warm (T > 300 K) neutral gas with significant abundances of H2, there are other dominant pathways to form OH+, H2O+, and H3O+ ions than the two paths initiated by cosmic rays and shown in Figure 1. One of the goals of this paper is to show under what conditions (e.g., FUV flux, gas density, cosmic-ray ionization rate) cosmic rays initiate the formation of the OH+, H2O+, and H3O+ ions, and under what conditions other chemical routes dominate.

If cosmic rays dominate, then the observed columns of OH+, H2O+, and H3O+ serve as a probe of the cosmic-ray ionization rate. The major goal of this paper is to show how these columns depend on the cosmic-ray ionization rate, the gas density, the FUV flux, the total column or optical extinction AVt through the cloud, and the molecular hydrogen abundance. Comparison with our models allows the cosmic-ray ionization rate to be estimated from these ion columns and the atomic H column.

Our method of estimating cosmic-ray ionization rates from the abundance of eventual products of this ionization dates back to the 1970s, when Black & Dalgarno (1973) pointed out the sensitivity of the OH and HD abundances to cosmic-ray ionization rates. A later comprehensive paper by van Dishoeck & Black (1986) showed how the abundance of OH in diffuse or translucent clouds could be used to estimate the cosmic-ray rate. One advantage of using OH+ or H2O+ to probe cosmic-ray ionization rates over using OH is that OH is produced after a series of reactions following the formation of OH+ (see Figure 1). This makes the inference of cosmic-ray ionization rate dependent on knowledge of the rate coefficients of these additional reactions.

Recent observations strongly motivate the theoretical study of the OH+, H2O+, and H3O+ molecular ions. Prior to 2010, the only observations of these three ions within the interstellar medium (ISM)8 consisted of a few detections of H3O+ in rich interstellar sources of submillimeter line emission and absorption (Wootten et al. 1991; Phillips et al. 1992, hereafter PvDK92; Goicoechea & Cernicharo 2001; van der Tak et al. 2006). Thanks largely to absorption-line spectroscopy with the HIFI instrument on the Herschel Space Observatory, together with additional ground-based detections of OH+ obtained with the APEX telescope (submillimeter rotational transition) and the ESO Paranal observatory (near-UV electronic transition), the observational picture has improved radically over the past two years. All three molecular ions have now been detected in both the diffuse and dense Galactic ISM (Gerin et al. 2010; Ossenkopf et al. 2010; Wyrowski et al. 2010a, 2010b; Neufeld et al. 2010; Schilke et al. 2010; Gupta et al. 2010; Bruderer et al. 2010; Benz et al. 2010; Krełowski et al. 2010) and in external galaxies (van der Tak et al. 2008; Weiß et al. 2010; van der Werf et al. 2010; González-Alfonso et al. 2010; Aalto et al. 2011). The most reliable column density determinations are obtained for foreground molecular clouds lying along the sight lines to bright submillimeter continuum sources in the Galactic disk. Here, the absorbing material typically covers a wide range of line-of-sight (LOS) velocities, arising in widely distributed material along the sight line. The total inferred column densities of the ions lie in the range few × 1013 − few × 1014 cm−2, the largest values being attained for OH+ and the smallest for H3O+ (Gerin et al. 2010; Neufeld et al. 2010).

In their study of OH+ and H2O+ absorption along the sight line to the luminous star-forming region W49N, Neufeld et al. (2010, hereafter N10) measured an average OH+/H2O+ abundance ratio of ∼10, with variations over the range ∼3–15. These observed ratios are considerably larger than the value ∼1 expected in fully molecular gas.9 By means of a simple analytical treatment of the chemistry of OH+ and H2O+, confirmed by more detailed pure gas-phase models performed using the Meudon photodissociation region (PDR) model (Le Petit et al. 2006; Goicoechea & Le Bourlot 2007), N10 concluded that the molecular fraction in the absorbing material lies in the range 2%–8%. This conclusion was supported by the observed distribution in velocity space of the OH+ and H2O+ absorption, which proved similar to that of the atomic gas probed by 21 cm absorption studies, and quite dissimilar from that of the molecular gas traced by HF or CH absorption. The analytic treatment introduced by N10 also allowed the cosmic-ray ionization rate to be inferred from the abundances of OH+ and H2O+ relative to atomic hydrogen. The resulting estimate of the cosmic-ray ionization rate in the range ζcrp = 0.6–2.4 × 10−16 s−1 (primary ionization rate per H atom) was broadly consistent with earlier values inferred quite independently from observations of the H+3 molecular ion toward different sight lines (Indriolo et al. 2007). One of the goals of the present study is to refine the N10 analytic treatment of diffuse cloud chemistry through detailed modeling, as an aid to interpreting the growing body of observational data now available.

This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we describe the chemical/thermal model of both an opaque molecular cloud illuminated by FUV radiation, or a diffuse cloud illuminated by the interstellar radiation field (ISRF). In Section 3, we show the model columns and column ratios of OH+, H2O+, and H3O+ as functions of the cloud gas density n, the incident FUV flux χ (in units of the local average interstellar field, see below), and the primary cosmic-ray ionization rate ζcrp per H atom for the case of opaque molecular clouds. We also show the same results for diffuse clouds, but with the total column or AVt through the cloud as an additional parameter. In Section 4, we compare our model results with previous H3O+ observations and recent OH+, H2O+, and H3O+ observations by Herschel, and show how observations compared to models can constrain the cosmic-ray ionization rates. We summarize our results in Section 5. Appendix A presents tables of key reaction rate coefficients and adopted abundances and grain parameters. Appendix B includes analytic expressions that explain the variation of OH+ with AV over the first peak, and the variation of H3O+ with AV over the second peak. Appendix C assesses the sensitivity of our results to certain chemical rate coefficients, the gas-phase abundance of elemental oxygen and low-ionization potential metals, and the freezeout of species.


2.1. Summary of Prior PDR Model and Modifications

The numerical code we have developed to model the chemical and thermal structure of an opaque cloud externally illuminated by FUV flux is based on our previous PDR model described in H09. This one-dimensional code models a constant density n (the hydrogen nucleus density) slab of gas, illuminated from one side by an FUV flux of 2.7 × 10−3χ erg cm −2 s−1 incident perpendicular to the slab. The unitless parameter χ is defined above in such a way that χ ∼ 1 corresponds to the average local ISRF in the FUV band (Draine 1978).10 The code calculates the steady-state chemical abundances and the gas temperature from thermal balance as a function of depth into the cloud. It incorporates 63 chemical species, ∼300 chemical reactions, and a large number of heating mechanisms and cooling processes. The chemical reactions include FUV photoionization and photodissociation; cosmic-ray ionization; neutral–neutral, ion–neutral, and electronic recombination reactions. H2 self-shielding is included as described in H09, and CO self-shielding and the partial shielding of CO by H2 are included as described in Visser et al. (2009). The code includes the photodissociation of molecules by "secondary" FUV photons produced (ultimately) by cosmic rays (Prasad & Tarafdar 1983). We also include reactions with charged dust grains and PAHs, and the formation of H2, OH, H2O, CH, CH2, CH3, and CH4 on grain surfaces. The code treats the freezing of all condensable species to grain surfaces and three desorption processes: thermal desorption, photodesorption, and cosmic-ray desorption. The only significant difference in the desorption code used here versus the H09 code is the inclusion of the new (higher by factor ∼3) rate of photodesorption of CO (Öberg et al. 2009). The code does not include photodesorption by the secondary FUV photons; this process is negligible at the peaks in the OH+, H2O+, and H3O+ abundances. The code has been used to model regions which lie at hydrogen nucleus column densities N ≲ 4 × 1022 cm−2 (or AV ≲ 20) from the surface of a cloud. Therefore, it applies not only to the photodissociated surface region, where gas-phase hydrogen and oxygen are nearly entirely atomic and where gas-phase carbon is mostly C+, but also to regions deeper into the molecular cloud where hydrogen is in H2 molecules and carbon is in CO molecules. Even in these molecular regions, the attenuated FUV field can play a significant role in photodissociating H2O and O2, in photodesorbing species adsorbed on grain surfaces, and in heating the gas. However, the code is now sufficiently general that it finds the steady-state solutions for abundances and temperature in any region of a molecular cloud, even where FUV is insignificant.

We emphasize that we present a steady-state model of chemical abundances as a function of depth into the cloud. The chemical timescales can be quite long, which might suggest that time-dependent models are more appropriate. For example, the timescale to convert atomic H gas to fully molecular H2 gas is $t_{{\rm H_2}} \sim 10^9/n$ years, where n is the hydrogen nucleus density in units of cm−3. However, as we show below, the OH+ and H2O+ ions peak in abundance when x(H2) ∼ 0.03–0.1, which occur typically at AV ∼ 0.1. (Note that abundances in this paper are defined relative to hydrogen nuclei, so that x(H2) ≡ n(H2)/n and nn(H) + 2n(H2)). Therefore, the timescales for even diffuse clouds of density n ∼ 100 cm−3 to reach these abundances are less than ∼106 years, which is shorter than the typical lifetime of a diffuse cloud (Wolfire et al. 2003). Steady-state solutions therefore generally apply, at least for computing the columns of these ions. The steady-state models may somewhat underestimate the ion columns for low-density diffuse clouds with AV > 0.1, since the steady-state solutions can lead to lower abundances of these two ions than time-dependent solutions in the high AV regions. This arises because the steady-state abundances of H2 are higher than time-dependent models which start with fully atomic gas. Higher H2 abundances lead to more destruction of OH+ and H2O+ in the high AV regions where H2 and not electrons dominate the destruction of these ions. Liszt (2007) provides a detailed analysis of the time-dependent formation of H2 and OH+ as a function of AV in diffuse clouds with initial atomic conditions.

We also emphasize that our model does not include turbulent dissipation and heating of small pockets of gas along the LOS (e.g., Godard et al. 2009 and references therein). We do, however, run PDR models with small fractions of the LOS having either enhanced temperature or enhanced rates of ion–neutral drift to test the possible effects of turbulence, and find the effects on OH+, H2O+, H3O+ column densities are likely small.

For simplicity, we assume constant H nucleus density n in our models. At low AV and low x(H2) < 0.1, where much of the OH+ and H2O+ columns often arise, the temperature is quite constant so that constant density implies constant thermal pressure. If thermal pressure (and not turbulence) dominates deeper into a high AV cloud, then the density will rise as one moves from its warmer PDR surface to its CO-cooled molecular interior. In addition, self-gravity can raise the density of the interior regions at higher AV. Still another effect is the transition of atomic hydrogen to molecular hydrogen which can raise n by a factor of two if thermal pressure is conserved. We ignore the possible rise in density, which mainly affects the second peaks of the ions deep (AV > 4) in the cloud. If such a density enhancement occurs, then it tends to depress the abundances of OH+ and H2O+ in the second peaks, but the abundance of H3O+ at the second peak is not sensitive to hydrogen density if PAHs are present(see Section 3).11 The second peak is dependent on the abundance of PAHs, very small grains (VSGs), and low-ionization potential metal ions there, which can control the electron density, ne. The abundance of PAHs and VSGs at high AV is uncertain due to their possible coagulation on larger grain surfaces.

One significant difference between the chemical code used in this paper and that used in H09 is the inclusion of PAHs and VSGs (radius ≲ 50 Å), which affect the ionization balance by enhancing the recombination of positive atomic ions. In the rest of this paper, we shall often use the term "PAH" to denote both PAHs and VSGs. PAHs also affect the second peaks of the ions by destroying electrons in the reaction e + PAH → PAH. (The effects of PAHs on ionization balance have been treated extensively before in the literature, e.g., Lepp & Dalgarno 1988; Bakes & Tielens 1998; Weingartner & Draine 2001a; Flower & Pineau des Forêts 2003; Liszt 2003; Wolfire et al. 2003, 2008). H09 focused on the H2O and O2 peaks, which occur at relatively high AV ∼ 3–7. Although the PAH abundances are not known deep in molecular clouds, H09 assumed that their abundances are low, due to coagulation of PAHs on the surfaces of larger dust grains. Here, however, we are mostly interested in the chemistry at low AV < 1, and in particular in the chemistry of diffuse clouds. These are the regions where PAHs are observed to be present, and we use PAH parameters derived from the literature. For simplicity, we adopt a single size PAH for the PAH distribution, and assume that the standard PAH has 100 C atoms and a number abundance of xPAH = 2 × 10−7 with respect to H nuclei (see Wolfire et al. 2008 for a discussion of the amount of carbon in PAHs; here, we adopt 100 C atoms and not the 35 C atoms that Wolfire et al. adopted because of the result of Draine & Li 2007, which suggested that the distribution in mass peaks at 100 C atoms). One of the key impacts of PAHs is in the recombination of H+. As shown in Figure 1 (top), cosmic-ray ionization of H can lead to OH+, but a competing route is the neutralization of H+ by an electron, PAH, or PAH. PAHs therefore lower the production of OH+ and the columns of all the ions in the first peak. Conversely, in the second peaks, the reduction in electron abundance caused by PAHs cause fewer H+3 ions to recombine with electrons, and lead to greater production rates of the ions as well as smaller destruction rates for H3O+. Therefore, the columns of the ions increase with the presence of PAHs in the second peaks. We also discuss results with no PAHs or VSGs at high AV.

Table 1, in Appendix A, lists the rate coefficients of key reactions in the pathways to the OH+, H2O+, and H3O+ ions, as well as reactions that are either new or changed since H09. Of particular note here are the photoionization of OH and H2O, the photodissociation of OH+ and H2O+, the treatment of PAHs—especially the photodetachment reaction rate for PAH, the fine structure level population dependence in the charge exchange reaction of O with H+, and some minor modifications in reaction rates key to determining the abundances of the OH+, H2O+, and H3O+ ions, such as their dissociative recombination rates with electrons and their reactions rates with H2.

Table 1. Reaction Rates

Reaction Rate Coefficient
PAH + H+ → PAH0 + H 8.1 × 10−7ΦPAH(T/300 K)−0.50cm3 s−1a
PAH0 + H+ → PAH+ + H 7.0 × 10−8ΦPAH cm3 s−1a
PAH+ + e → PAH0 3.4 × 10−5ΦPAH(T/300 K)−0.50cm3 s−1a
PAH0 + e → PAH 3.0 × 10−6ΦPAH cm3 s−1a
PAH + C+ → PAH0 + C 2.3 × 10−7ΦPAH(T/300 K)−0.50cm3 s−1a,b
PAH0 + C+ → PAH+ + C 2.0 × 10−8ΦPAH cm3 s−1a,b
PAH0 + hν → PAH+ + e 2.8 × 10−8χexp (− 2.34AV) s−1c,d
PAH + hν → PAH0 + e 5.7 × 10−7χexp (− 1.09AV) s−1c,e
PAH0 + hν → PAH+ + e 3.5 × 10−8χexp (− 2.45AV) s−1f,d
PAH + hν → PAH0 + e 1.7 × 10−7χexp (− 1.77AV) s−1f,e
C + hν → C+ + e 3.1 × 10−10χexp (− 3.33AV) s−1g
H2O + hν → H2O+ + e 3.1 × 10−11χexp (− 3.90AV) s−1g
H2O + hν → OH + H 7.5 × 10−10χexp (− 1.70AV) s−1g,h
H2O + hν → O + H2 4.8 × 10−11χexp (− 2.20AV) s−1g,h
OH + hν → O + H 3.9 × 10−10χexp (− 1.70AV) s−1g,h
OH + hν → OH+ + e 2.2 × 10−11χexp (− 4.05AV) s−1i
OH+ + hν → O+ + H 1.1 × 10−11χexp (− 3.50AV) s−1g
CH+ + hν → H+ + C 3.3 × 10−10χexp (− 2.94AV) s−1g
H + CR → H+ + e ζcrp s−1j
H2 + CR → H+2 + e crp s−1j
H+ + e → H 3.5 × 10−12(T/300 K)−0.75 cm3 s−1k
H+2 + e → H + H 1.6 × 10−8(T/300 K)−0.43 cm3 s−1k,l
H+3 + e → H2 + H 3.4 × 10−8(T/300 K)−0.50 cm3 s−1m
H+3 + e → H + H + H 3.4 × 10−8(T/300 K)−0.50 cm3 s−1m
OH+ + e → O + H 3.8 × 10−8(T/300 K)−0.50 cm3 s−1k,l
H2O+ + e → H2 + O 3.9 × 10−8(T/300 K)−0.50 cm3 s−1k
H2O+ + e → OH + H 8.6 × 10−8(T/300 K)−0.50 cm3 s−1k
H2O+ + e → O + H + H 3.1 × 10−7(T/300 K)−0.50 cm3 s−1k
H3O+ + e → OH + H + H 3.4 × 10−7(T/300 K)−0.74 cm3 s−1n
H3O+ + e → H2O + H 1.4 × 10−7(T/300 K)−0.74 cm3 s−1n
H3O+ + e → H2 + OH 7.9 × 10−8(T/300 K)−0.74 cm3 s−1n
H3O+ + e → H2 + O + H 7.4 × 10−9(T/300 K)−0.74 cm3 s−1n
H+3 + CO → HCO+ + H2 1.7 × 10−9 cm3 s−1k
C+ + e → C + hν o
C+ + OH → CO+ + H 2.9 × 10−9(T/300 K)−0.33 cm3 s−1p
C+ + H2 → CH+ + H 1.0 × 10−10exp (− T/4640 K) cm3 s−1k
CO+ + H → CO + H+ 7.5 × 10−10 cm3 s−1k
O + H+ → O+ + H q
O + H → OH + hν 9.9 × 10−19(T/300 K)−0.38k
O+ + H → H+ + O 5.7 × 10−10(T/300 K)−0.36e8.6 K/T cm3 s−1q
O+ + H2 → OH+ + H 1.7 × 10−9 cm3 s−1k
OH+ + H2 → H2O+ + H 1.0 × 10−9 cm3 s−1k
H2O+ + H2 → H3O+ + H 6.4 × 10−10 cm3 s−1k
H+2 + H2 → H+3 + H 2.1 × 10−9 cm3 s−1k
H+3 + O → OH+ + H2 8.4 × 10−10 cm3 s−1k
H+3 + O → H2O+ + H 3.6 × 10−10 cm3 s−1k
H2 + O → OH + H 3.40 × 10−13(T/300 K)2.67exp (− T/3160 K) cm3 s−1k

Notes. H2O+ has no photodissociation channels longward of 13.61 eV and the rate is set to zero (van Dishoeck et al. 2006). aNon-photo PAH rates are calculated using the equations of Draine & Sutin (1987). Representative rates are given at T = 300 K for disk PAHs. ΦPAH = 0.5 from Wolfire et al. (2008). bAdditional collisonal rates scale as (m)−0.5 where m is the mass of the collision partner. cχ is the FUV field measured in units of the Draine (1978) field. Rate for NC = 100. The shape of the FUV and optical field from Mathis et al. (1983) used for χ = 1. dAbsorption cross-section and ionization potential of circumovalene (IP = 5.7 eV; Malloci et al. 2007) and linear yield function (Jochims et al. 1996). eAbsorption cross-section and electron affinity of circumovalene (EA = 1.9 eV; Malloci et al. 2007) and maximum yield (Y = 1). fχ is the FUV field measured in units of the Draine (1978) field. Rate for NC = 100. FUV and optical field using a T = 30, 000 K blackbody used for χ > 1. gvan Dishoeck et al. (2006) except for the attenuation factors for H2O and OH photodissociation. Here, we adopt Roberge et al. (1991), see footnote h, because otherwise the models overproduce these molecules and O2 at the second peak compared with observations (see H09). hhttp://www.strw.leidenuniv.nl/~ewine/photo/index.php?file=pd.php, Roberge et al. (1991). iRate for assumed cross-section of 1 × 10−17 cm2 and threshold of 957 Å. Depth dependence from van Dishoeck (1988) for a molecule with a photoionization threshold wavelength of 950 Å. jζcrp is the primary cosmic-ray ionization rate per hydrogen nucleus. Various rates are investigated in this paper. The total rate including secondary ionizations is from Dalgarno et al. (1999). kUDFA06. lBrian & Mitchell (1990). mMcCall et al. (2004). nP. Goldsmith (2011, private communication) using mean total rate from Neau et al. (2000) and Jensen et al. (2000) of 5.7 × 10−7 cm3 s−1; branching ratios from Jensen et al. (2000). oDielectronic plus radiative recombination rates from Badnell et al. (2003) and Badnell (2006). pOSU_01_2009 rate tables; http://www.physics.ohio-state.edu/~eric/research.html. qState-specific rates from Stancil et al. (1999).

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We have also included in Table 1 rates that are important in producing H+ by chemical means rather than by cosmic-ray ionization of H in PDRs. There are two main chemical routes. The first is initiated by the FUV photoionization of C to C+. The C+ reacts with OH to form CO+. The CO+ charge exchanges with H to form H+. The second is also initiated by FUV photoionization of C to C+. The C+ reacts with H2 to form CH+. The CH+ is photodissociated by FUV photons to produce H+. Both these reaction chains are very much enhanced by high (≳ 300 K) temperatures in gas with appreciable H2. The first chain is enhanced because high gas temperatures lead to significant amounts of OH being formed by the reaction H2 + O → OH + H. This reaction has an activation barrier of ΔE/k = 3160 K and so is insignificant for low gas temperatures. The second chain similarly is enhanced because the reaction C+ + H2 → CH+ + H has an activation barrier of ΔE/k = 4640 K (see Table 1).12 In regions where either of these two chains dominate the production of H+ over cosmic-ray ionization, the ions OH+, H2O+, and H3O+ only provide upper limits to the cosmic-ray ionization rates.

Other alternate routes to the production of OH+ and H2O+ ions include three routes which produce OH or H2O without the ions: the production of water on grain surfaces followed by photodesorption of the water to produce gas-phase OH and H2O, the radiative association of O with H to form OH, and the reaction of FUV-pumped H2 in excited vibrational states with O to form OH. The gas-phase OH and H2O can be photoionized by FUV photons to produce OH+ and H2O+ (see Table 1). Unlike the routes described in the preceeding paragraphs, these routes are never dominant in producing the ion column densities.

An analogous route to the formation of H2O on grain surfaces followed by photodesorption, but one not treated in this work, is the time-dependent evaporation of water ice which occurs around newly formed stars. The rapid rise in embedded luminosity heats the dust grains above about 100 K, and the icy mantles on grains are then thermally evaporated. This sudden injection of high abundances of water vapor into the gas is followed by reaction of the gas-phase water with HCO+ and H+3 to form H3O+. Eventually, the system relaxes to the steady-state chemistry described in this paper, but for a short time, there might be a large enhancement in H3O+ (Millar et al. 1991, PvDK92). If this release of H2O from the icy grain surface to the gas occurs in regions with elevated FUV fields, then the photoionization of H2O could also result in enhanced H2O+ abundances (Gupta et al. 2010)

Table 2, in Appendix A, lists the gas-phase elemental abundances, the PAH properties, and the grain surface area per H nucleus adopted in our code.

Table 2. Gas-phase Abundances and Grain Properties

Species Symbol Valuea Reference
Carbon x(C) 1.6 × 10−4 b
Oxygen x(O) 3.2 × 10−4 c
Silicon x(Si) 1.7 × 10−6 d
Iron x(Fe) 1.7 × 10−7 d
Sulfur x(S) 2.8 × 10−5 d
Magnesium x(Mg) 1.1 × 10−6 d
PAHs x(PAH) 2.0 × 10−7 e
Grain area σH   2 × 10−21 f

Notes. aGas-phase abundances per hydrogen nucleus. bSofia et al. (2004). cMeyer et al. (1998). dSavage & Sembach (1996) cool diffuse cloud toward ζ Oph. eAbundance from Wolfire et al. (2003) modified for NC = 100 planar PAHs. This abundance gives a total number of C in PAHs of 2 × 10−5 per hydrogen or ∼6% of C in PAHs. fUnits cm2 per hydrogen; Hollenbach et al. (2009).

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2.2. Interstellar Cloud Models

As noted above, our opaque molecular cloud models invoke a constant density n slab, illuminated from one side by a one-dimensional normal FUV flux χ. We solve for the gas temperature and the gas phase and ice abundances of the various species as a function of depth in the slab. Note that depth is synonymous with hydrogen nucleus column N [=N(H)+2N(H2)] into the cloud or AV into the cloud. We take N = 2 × 1021AV cm−2. We follow the chemistry to AV ∼ 20, beyond which there is little contribution to the columns of OH+, H2O+, and H3O+ ions.

We use the primary cosmic-ray ionization rate per H atom as an input parameter, since our code calculates the secondary ionizations caused by cosmic rays and these depend on the H2 and electron abundances. In order to probe the range of cosmic-ray ionization rates suggested in the literature, we include cases with primary ionization rates of ζcrp =2 × 10−17 s−1 and 2 × 10−16 s−1 per H atom, which correspond to total rates (including secondary ionizations) of about ζcrt ∼ 3 − 5 × 10−17 s−1 and 3–5 × 10−16 s−1, respectively. Note that the primary rate per H2 molecule is 2ζcrp. We also adopt ζcrp as the primary rate for He atoms; however, He has insignificant secondary ionizations. Although there is evidence that the cosmic-ray ionization rate may decrease with depth (e.g., Rimmer & Herbst 2011; Rimmer et al. 2012; Indriolo & McCall 2012, and discussion later in this paper), for simplicity we assume that the primary cosmic-ray ionization rate does not vary with depth into a cloud in a given model. The main effect of this assumption is that we may have overestimated the abundances and columns of the OH+ and H2O+ ions in the second (deeper) peak relative to the first peak. However, since we vary ζcrp in our parameter study, the reader can use lower ζcrp for the columns in the second peak if so desired. The abundance of H3O+ in the second peak is not sensitive to ζcrp if PAHs are present, as we will show below.

The main parameters that we explore for our one-sided, opaque molecular cloud models are the gas density n, the incident FUV flux χ, and the primary cosmic-ray ionization rate ζcrp. We study the parameter space 10 cm−3 <n < 107 cm−3, 1 <χ < 106, and 2 × 10−17 s−1 < ζcrp <2 × 10−16 s−1. We explore the sensitivity of the columns of OH+, H2O+, and H3O+ ions to assumptions about the PAH chemistry, the elemental gas-phase abundances of low-ionization potential metals, and the rate coefficient for the formation of H2 on grain surfaces.

The diffuse cloud models treat a constant density slab of total thickness AVt illuminated on both sides by a one-dimensional normal FUV flux χ/2. We explore the parameter space 10−17.5 s−1 < ζcrp/n2 < 10−14.5 s−1, 0.01 < AVt < 3, 30 cm−3 <n < 300 cm−3, 1 <χ < 10, and 1 ⩽ χ/n2 ⩽ 10 where n2 = n/100 cm−3. The models of Wolfire et al. (2003) provide a good estimate of χ/n2 in the Galaxy by estimating χ from the star formation rate and the dust opacity as a function of galactocentric radius R, and setting the thermal pressure to provide two phases, a cold diffuse cloud phase and a warm intercloud medium that fills most of the volume. Assuming R = 8.5 kpc as the solar location, Wolfire et al. find χ = 1.0, n = 33 cm−3, and χ/n2 = 3.0 for diffuse clouds at R = 8.5 kpc; χ = 2.35, n = 49 cm−3, and χ/n2 = 4.8 at R = 5 kpc; χ = 3.0, n = 54 cm−3, and χ/n2 = 5.5 at R = 4 kpc; and χ = 3.8, n = 60 cm−3, χ/n2 = 6.3 at R = 3 kpc. Therefore, our prime region for study is χ/n2 = 3–6. We are especially interested in how the ratio of the columns N(OH+)/N(H2O+) and N(OH+)/N(H) vary as functions of AVt, χ/n and ζcrp/n.

We note that the columns our models predict are columns perpendicular to the one-sided (molecular cloud) slab or two-sided (diffuse cloud) slab. If the slabs are viewed at an angle θ with respect to the normal, then the observed columns will increase by (cos θ)−1. Another effect that will obviously raise the columns is if there are more than one diffuse cloud (in a given velocity range) along the LOS or if the molecular cloud is clumpy and FUV scattering then introduces several "surfaces" along the LOS. However, as we will show, ζcrp/n in diffuse clouds can be estimated from our models from the ratios N(OH+)/N(H2O+) and N(OH+)/N(H), and the ratios are independent of the geometric effects. Nevertheless, there is some degeneracy in the solution for ζcrp/n, depending on the combination of the AVt of a single cloud, χ/n, and the enhancement in columns created by the geometrical effects.


3.1. PDR Surfaces of Opaque Molecular Clouds

3.1.1. The Chemical and Thermal Structure of Individual Clouds

In order to understand the columns of OH+, H2O+, and H3O+ ions produced as a function of n, χ, and ζcrp, we first study the detailed chemical and thermal structure of a few specific (standard) cases. Figure 2 shows the chemical abundances as a function of depth AV into the cloud for the case n = 102 cm−3, χ = 1, and ζcrp = 2 × 10−17 s−1. This case is chosen not only because it may be appropriate for the ambient ISRF incident on a relatively low-density giant molecular cloud (GMC), but also because the surface (AV ≲ 3) structure (i.e., T and chemical abundances as a function of depth or AV) is illustrative of the depth structure of a diffuse or translucent cloud. In addition, the cosmic-ray rate may be appropriate to the interior of molecular clouds.

Figure 2.

Figure 2. Variation of gas-phase abundances of species as a function of depth AV into a cloud for the standard case n = 100 cm−3, χ = 1, and ζcrp = 2  ×  10−17 s−1. To convert AV to hydrogen nucleus column N, use N = 2 × 1021AV cm−2. This case probes diffuse cloud-like condition to high AV, or could apply to low-density surfaces of GMCs experiencing the local interstellar radiation field. Note these are columns when the cloud is viewed face-on. Color versions of the figures available in the on-line manuscript.

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The main chemical result is that the OH+, H2O+, and H3O+ ions all have a peak at 0.03 < AV < 0.3, and then have a second peak at AV ∼ 6 for this combination of n and χ. We first discuss the surface peaks at low AV. OH+ peaks at AV ∼ 0.03, where the molecular hydrogen abundance is x(H2) ∼ 0.01. The H2O+ peaks slightly deeper, at AV ∼ 0.1, where x(H2) ∼ 0.1. Finally, H3O+ peaks at AV ∼ 0.3, where x(H2) ∼ 0.25. Appendix B provides an approximate analytic solution to the chemistry that explains the OH+ first peak, and its relation to x(H2). From AV ∼ 0.01 to either AV ∼ 0.03 (OH+) or AV ∼ 0.1 (H2O+) or AV ∼ 0.3 (H3O+), the three ions rise in abundance with increasing AV because of the rise in the H2 abundance, which drives the cosmic-ray-produced O+ to the molecular ions. At larger AV but for x(H2) significantly less than its maximum value of 0.5, the abundance of OH+ and H2O+ plateau at the peak value because here both their formation and destruction rates are proportional to x(H2). H2O+ tends to peak at somewhat higher AV than OH+ because, even at the peak of OH+ abundance, not all cosmic-ray ionizations lead to H2O+ and so its abundance continues to rise as the H2 abundance rises with increasing AV. Finally, as x(H2) approaches 0.5, two effects lead to a drop in the OH+ and H2O+ abundances with increasing AV. One is that the formation rates of these ions saturate as nearly every cosmic-ray ionization leads to their production, whereas the destruction rates still scale as x(H2), which increases with increasing AV. The other dominant effect is that the H abundance drops so that the OH+ formation rate via the top chain of reactions in Figure 1 drops. The bottom chain at relatively low AV is not as efficient at producing OH+, as the electrons are relatively abundant (xe ∼ 10−4) in these surface regions, and H+3 recombines with electrons rather than forming OH+.13 The H3O+ is destroyed not by H2, but by electrons, whose abundance stays quite constant (supplied mostly by C+ but with possible contribution by H+ at high ζcrp/n) at the cloud surface. The H3O+ starts to drop in abundance once the gas becomes predominantly H2, due to the second effect described above.

We next discuss the second deeper peak in the OH+, H2O+, and H3O+ ions. As one moves deeper into the cloud (typically, AV ≳ 2), the electron abundance starts to drop. As this happens, a greater fraction of the cosmic-ray ionizations of H2 leads to the production of the three ions, and their formation rates rise. The destruction of OH+ and H2O+ is by H2, which now has constant abundance (the gas is fully H2), so the destruction rates hold constant. Therefore, these two ions rise in abundance. Finally, they peak and fall in abundance for AV > 6 because gas-phase oxygen freezes out as water ice, and again the oxygen reaction with H+3 cannot compete with H+3 electronic recombination or its reaction with CO. Therefore, the formation rates of all three ions drop. H3O+ behaves somewhat more dramatically, because its destruction is mainly by dissociative recombination with electrons. Thus, as the electron abundance drops, not only is the formation rate of H3O+ enhanced, but the destruction rate is suppressed. Therefore, H3O+ rises to much higher abundances than OH+ and H2O+ in the second peak. It also drops at very high AV because gas-phase elemental oxygen from which H3O+ forms freezes out as water ice.

In this particular case, there is a column of N(OH+) = 2 × 1011 cm−2 in the first surface peak and 4 × 1011 cm−2 in the deeper peak, for H2O+ the columns are 1.4 × 1011 cm−2 and 2 × 1011 cm−2, and for H3O+ the columns are 1.1 × 1011 cm−2 and 9.4 × 1013 cm−2. The columns of OH+ and H2O+ are not detectable. Typically, columns of ≳ 1012 cm−2 are needed for detection via absorption spectroscopy. In particular, observations of OH+ often imply columns ≳ 1013 cm−2, which suggest that higher cosmic-ray rates are required. Therefore, for the rest of our standard cases, we use ζcrp =2 × 10−16 s−1. Most of the H3O+ column is produced in the second deeper peak, and in our model the predicted columns are detectable. For an absorption measurement, a background submillimeter source behind or in a cloud with AV > 6 from observer to submillimeter source is required.

Figure 3 shows the case n = 102 cm−3, χ = 1, and ζcrp = 2 × 10−16 s−1; in other words, the same as Figure 2 but with 10 times the cosmic-ray ionization rate. The abundances of all three ions in the first peak rise in proportion to ζcrp. The OH+ and H2O+ ion abundances in the second peak also scale roughly with ζcrp. The column of N(OH+) = 2.2 × 1012 cm−2 in the first peak and 3.2 × 1012 cm−2 in the deeper peak; for H2O+ the columns are 1.5 × 1012 cm−2 and 6.9 × 1012 cm−2; and for H3O+ the columns are 9.2 × 1011 cm−2 and 7.3 × 1013 cm−2. Because the electron abundance is low in the second peak, a significant fraction (0.1–0.3) of cosmic-ray ionizations of H2 lead to OH+ and H2O+, and their destruction is by H2, which does not change in abundance with varying ζcrp. Thus, the scaling of OH+ and H2O+ abundances and columns with ζcrp.14 However, the H3O+ abundance in the second peak does not rise linearly with ζcrp, but stays fairly constant, because although the formation rate scales with ζcrp, the destruction rate also increases as ζcrp is raised, due to the higher electron abundances produced by the enhanced cosmic-ray flux. Unlike OH+ and H2O+, which are destroyed by H2, H3O+ is destroyed by dissociative recombinations with electrons. In fact, to first order, we would expect the abundance of H3O+ to scale as ζcrp/ne = ζcrp/(xen) at the second peak.

Figure 3.

Figure 3. Variation of gas-phase abundances of species as a function of depth AV for the standard case n = 100 cm−3, χ = 1, and ζcrp = 2 × 10−16 s−1. This is the same case as Figure 2 but with 10 times the cosmic-ray ionization rate. This case probes diffuse cloud-like condition to high AV, or could apply to low-density surfaces of GMCs experiencing the local interstellar radiation field.

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The abundance of electrons xe deep in the cloud depends on the uncertain PAH abundance deep in the cloud. If the PAH abundance remains as high as is indicated in diffuse clouds and cloud surfaces (as we assume in our standard models), then we obtain the following result. Electrons are formed by cosmic-ray ionization of H2. Electrons are mainly destroyed by collisional attachment to neutral PAHs, and the PAHs are mostly neutral. Therefore, the abundance of electrons xe∝ ζcrp/n. As a result, if PAHs are abundant in this deep peak, then we predict that x(H3O+) ∝ ζcrp/(xen) will be independent of both n and ζcrp! Note that Figure 3 compared to Figure 2 shows that the electron abundance in the second peak does scale roughly as ζcrp, and that the abundance of H3O+ in the second peak does not change significantly as we increase the cosmic-ray ionization rate by 10. Appendix B presents an analytic solution for x(H3O+) near the second peak if PAHs are present. Since cosmic-ray ionization of H2 is similar to X-ray ionization of H2, this result implies that, if PAHs are present, regions of enhanced X-ray ionization will not show enhanced H3O+ columns. We discuss in Section 3.1.3 the case of no PAHs at high AV.

Figure 4 shows the same case as Figure 3, but plots a parameter epsilon, first discussed by N10. Here, the parameter epsilon is defined as the rate per unit volume of formation of OH+ divided by the total (not primary) rate per unit volume of cosmic-ray ionization of H and H2. In effect, epsilon is an efficiency parameter in determining the formation of OH+ from cosmic rays. If PAH, PAH and electron abundances are relatively low, and H2 and gas-phase O abundances are high, then epsilon is near unity. Essentially, one needs O+ to react with H2 before H+ reacts with e, PAH, or PAH. Although this qualitative limit is clear from the chemical pathways shown in Figure 1, we derive in Appendix B an analytic formula for epsilon which makes this statement more quantitative. Roughly, the condition for epsilon to be of the order of unity is

Equation (1)

However, if the reverse is true, then H+ can recombine with PAH, PAH, or electrons and disrupt the chain of reactions that lead to OH+, leading to low (<1) values of epsilon. Figure 4 also plots the temperature and repeats the plots of the abundances of H2 and electrons, since they help determine the value of epsilon, as well as the abundance of OH+ (see Appendix B). Finally, we add the abundance of H+3 to Figure 4 since it is also used to estimate cosmic-ray rates (e.g., Indriolo et al. 2007, Indriolo & McCall 2012). Because H+3 is formed by the reaction of H2 with H+2 and often destroyed by electrons (see Figure 1), we see the H+3 abundance rise with AV as the H2 abundance rises and the electron abundance falls. In general, the H+3 probes the cosmic-ray ionization rates at higher AV than the first peak in OH+.

Figure 4.

Figure 4. Variation of the parameter epsilon, the ratio of the rate of OH+ formation to the cosmic-ray ionization rate of H and H2, the gas temperature T (labeled on right), and the gas-phase abundances of electrons, H2, H+3, and OH+ as a function of depth AV for the case n = 100 cm−3, χ = 1, and ζcrp = 2 × 10−16 s−1. This case probes diffuse cloud-like condition to high AV, or could apply to low-density surfaces of GMCs experiencing the local interstellar radiation field. This is the same case as the previous figure.

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Figures 5 and 6 show the case n = 104 cm−3, χ = 100, and ζcrp = 2 × 10−16 s−1. This case is nearly identical to the standard case in H09, and is representative of a GMC surface illuminated by an FUV field somewhat higher than the ISRF because of the presence of nearby O and B stars. The total cosmic-ray ionization rate (∼3–5 × 10−16 s−1 including secondary ionizations) may represent values on the surfaces of GMCs, but may be somewhat high for the interior. We see from Figures 4 and 6 that the gas temperatures of the molecular interiors of these clouds at AV > 5 are of the order of 30 K for n = 104 cm−3 and 70 K for n = 100 cm−3, due to cosmic-ray heating when ζcrp = 2 × 10−16 s−1. Typically, temperatures in molecular cloud interiors are observed to be ≲ 30 K, suggesting that such high cosmic-ray ionization rates may not be appropriate for molecular cloud interiors. However, as we shall see, such high cosmic-ray rates are required to explain observations of diffuse clouds, which should have the same cosmic-ray rates as the surfaces (AV ≲ 2) of GMCs. This suggests that ζcrp may be higher on the surface of a molecular cloud than deep in its interior.

Figure 5.

Figure 5. Variation of gas-phase abundances of species as a function of depth AV into the cloud for the standard case n = 104 cm−3, χ = 100, and ζcrp = 2 × 10−16 s−1. This case may be appropriate to GMCs with elevated FUV fluxes incident due to nearby O and B stars.

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Figure 6.

Figure 6. Variation of the parameter epsilon, the ratio of the rate of OH+ formation to the cosmic-ray ionization rate of H and H2, the gas temperature T (labeled on right), and the gas-phase abundances of electrons, H2, H+3, and OH+ as a function of depth AV for the case n = 104 cm−3, χ = 100, and ζcrp = 2 × 10−16 s−1. This is the same case as the previous figure.

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If chemistry is driven by FUV photoreactions and particle–particle reactions, such as H/H2 chemistry, then the chemical abundances mainly depend on the ratio χ/n. Therefore, one expects and sees that the H2 abundance of Figure 5 closely matches that of Figures 2 and 3, which have the same χ/n ratio. The H2 abundance in the higher χ case is a bit lower because of FUV photodissociation of H2 in FUV-pumped excited vibrational states of H2.

However, the molecular ion abundances in the first peak depend to first order on the ratio ζcrp/n (see Appendix B) and are not too sensitive to χ. Thus, in this n = 104 cm−3 case, their abundances in the first peak drop by a factor of nearly 10–30 compared to Figure 3 (which has the same value of ζcrp) as the density rises by 100 from the n = 102 cm−3 assumed in Figure 3. Slight differences in electron abundances, H2 abundances, and T explain the divergence from the expected n−1 dependence.

The second peaks of OH+ and H2O+ nearly scale as n−1, as expected. However, the second peak of the H3O+ abundance (∼10−8) is independent of n, as predicted above by the scalings of the electron density with n and ζcrp if PAHs are present.

Figures 7 shows the case n = 106 cm−3, χ = 105, and ζcrp = 2 × 10−16 s−1. This case may represent strongly illuminated PDRs such as may occur around embedded compact or ultracompact H ii regions, or possibly embedded protostars illuminating the opaque walls of outflow cones. This high density and high FUV flux case was chosen because most of the column of all three ions is produced not by cosmic-ray ionization, but by other chemical reactions. In Figure 7, we see an enormous enhancement of OH+ abundance at AV ∼ 1.6. Here, T ∼ 1000 K and at the same time the abundance of H2 is moderately high, ∼10−2. At these elevated temperatures, as discussed in Section 2.1, the H2 can react rapidly with O to form OH or with C+ to form CH+, leading to reaction chains that make OH+, H2O+, and H3O+. One of the key heating mechanisms providing this high T is the FUV pumping and the H2 formation pumping of excited vibrational levels of H2, followed by collisional de-excitation of these levels which leads to gas heating (e.g., Tielens & Hollenbach 1985). The essential point is that the OH+, H2O+, and H3O+ columns are not provided by cosmic-ray ionization, and therefore cannot diagnose the cosmic-ray ionization rate, except to give an upper limit.

Figure 7.

Figure 7. Variation of gas-phase abundances of species as a function of depth AV for the case n = 106 cm−3, χ = 105, and ζcrp = 2 × 10−16 s−1. This case demonstrates the structure of PDRs with both high density and high FUV fluxes, where elevated (>300 K) temperatures in the region with significant H2 leads to the enhanced production of H+ by chemical routes not initiated by cosmic-ray ionization (see the text). One mark of this is the enhanced OH abundance, produced by the neutral–neutral reaction of H2 with O that is seen at AV ∼ 1, where the gas temperature is T ∼ 1000 K. The enhanced OH reacts with C+ to produce CO+, which then reacts with H to form H+. The rest of the chemistry leading to OH+, H2O+, and H3O+ is seen in Figure 1.

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3.1.2. Contour Plots of Integrated Columns of Ions

Figure 8 shows the contours of the integrated (from AV = 0 to AV = 20) columns of OH+ ions for a primary cosmic-ray ionization rate of ζcrp = 2 × 10−16 s−1 per H atom, and plotted as functions of n and χ. Note that the OH+ columns include both the first and second peaks. We emphasize that these are columns perpendicular to the face of the PDR slab. If clouds are observed obliquely, proportionately more column will be in the LOS. Similarly, if we are observing a slab illuminated on both sides, then the columns will be raised by a factor of two if the slab is quite optically thick (AV ≫ 1) so that first and second peaks occur on both sides. The upper right hand portion of the figure is blacked out because radiation pressure, photoelectric emission, and photodesorption forces on dust grains, when χ/n2 ≳ 300, drives dust rapidly through the PDR (Weingartner & Draine 2001b). Such high ratios of χ/n rarely occur in nature, and require a much more detailed PDR code.

Figure 8.

Figure 8. Contours of the column of OH+, labeled in log units, as a function of n and χ for a fixed primary cosmic-ray ionization rate of ζcrp = 2 × 10−16 s−1 per H atom. The upper left portion of the figure is blacked out because radiation pressure on dust drives dust quickly through the PDR in this region, invalidating the physics assumed in the model. This combination of χ and n are rarely observed in any case. Except in the upper right hand corner of this figure (high n and high χ), we see that for fixed cosmic-ray ionization rate, the column is roughly proportional to n−1, and independent of χ. The upper right hand corner shows a secondary peak in the OH+ column, caused by the alternate chemical routes described in text and shown in more detail in Figure 7. Low densities n ≲ 100 cm−3 are required to obtain columns greater than about 1013 cm−2 created by cosmic rays.

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Figure 8 shows two main features. First, at low χ ≲ 1000 or low n ≲ 104 cm−3, the columns of OH+ are roughly proportional to n−1 and almost independent of χ, as discussed above. There is a weak dependence on χ for χ ≲ 1000 because higher χ leads to higher gas T, and the O+ abundance rises with exp(−230 K/T). From this figure, it is clear that since OH+ columns of at least 1012 cm−2 are needed to make absorption observations feasible, low-density (n ≲ 300 cm−3) clouds should be targeted if ζcrp = 2 × 10−16 s−1. It should also be noted, as is obvious in Figures 23, and 5, that both the first and second peaks contribute to the OH+ column so that there is substantial column at both AV < 1 and AV > 1. The OH+ in this case is quite cold, T ≲ 200 K. Second, these relations completely break down in the upper right portion (n ≳ 104 cm−3 and χ ≳ 103) of this contour plot. Here, as discussed above, the high χ and n (high density brings the H/H2 interface closer to the surface, where the gas is warm) lead to very warm (T ∼ 1000 K) H2 near the surface (AV ≲ 2) of the cloud. This warm H2 drives reactions that produce OH+ without the need for cosmic-ray ionization. In this way, observable columns of OH+ can be formed at these elevated values of χ and n, and the columns occur at moderate AV ∼ 2. The OH+ in this case is quite warm, T ≳ 300 K, and its column is independent of ζcrp, but depends on n and χ.

Figure 9 shows the contours of the integrated (from AV = 0 to AV = 20) columns of H2O+ ions for a primary cosmic-ray ionization rate of ζcrp = 2 × 10−16 s−1 per H atom. This figure can be compared with Figure 8, which treats the same cosmic-ray case for OH+. We focus on regions where these ions might be detectable, that is, for columns >1012 cm−2, and in the cosmic-ray-dominated zones of n and χ. In these low-density regions, comparison of Figure 9 with 8 reveals that the column ratios are of order unity, as might be expected. The formation rates of these two ions are nearly the same (stemming from the cosmic-ray ionization rate) and the destruction rates of these two molecules are nearly the same (via H2 in the regions where most of the columns are generated). Note that in Figures 23, and 5, the local OH+ abundance peaks at lower values of AV than the H2O+ abundance, and that Figures 8 and 9 present integrated columns through a high AV slab. Therefore, we can obtain higher column ratios of these two molecular ions if we truncate our slabs to small diffuse clouds with AV < 1 (see below Section 3.2.2).

Figure 9.

Figure 9. Contours of the column of H2O+, labeled in log units, as a function of n and χ for a fixed primary cosmic-ray ionization rate of ζcrp = 2 × 10−16 s−1 per H atom. The same discussion as in the previous figure applies here. To obtain columns greater than about 1013 cm−2 created by cosmic rays require low densities n ≲ 100 cm−3.

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We do not provide a contour plot similar to Figures 8 and 9 but with different ζcrp because the results are simple to describe. For χ ≲ 1000, the OH+ and H2O+ columns scale as ζcrp. For χ ≳ 1000, the columns are independent of ζcrp because cosmic rays do not produce the OH+ and H2O+. Forcing a fit with the expected (to first order) ζcrp/n dependence in the cosmic-ray-dominated region χ ≲ 100, we find roughly (factor of two) the simple expressions

Equation (2)


Equation (3)

We emphasize that these columns are the total OH+ and H2O+ columns in both the first and second peaks.

We do not present integrated (from AV = 0 to AV = 20) columns of H3O+ ions because, as discussed above, most of their columns arise at high AV ∼ 6 and this second peak column is quite constant as a function of n, χ, and ζcrp if PAHs are present at the same abundances as in diffuse clouds. With PAHs present in the second peak, we find that the H3O+ column is slightly dependent on the gas density, varying from 1014 cm−2 at n ∼ 100 cm−3 to 1013.5 cm−2 at n ∼ 106 cm−3. At densities of n = 100 cm−3 and with χ = 1 and ζcrp = 2 × 10−16 s−1, we remind the reader (see discussion of Figure 3) that N(H3O+) =9.2 × 1011 cm−2 in the first peak; like OH+ and H2O+ the column of H3O+ in the first peak scales with ζcrp/n so that even lower densities or higher ζcrp are needed to make H3O+ detectable in the first peak (e.g., in a diffuse foreground cloud).

3.1.3. Sensitivity to PAH Abundance and Other Parameters

PAHs may not have a high abundance deep in the high AV regions of a molecular cloud, perhaps due to coagulation of PAHs on larger grains (see, for example, discussion in H09). We have run a number of cases with the PAH abundance set to zero to see the effect on the second peaks. In these runs, we also reduce the number of small grains by setting the minimum grain size to 100 Å, but we still refer below to this case as the "no PAH" case for high AV cloud interiors.

The results depend on the gas-phase abundance of metals, like S, Si, Mg, and Fe; see Table 2 for our assumed gas-phase abundances of these species in the ISRF. Our code follows the freezeout of these species as a function of depth into the cloud, as photodesorption no longer is able to keep the metal atoms off the grain surfaces. The photodesorption yields of these species are not known. We find that for yields greater than 10−6, there are still sufficient gas-phase metals present at the second peak to supply electrons and suppress the H3O+ abundance by factors of ≳ 10 relative to the case with PAHs. However, if the photodesorption yields are very low so that the gas-phase abundances of these metals at the second peak are ≲ 3 × 10−8, then we obtain H3O+ columns in the second peak comparable to the case with PAHs. For example, assuming n = 104 and χ = 100, we obtain N(H3O+) =4 × 1013 cm−2 if ζcrp/n2 = 2 × 10−16 s−1 per H atom, and N(H3O+) =8 × 1013 cm−2 if ζcrp/n2 = 2 × 10−15 s−1 per H atom. The main difference between the PAH and no PAH case lies in the electron loss mechanisms: with PAHs the electrons are lost by encountering PAHs, with no PAHs the electrons are lost by recombining with ions. The atomic ions have slower rates of recombination than the molecular ions, so the presence of metal atomic ions leads to higher electron abundances and lower H3O+ columns. The OH+ and H2O+ abundances and columns also decrease in the second peak, but by smaller factors (≲ 3), because their destruction is not by electrons but by H2, whose abundance does not change.

In Appendix C, we discuss the lack of sensitivity of the results on certain key reaction rate coefficients, the assumed abundance of gas-phase oxygen, and on the rate coefficient for H2 formation on grain surfaces. We discuss the effect of raising the gas-phase abundances of metals. We also treat the increase in the H3O+ columns in the second peak if elemental O does not freeze (as water ice) at high AV.

3.2. Diffuse and Translucent Clouds

Diffuse clouds have relatively small columns, AV ≲ 1, whereas translucent clouds have columns intermediate between diffuse clouds and GMCs, 1 ≲ AV ≲ 5. Although GMCs have sufficient column to incorporate both peaks of the OH+, H2O+, and H3O+ abundances, diffuse and translucent clouds typically (with the possible exception of the highest AV translucent clouds) only contain the surface peak. In fact, a diffuse cloud may have such small AV that the cloud may truncate the full peak of one or all of the ions. Therefore, the parameter AVt, the total AV through the cloud, becomes an important new parameter in determining, for example, ratios of the columns of the ions.

Both diffuse and translucent clouds have insufficient column to be gravitationally bound, so generally they are in thermal pressure equilibrium with the ISM. The local typical value of the thermal pressure is nT ∼ 3 − 4 × 103 cm−3 K, and this pressure may rise by factors of 2–3 for clouds in the molecular ring of the Galaxy (Wolfire et al. 2003). As discussed above (Section 2.2), depending on the galactocentric radius R, they have densities 30 cm−3 < n < 100 cm−3, temperatures T ∼ 50–100 K, and incident FUV fluxes characterized by 1<χ < 4. The ratio χ/n2, critical to the photochemistry, varies typically from about 3–6, although we explore a somewhat larger range 3–10 here.

In the low-density regime, n < 103 cm−3, appropriate for diffuse and translucent clouds, there is a scaling of the results of thermochemical models. The parameters which control the thermochemical structure of a cloud are just χ/n, ζcrp/n, and AVt. We note that this scaling does not apply to the denser PDR models discussed in the previous section. At high density, n > 103 cm−3, the cooling of the gas is suppressed by collisional de-excitation of the fine structure states of C+ and O. Therefore, higher density gas will typically give higher gas temperatures, even when χ/n is held constant. However, given that this scaling applies for diffuse and translucent clouds, we generally in this section plot our results as functions of χ/n, ζcrp/n, and AVt. We note that this implies that the observations may give us a measure of ζcrp/n, but to get an estimate of ζcrp we will then have to estimate the gas density n in the region observed.

3.2.1. The Total Column of OH+ through a Diffuse Cloud of Size AVt

Figure 10 plots the column of OH+, N(OH+), as a function of AVt for four values of ζcrp/n2 (recall, n2n/100 cm−3) and for χ/n2 = 3.16. The dotted lines plot xc(H2), the abundance of H2 at cloud center, and these values appear on the right of the figure. Recall that AVt is the total AV through the diffuse slab, measured perpendicular to the slab and the ion columns plotted are perpendicular to the slab.

Figure 10.

Figure 10. Columns of OH+, N(OH+), are plotted as a function of AVt for four values of the primary cosmic-ray ionization rate per H atom divided by n2n/100 cm−3 and for χ/n2 = 3.16. Recall that AVt is the total AV through the diffuse or translucent cloud. The H2 abundance at cloud center, xc(H2), is also plotted (dotted lines) and its values noted on the right.

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Figure 10 shows that N(OH+) increases with ζcrp/n and with AVt, although one sees a saturation of the column with AVt at AVt ≳ 0.3 for the lower three cases of ζcrp/n. This saturation is due to the peaking of the local OH+ abundance at lower values of AV. Figure 10 shows that N(OH+) correlates with xc(H2), and that moderate molecular hydrogen abundances xc(H2) ≳ 0.03 are required to obtain substantial columns of OH+. Observed OH+ columns in broad (Δv ∼ 20 km s−1, see Section 4.1) velocity components in the ISM are of the order of 3 × 1013–3 × 1014 cm−2. With this value of χ/n2 = 3.16, we see that it requires very high cosmic-ray ionization rates, ζcrp/n2 ≳ 3 × 10−16 s−1 and high AVt ≳ 0.3 for a single cloud, seen face on, to produce these columns. Therefore, it appears that geometrical effects such as seeing several clouds along the LOS, or viewing the cloud obliquely, may be required to match observation. In fact, as we discuss in Section 4.1, many clouds may to required to cover the broad (Δv ∼ 20 km s−1) absorption components, since single clouds would have much narrower velocity widths. Because of geometrical effects and variation in AVt and χ/n, the observation of the column of OH+ is not sufficient to tightly restrict ζcrp/n.

Figure 11 plots N(OH+) as a function of AVt for four values of ζcrp/n2 and for χ/n2 = 10; in other words, the same as Figure 10 but with a ratio of χ/n that is 3.16 times higher. The main effect of raising χ/n is to push the H/H2 transition deeper into the cloud to higher AV. This is seen in the plot of xc(H2), which rises to 0.01 at AVt ∼ 0.3 in this case, compared to AVt ∼ 0.1 in the previous case of χ/n2 = 3.16. Since H2 is required to make OH+, this moves the peak of OH+ to higher values of AV, and thus pushes the rise of N(OH+) to higher values of AVt than in Figure 10. However, this first peak has more column of OH+ compared with the case χ/n2 = 3.16. Therefore, to produce the observed columns of OH+ now requires only ζcrp/n2 ≳ 3 × 10−17 s−1 and high AVt ≳ 1 for a single cloud, seen face on.

Figure 11.

Figure 11. Columns of OH+, N(OH+), are plotted as a function of AVt for four values of the primary cosmic-ray ionization rate per H atom divided by n2n/100 cm−3 and for χ/n2 = 10. The dotted line plots the abundance of H2 at cloud center, and these values appear on the right of the figure. This figure is the same as Figure 10, only with χ/n2 raised by 3.16.

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3.2.2. N(OH+)/N(H2O+) and N(OH+)/N(H) through a Diffuse Cloud of Size AVt

The results on the total column of OH+ suggest that other observations must be brought into play to further restrict the cosmic-ray ionization rate. Since H2O+ is often observed as well, we first consider the ratio N(OH+)/N(H2O+). As seen in Figures 23, and 5, the H2O+ abundance peaks at higher values of AV than the OH+ abundance. Therefore, the ratio of the columns of these two ions may give us some measure of AVt.

Figure 12 plots the ratio N(OH+)/N(H2O+) as a function of AVt for four values of ζcrp/n2 and for χ/n2 = 3.16. As expected, at low values of AVt ≲ 0.1, the ratio N(OH+)/N(H2O+) is high, ∼10–30, as we have not yet reached high enough values of AV to include the H2O+ peak. However, as AVt increases, the ratio of the columns continues to drop until at AVt ≳ 1, the ratio is approximately 2–3, except in the case of the highest cosmic-ray rate ζcrp/n2 = 3.16 × 10−15 s−1.15 Once we have incorporated both the OH+ and the H2O+ abundance peaks, the column ratios are near unity, as noted in Section 3.1.

Figure 12.

Figure 12. Ratio N(OH+)/N(H2O+) is plotted as a function of AVt for four values of the primary cosmic-ray ionization rate per H atom divided by n2n/100 cm−3 and for χ/n2 = 3.16. The dotted line plots the abundance of H2 at cloud center, and these values appear on the right of the figure.

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Figure 13 plots the ratio N(OH+)/N(H2O+) as a function of AVt for four values of ζcrp/n2 and for χ/n2 = 10; in other words, the same cases as Figure 12 except the ratio χ/n is raised by a factor of 3.16. The rise in χ/n pushes the H/H2 transition and the peaks of OH+ and H2O+ to higher values of AV. Therefore, compared to Figure 12, we see the drop in the N(OH+)/N(H2O+) ratio at higher values of AVt. The observed ratios of N(OH+)/N(H2O+) range from 3 to 15. If χ/n2 = 3.16, and if we assume that ζcrp/n2 ≲ 3 × 10−16 s−1, then Figure 12 suggests that AVt ∼ 0.1–0.3 to obtain these ratios. However, if this is true, then Figure 10 implies that even with as high a value of ζcrp/n2 = 3 × 10−16 s−1, we will need a "geometrical factor" of ∼10 in order to obtain N(OH+) ∼1014 cm−2. This geometrical factor is the combination of many clouds along the LOS, along with the enhancement in column due to viewing angle of the cloud. The situation changes with χ/n2 = 10, as seen in Figure 13. Here, again assuming that ζcrp/n2 ≲ 3 × 10−16 s−1, the observed ratios can be obtained with AVt ∼ 1–3. In this case, using Figure 11, the geometrical factor needs to be only ∼1–3 to produce OH+ columns of 1014 cm−2 when ζcrp/n2 ∼ 3 × 10−16 s−1.

Figure 13.

Figure 13. Ratio N(OH+)/N(H2O+) is plotted as a function of AVt for four values of the primary cosmic-ray ionization rate per H atom divided by n2n/100 cm−3 and for χ/n2 = 10. The dotted line plots the fraction of H2 in the cloud, and these values appear on the right of the figure. This figure is the same as Figure 12, only with χ/n2 raised by 3.16.

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Observations of H i 21 cm are often available along the same LOS as the OH+ and H2O+ measurements. In this case, the column of HI, N(H), along the LOS associated with the velocity feature of the ions can be estimated. To be precise, the observations directly give N(H)/T, where T is an average temperature along the LOS. In Figures 14 and 15, we plot the ratio N(OH+)/[N(H)/T2] on the vertical axis (T2 = T/100 K) and the ratio N(OH+)/N(H2O+) on the horizontal axis for two fixed values of χ/n2 = 3.16 and 10. The results of our two-sided diffuse cloud models are shown as contours on this figure. As noted above, higher average abundances of OH+ (or N(OH+)/N(H)) requires higher ζcrp/n. On the other hand, higher N(OH+)/N(H2O+) requires either low AVt or high χ/n. In the next section, we apply Figures 101114, and 15 to the observational data to constrain ζcrp/n along sight lines to W49N.

Figure 14.

Figure 14. Log10 [N(OH+)/[∫(n(H)/T2) dz] is plotted on the vertical axis and N(OH+)/N(H2O+) on the horizontal axis for the case χ/n2 = 3.16. Plotted as solid lines are constant values of log10[AVt], labeled on the bottom of these lines. Plotted as dashed lines are contours of constant log10crp/n2], labeled on the left, and in units of s−1. The two data points at right are two velocity components (diffuse clouds) toward W49N. The lower limit data point is toward W31C (see the text).

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Figure 15.

Figure 15. This figure is identical to Figure 14 except that χ/n2 = 10.

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3.2.3. The Possible Effects of Turbulence

We have run additional models to estimate how turbulence might affect the production of OH+, H2O+, and H3O+. It has been recognized for several decades that standard astrochemical models for diffuse molecular clouds greatly underpredict the observed column densities (∼1013 cm−2) of CH+ (e.g., Falgarone et al. 2010a, 2010b and references therein.) The models presented here are no exception; in our models with χ ∼ 1, n ∼ 100 cm−3, and AVt > 1, for example, we obtain a predicted CH+ column density ∼3 × 1010 cm−2, more than two orders of magnitude lower than that typically observed. Both shock waves with large-scale order (Elitzur & Watson 1978; Draine & Katz 1986; Flower & Pineau des Forets 1998) and interstellar turbulence (e.g., Joulain et al. 1998; Lesaffre et al. 2007; Godard et al. 2009; Falgarone et al. 2010a, 2010b) have been proposed as sources of heating that could enhance the CH+ abundance within some small fraction of the cloud volume; in these models, CH+ is formed by the endothermic reaction of C+ with H2. It has also been long recognized (e.g., Draine & Katz 1986) that models invoking ion–neutral drift—either in C-type shock waves or in turbulent dissipation regions—are most successful in simultaneously matching the observed column densities of CH+ and OH. In particular, while models in which the gas temperature is merely elevated without significant ion–neutral drift tend to overpredict the OH/CH+ ratio (the neutral–neutral endothermic reaction O + H2 → OH + H being enhanced along with the reaction of C+ with H2), models incorporating ion–neutral drift preferentially enhance the endothermic ion–molecule reactions that produce CH+ (and SH+; Godard et al. 2012), without producing more OH than the observations permit. We have crudely estimated the effects of turbulence by positing an enhanced rate of endothermic ion–neutral reactions in a small fraction of the cloud volume. Motivated by recent calculations performed by A. Myers & C. F. McKee (2012, private communication), we adopted enhanced ion–neutral reaction rates—equal to the thermal rate coefficients at 1000 K—in 3% of the cloud volume: this leads to a predicted CH+ column in accord with what is typically observed.16 We found that turbulence does not greatly enhance the OH+, H2O+, and H3O+ column densities through such a cloud. There was a modest enhancement of these oxygen hydride ions within the region of ion–neutral drift, due to the faster reaction of H+ with O, but since that region occupies only a small fraction of the total volume, this effect did not affect the total column densities significantly. Therefore, we conclude that turbulent dissipation or shocks in small regions of the clouds are unlikely to affect our conclusions concerning OH+, H2O+, or H3O+ in the models presented here.


4.1. OH+, H2O+, and H3O+ Absorption in Diffuse Galactic Molecular Clouds

As discussed in Section 1, recent Herschel observations of bright Galactic continuum sources have revealed OH+ and H2O+ absorption features arising in multiple foreground clouds along the targeted sight lines (Gerin et al. 2010; N10). The three crosses in Figure 14 denote the N(OH+)/N(H2O+) and N(OH+)/[N(H)/T2] ratios for the two such sources for which results have been reported to date: G10.6–0.4 (a.k.a. W31C) (the lower limits) and W49N (2 points to the right). Those given for G10.6–0.4 apply to all the material along the sight line, while those given for W49N apply to two separate velocity intervals (30–50 km s−1 and 50–78 km s−1). The OH+ absorption in G10.6–0.4 is largely saturated, and thus the plotted values are lower limits. For W49N, the columns of H derived assumed T = 100 K or T2 = 1; the quoted values of N(H)/T2 are 6.95 × 1021 cm−2 for the 30–50 km s−1 feature and 7.23 × 1021 cm−2 for the 50–78 km s−1 feature. The total columns N(OH+) observed in these two velocity intervals are 3.6 × 1014 and 2.1 × 1014 cm−2, respectively.

The N(OH+)/N(H2O+) ratios measured toward W49N (∼10) and the wide velocity range of the absorbing clouds suggest that the absorbing material is comprised of multiple clouds of small extinction. The LOS to W49N is approximately 11 kpc long, and passes as close as R = 5 kpc to the Galactic center. Assuming χ/n2 = 3.16, models with AVt = 0.32 and 0.25 best account for all the data (Figure 14), with cosmic-ray ionization rates of ∼6 and 4 × 10−16n2 s−1, respectively, for the 30–50 km s−1 and 50–78 km s−1 velocity intervals. As seen in Figure 10 for χ/n2 = 3.16, the column of OH+ in a single cloud of size AVt = 0.32 is N(OH+) ≃ 2 × 1013 cm−2 and for AVt = 0.25 is N(OH+) ≃ 1.5 × 1013 cm−2. Therefore, we either need ∼15 clouds along the LOS or a smaller number but with geometrical enhancement effects. Note that a single cloud might have an OH+ absorption line width of only ∼1–3 km s−1. Therefore, to cover the broad absorption features we are modeling (Δv = 20 or 28 km s−1), we need 10–30 clouds spread out along the LOS so that their galactic rotational velocities coupled with their individual line widths cover this velocity range. Therefore, this χ/n2 = 3.16 model has barely enough clouds to produce the relatively smooth absorption feature observed. Assuming χ/n2 = 10, models with AVt ≃ 0.75 and AVt ≃ 0.63 and with ζcrp/n2 ∼ 2 × 10−16 and 1.2 × 10−16 s−1, respectively, best account for the data (see Figure 15). With these values of AVt and ζcrp/n2, inspection of Figure 11 shows that we require ∼12 clouds along the LOS. This value of χ/n2 has even fewer clouds to cover the broad absorption line observed. Moreover, the temperatures in clouds with χ/n2 = 10 are higher (∼200 K) than is typically observed near the solar neighborhood (Heiles & Troland 2003). And finally, the Wolfire et al. (2003) results suggest that along the LOS to W49N, the average χ/n2 ∼ 4. A similar modeling of the case χ/n2 = 1, not shown in the figures, gives ζcrp/n2 = 2.5 × 10−15 and 2.0 × 10−15 s−1 with AVt = 0.16 and 0.08, respectively. Again, because of the high cosmic-ray rates, the gas temperatures are high in these clouds (∼150 K). In addition, these cosmic-ray rates seem improbably high. This model is driven to high cosmic-ray rates in part because otherwise (with low χ/n2) the gas is cold, which reduces the rate that H+ can charge exchange with O. Therefore, we finally conclude that our models suggest typical AVt ∼ 0.3, χ/n2 ∼ 3, and ζcrp/n2 ∼ 6 × 10−16 s−1 for the 30–50 km s−1 component, and ζcrp/n2 ∼ 4 × 10−16 s−1 for the 50–78 km s−1 component.

A better approach is to ask, "What distribution of cloud AVt or hydrogen nucleus column N through the cloud will we encounter in traversing the ∼11 kpc to W49N?" H i 21 cm observational data suggest that dncl/dNN−2, where ncl is the number of clouds for N ≳ 2.6 × 1020 cm−2, and proportional to N−1 for N ≲ 2.6 × 1020 cm−2 (Heiles & Troland 2005).17 We have crudely integrated a distribution of clouds with this dependence, with the constant of proportionality derived by requiring the integral to obtain a total column of N(H) =7 × 1021 cm−2, the observed atomic H column in each velocity component of W49N. We use N = 6 × 1021 cm−2 as an upper limit for the integration; above this, we enter small number statistics since the total column is of this order. The lower limit does not enter the integration significantly, as long as it is ≪2.6 × 1020 cm−2, since these clouds contain very little of the total column of any species. The integration removes AVt as a variable, and leaves only the parameters ζcrp/n2 and χ/n2 as free parameters to match the observed OH+/H2O+ ratio and the total column of OH+. We find that with χ/n2 = 3.16 and ζcrp/n2 = 3.7 × 10−16 s−1, we obtain N(OH+) ≃ 2.1 × 1014 cm−2 and N(H2O+) ≃ 2.4 × 1013 cm−2. These values match the velocity interval 50–78 km s−1 extremely well. Increasing the cosmic-ray rate to ζcrp/N2 = 6.3 × 10−16 s−1, we obtain N(OH+) ≃ 3.6 × 1014 cm−2 and N(H2O+) ≃ 4.0 × 1013 cm−2, a very good fit to the lower velocity component. Considering the small number statistics, especially of the higher AVt clouds, this is in very good agreement. Interestingly, the main contribution to N(OH+) comes from near AVt = 0.2–0.6. This is because of the dependence of N(OH+) on AVt (see Figure 10). Note that N(OH+) rises sharply with AVt until about AVt = 0.3, and then it levels off. Therefore, the integral is weighted to that size cloud in the range of the turnover (AVt ∼ 0.3–0.6), which has the peak OH+ abundance (averaged through the cloud). In addition, the cloud distribution steepens when AVt > 0.13, thereby decreasing the contribution from higher AVt clouds. The total number of clouds in the range AVt ≃ 0.1–1 is approximately 20. We note that the H2O+ columns have greater contribution from higher AVt clouds, which are less numerous, and therefore we predict the H2O+ absorption feature to have greater fluctuations.

We next examine the cases χ/n2 = 1 and 10. Assuming χ/n2 = 10, we find that we need cosmic-ray rates of 1.1 × 10−15 s−1 and 7 × 10−16 s−1 to match the OH+ columns in the two velocity components, respectively. However, the OH+/H2O+ column ratio is 12.1, somewhat higher than observed, and again, the clouds are too warm (∼200 K). The high field pushes the peaks of OH+ and H2O+ deeper into the cloud, and our clouds tend to truncate the H2O+ column, leading to the high OH+/H2O+ ratio. We need much higher cosmic-ray rates than our solution above for χ/n2 = 10 with clouds of single AVt ∼ 0.7 because the cloud distribution leads to a significant column of H from clouds of low AVt which have very little OH+. Assuming χ/n2 = 1, we find that we need cosmic-ray rates of 2 × 10−15 s−1 and 1.2 × 10−15 s−1 to match the OH+ columns in the two velocity components, respectively. However, the OH+/H2O+column ratio is 5.6, lower than observed. With low χ/n2, the clouds tend to contain both OH+ and H2O+ peaks, driving the ratio down. We conclude that the best fit is with χ/n2 = 3.16, giving ζcrp/n2 ∼ 6 × 10−16 s−1 and 4 × 10−16 s−1 for the two velocity components, in good agreement with our analysis above that did not use the cloud distribution. However, the cloud distribution gives added weight to the conclusion that χ/n2 ∼ 3.

The cosmic-ray rates derived from our models are roughly two to four times larger than those inferred by N10, who used a simple analytic treatment to infer cosmic-ray ionization rates of 0.6 and 1.2 × 10−16 (n2/epsilon) s−1, where epsilon is the fraction of cosmic-ray ionizations that lead to OH+. Using pure gas-phase model results from the Meudon PDR code (Le Petit et al. 2006), N10 found that epsilon lay in the range 0.5–1.0 for a wide variety of cloud conditions; this would imply cosmic-ray ionization rates in the range ∼0.6–2.4 × 10−16n2 s−1 for the material along the sight line. The main source of the difference between our models and those of N10 is our inclusion of PAH – H+ recombination and the charge exchange of H+ with neutral PAH in the present work, processes—previously omitted—that reduce the fraction of cosmic-ray ionizations that lead to OH+ production (in our models epsilon ∼ 0.1–0.3 in the regions where most of the OH+ lies).

Figures 16 and 17 repeat Figures 14 and 15, except that the rates of PAH and PAH neutralization of H+ have been reduced by >4, so that they are negligible compared to the radiative recombination of H+ with electrons (see Appendix B). Note that this reduction could be achieved by either lower PAH abundances or lower PAH rate coefficients with H+ or a combination of both. Another possibility is increased photoionization rates of PAH and PAH. Figure 16 shows that the best fit to the data for χ/n = 3.16 is AVt ∼ 0.316 and ζcrp/n2 ∼ 1–2 × 10−16 s−1, in complete agreement with N10. Therefore, the PAH chemistry is extremely important in deriving cosmic-ray rates from the OH+ and H2O+ ions. We consider the rates from Figures 16 and 17 lower limits to the cosmic-ray rates, whereas the rates from Figures 14 and 15 could be considered upper limits, although they represent our best estimates of PAH chemistry at this time.

Figure 16.

Figure 16. This figure is identical to Figure 14 (χ/n2 = 3.16) except that the PAH and PAH-rates with H+ have been reduced by ≳ 4 so that H+ is mainly destroyed by electrons or by forming O+ which then reacts with H2 to form OH+. Note that the inferred ζcrp/n2 values decrease compared to the case with PAHs.

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Figure 17.

Figure 17. This figure is identical to Figure 15 (χ/n2 = 10), except that the PAH and PAH-rates with H+ have been reduced by ≳ 4 so that H+ is mainly destroyed by electrons or by forming O+ which then reacts with H2 to form OH+. Note that the inferred ζcrp/n2 values decrease compared to the case with PAHs.

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The cosmic-ray ionization rates suggested by the predictions shown in Figure 14 are also a factor ∼5–10 larger than those typically inferred from observations of H+3 in the Galactic disk (Indriolo et al. 2007; Indriolo & McCall 2012). Indriolo & McCall conclude, however, that cosmic-ray rates vary by more than an order of magnitude over various sight lines, from ζcrp ∼0.7 × 10−16 s−1 to 4.6 × 10−16 s−1, with a mean of ∼1.5 × 10−16 s−1 (note that we have converted their total ionization rate per H2 to our primary ionization rate per H nucleus by dividing their values by 2.3; we also note that their typical density was n ∼ 200 cm−3, so their results imply ζcrp/n2 that are two times smaller than these values). Their highest values of ζcrp/n2 are still a factor of ∼2 below what we find for W49N, so there appears to be a small discrepancy. We point out that the cosmic-ray rate derived from H+3 observations is directly proportional to the assumed electron abundance. Indriolo & McCall assumed that the electrons were supplied by C+, with an abundance of 1.5 × 10−4. However, in our models of diffuse clouds, where typically the gas density is ∼100 cm−3, the cosmic-ray ionization of H can produce comparable or greater abundances of H+ than C+. Therefore, we find for ζcrp/n2 = 2 × 10−16 s−1, for example, that xe ≃ 3 × 10−4 when x(H2) ≃ 0.1 and xe ≃ 2 × 10−4 when x(H2) ≃ 0.4. This implies that the Indriolo et al. rates may need to be increased, by factors as much as ∼2, depending on ζcrp/n2. Given the small number of sources toward which N(OH+)/N(H2O+) and N(OH+)/N(H) ratios have so far been reported, the proven variation in cosmic-ray rates along different lines of sight, the lack of a common sight line to compare the cosmic-ray rates derived by H+3 versus by OH+and H2O+, the possibility of higher electron abundances than assumed by Indriolo and coworkers, and the lack of certainty in PAH chemistry, it is not yet possible to draw firm conclusions about whether our results differ significantly from that of Indriolo et al. What is clear is that cosmic-ray rates in the diffuse ISM are higher than was previously thought.

Herschel has also detected absorption by H3O+ in foreground material along the sight line to G10.6 – 0.4 (Gerin et al. 2010). The average H3O+/H2O+ ratio along the sight line is 0.7, but the distribution of H3O+ is clearly different from that of H2O+ and OH+, with the H3O+ concentrated within a single narrow velocity component where the H2 fraction is presumably largest. This cloud is unassociated with the source, but is probably the foreground cloud with the largest AV along the LOS. It appears in the HF spectrum (Neufeld et al. 2010) and CO spectrum (C. Vastel 2012, private communication; see also Corbel & Eikenberry 2004), suggesting a high molecular fraction and therefore substantial AV. The H3O+ column in this narrow component is ∼1–2 × 1013 cm−2, consistent with our predictions for the second peak in a high AV cloud.

4.2. H3O+ Emission from Dense Galactic Molecular Clouds

PvDK92 searched for the 396, 364, and 307 GHz inversion-rotation lines of H3O+ in 20 Galactic targets—including GMCs, star-forming regions, Galactic center sources, and a few evolved stars—and reported definitive detections of H3O+ emission from the G34.3+0.15 hot core, two positions in Sgr B2 (a Galactic center GMC), and the W3 IRS5, W3(OH), W51M, and Orion KL high-mass star-forming regions. In the case of Orion and Sgr B2, H3O+ emissions had been previously discovered by Wootten et al. (1991). The H3O+ column densities derived by PvDK92 for the high-mass cores W3 IRS5, W3(OH), W51M are fairly similar, ranging from a few × 1013 to a few × 1014 cm−2, and argue for a similar environment and formation mechanism. Given the large critical densities for the observed transitions, PvDK92 inferred relatively high densities (n > 106 cm−3) and temperatures (T > 50 K) for the H3O+emitting gas. The H3O+ column densities observed in these high-mass cores are in good agreement with the predictions of our models for either the case in which PAHs and/or VSGs are assumed to be present or the case where PAHs and low-ionization potential metals are highly depleted18; the PAH case predicts H3O+ column densities of 3 × 1013–1014 cm−2, regardless of density n or ζcrp.

Herschel's HIFI instrument has allowed the detection of far-infrared and submillimeter H3O+ lines that are not accessible to ground-based observatories. Several H3O+ emission lines in the THz domain have been reported toward high-mass YSOs in the W3 IRS5 region (Benz et al. 2010). A rotation diagram combining HIFI data with lower frequency data from PvDK92 indicates a rotational temperature Trot ∼ 239 K, suggesting that the observed emission may arise either from hot and dense gas or is radiatively excited by continuum photons from hot dust grains. Benz et al. (2010) inferred N(H3O+) = 8.5 ± 2 × 1013 cm−2 and interpreted the H3O+ emission as arising from the outflow walls heated and irradiated by the FUV radiation field from massive YSOs. Their inferred H3O+ column densities and rotational temperatures are consistent with our models of dense gas illuminated by a relatively strong FUV field (where large kinetic temperatures are achieved at relatively low AV ∼ 1–2).

4.3. Combined H3O+ Emission and Absorption in Strong Far-infrared Continuum Sources

For sources where a strong infrared radiation field is present, submillimeter H3O+ line emission can be accompanied by far-infrared absorption within an extended envelope. The H3O+ JK = 21 − 11+ and 20 − 10+ inversion-rotation and 11 − 11+ pure-inversion FIR absorption lines at 100.577, 100.869, and 181.054 μm were detected by ISO toward the optically thick FIR continuum emission of Sgr B2 (Goicoechea & Cernicharo 2001). An H3O+ column density of ∼1.6 × 1014 cm−2 was inferred in the warm and low-density extended envelope of Sgr B2 (n = 103–104 cm−3, χ = 103–104 from [O i] and [C ii] observations; Goicoechea et al. 2004). However, the p-H3O+ 3+2 − 22 364 GHz emission line was subsequently mapped around the Sgr B2(M) core at 18'' angular resolution with APEX by van der Tak et al. (2006), who inferred column densities ∼1015–1016 cm−2 on the basis of a detailed excitation model. This value is much larger than the estimates obtained from FIR absorption lines, presumably because the latter only probe the outer envelope of the source whereas the submillimeter observations probe material to a much larger depth. The H3O+ column densities inferred by van der Tak et al. (2006) are much larger than our model predictions for externally illuminated clouds; this discrepancy likely reflects the presence of a strong internal luminosity source in Sgr B2 that heats the dust grains within the interior and prevents the freezeout of oxygen nuclei (see Appendix C).

4.4. Extragalactic, OH+, H2O+, and H3O+

Thanks to the much improved sensitivity of space- and ground-based receivers and detectors, molecular ions can now be detected outside the Milky Way. Extragalactic H3O+ was first detected through James Clerk Maxwell telescope observations of the p-H3O+ 364 GHz emission line toward the prototypical ultraluminous infrared galaxy Arp 220, and toward M82, an evolved starburst (van der Tak et al. 2008). H3O+ was subsequently detected toward IC342, NGC 253, NGC 1068, NGC 4418, and NGC 6240, and upper limits obtained toward IRAS 15250 and Arp 299 galaxies (Aalto et al. 2011). Except for IC342 and M82, the typical H3O+ column densities (∼1015–1016 cm−2) derived from extragalactic H3O+ detections are much larger than the predictions of our models for single clouds. These observations are of H3O+ in emission and the authors assume TexTrad to obtain these columns with error bars of a factor of two. As in the case of Sgr B2, the discrepancy between our models and the observations may reflect the effect of enhanced dust temperatures that prevent the freezeout of elemental oxygen. Alternatively, there may be a large number of clouds along the LOS.

For the starburst galaxies M82 and IC342, however, where H3O+ column densities (∼1014 cm−2) are inferred from the observations, enhanced dust temperatures or ionization rates are not apparently required. For example, van der Tak et al. (2008) inferred N(H3O+) ≃ 1.1 × 1014 cm−2 in M82 from an emission line that contained a combination of a broad (Δv ∼ 260 km s−1) and a narrow (Δv ∼ 40 km s−1) component. In addition, a recent Herschel/HIFI detection (Weiß et al. 2010) of the o-H2O+ 111 − 000 ground-state line in absorption toward M82 revealed N(H2O+) ≃ 2.9 × 1014 cm−2, arising from a Δv ≃ 77 km s−1 feature. The large width of the lines suggest numerous clouds in the beam. Overall, these numbers are consistent with our models with the H2O+ arising from the first (and possibly second) peak of numerous relatively low-density clouds, whereas the H3O+ arises from the second peaks of many molecular clouds in the beam.


We model the production of OH+, H2O+, and H3O+ in interstellar clouds, using a steady-state photodissociation region code that treats the freezeout of gas species, grain surface chemistry, and desorption of ices from grains. The code includes PAHs, which have an important effect on the chemistry.

As a function of depth or AV into a molecular cloud, the ions tend to have two peaks, one at low AV ≲ 1 and one at high AV ∼ 6, the exact value depending on χ/n. In the first peak, the ions are created by the cosmic-ray ionization of H to H+, followed by reactions with O and H2 (see Figure 1, top). These peaks appear on the surfaces of molecular clouds as well as in diffuse clouds. PAHs can lower the production of the ions here, by neutralizing H+ and interrupting the reaction chain (Figure 1, top). At most, they depress the ion abundances and columns by a factor of ∼3.

In molecular clouds, a significant fraction of the column density of OH+and H2O+ is found in the first peak at the surface (AV < 1) of the cloud. For relatively low values of the incident far-ultraviolet flux on the cloud (χ ≲ 1000), the columns of OH+ and H2O+ scale as the cosmic-ray ionization rate divided by the gas density. Roughly, the columns of OH+, H2O+, and H3O+ in the first peak are 2.2 × 1012χ1/3crp/2 × 10−16 s−1) (100 cm−3/n) cm−2, 1.5 × 1012χ1/4crp/2 × 10−16 s−1) (100 cm−3/n) cm−2, and 9 × 1011χ1/3crp/2 × 10−16 s−1) (100 cm−3/n) cm−2.

There is a second peak in OH+, H2O+, and H3O+ abundances at larger depths (AV ∼ 6) in molecular clouds, when the second route to OH+ formation, initiated by the cosmic-ray ionization of H2 becomes dominant (Figure 1, bottom). Here, lower electron abundances enhance the abundances of the ions by lowering the electronic recombination rate of H+3 (which raises the abundance of H+3 and the formation rates of the three ions), and by lowering the electronic recombination of H3O+ (its main destruction path). However, even deeper in the cloud, the oxygen freezes out as water ice on the grain surfaces, and the ion abundances fall as their formation rates fall, being starved for gas-phase elemental oxygen. If PAHs or VSGs are present at these high values of AV ∼ 6, then the electron abundance at the second peak is controlled by association with neutral PAH or VSG. In this case, rather surprisingly, the column of H3O+ (∼4 × 1013 cm−3) in the second peak and the peak abundance (∼10−8) of H3O+ is independent of both ζcrp and n. Raising the cosmic-ray ionization rate increases the production rate of H3O+, but it also increases the destruction rate by electrons by the same amount. If PAHs and VSGs are not present at high AV, the column of H3O+ depends mainly on the gas-phase abundance of elemental S, Si, Mg, and Fe at the second peak. If these abundances are low, ≲ 3 × 10−8, then columns comparable to the PAH case are obtained. However, for higher abundances of the metals, the H3O+ column is reduced by a factor of roughly 10. The columns of OH+ and H2O+ in the second peaks are usually of the order of the columns in the first peaks.

The observed H3O+ columns of ∼4 × 1013 cm−2 seen in many dense Galactic molecular clouds therefore imply that either PAHs or VSGs are present deep in molecular clouds or that the depletion of PAHs and VSGs are accompanied by a very significant depletion of gas-phase metals. There are a few observations that imply much higher column (∼1015–1016 cm−2) of H3O+, and these can only be explained in the context of our models as arising in very high AV clouds where high gas-phase elemental O abundances are present throughout due to either desorption processes or time-dependent effects. We suspect that the grains in these sources may be so warm, ≳ 100 K, that thermal desorption keeps water ice from depleting the oxygen reservoir. In the case of extragalactic sources with very broad velocity features, the columns may be increased by the presence of a large number of clouds along the LOS.

For high values of the incident far-ultraviolet flux (χ ≳ 1000) and high gas densities (≳ 104 cm−3), producing warm (T > 300 K) gas with significant H2 abundance at AV ∼ 1–2, chemical reactions initiated by the photoionization of carbon in the mainly atomic surface can form ionized hydrogen, which then leads to the formation of OH+, H2O+, and H3O+. In this case, their columns (typically, of order 3 × 1013 cm−2) are not related to the cosmic-ray ionization rates. H3O+ emission from W3 IRS5 may be an example of such conditions.

We also model diffuse and translucent clouds in the ISM, and show how observations of N(OH+)/N(H) (typically 10−8–10−7) and N(OH+)/N(H2O+) (typically 3–15) can be used to estimate ζcrp/n. The ratio N(OH+)/N(H), which is essentially the average abundance of OH+ in all the clouds along the LOS (within the same absorption velocity component), is mainly a measure of ζcrp/n. The ratio of the OH+ column to the H2O+ column in diffuse clouds is mainly dependent on the ratio χ/n and AVt (i.e, the total hydrogen column through a single typical cloud). If χ/n is known, or at least constrained to a narrow range such as χ/n2 ∼ 3–6, typical of diffuse clouds in random locations along the LOS in the Galaxy, then observations of N(OH+)/N(H), N(OH+)/N(H2O+), and N(OH+) can determine ζcrp/n, AVt, and a geometrical factor which is a combination of the number of clouds along the LOS and the typical angle that the LOS makes as it passes through each diffuse cloud slab. Using the observed distribution of AVt in diffuse clouds, the models can provide an estimate of χ/n2.

We discuss the relation of our models to recent observations of OH+ and H2O+ by the Herschel Space Observatory, and the ability to constrain the cosmic-ray ionization rate through comparison of observations with these models. We conclude that the cosmic-ray primary ionization rates ζcrp in the observed foreground diffuse clouds toward W49N have values of approximately ζcrp ∼4–6 × 10−16(n/100 cm−3) s−1, if our adopted PAH chemistry is correct.19 We find a hard lower limit of ζcrp/n2 ≳ 1–2 × 10−16 s−1 by neglecting PAH chemistry in W49N. Our best-fit models suggest that χ/n2 ∼ 3 in the diffuse clouds toward W49N. Our W49 models suggest that, in terms of producing OH+ and H2O+ column, the typical AVt ∼ 0.3 through a single cloud toward W49N, and that a diffuse cloud AVt distribution measured by Heiles & Troland (2005) fits the data very well. To produce the total column of OH+ and H observed in the two velocity components requires ∼20 clouds in each component along the LOS. We discuss differences between our estimates and those of N10 and Indriolo et al. (2007), pointing out the former neglected PAH chemistry and the latter may have slightly underestimated the electron abundance in the diffuse foreground clouds with the highest cosmic-ray ionization rates. We look forward to further observations of OH+ and H2O+ along many sight lines to probe the cosmic-ray ionization rates throughout the Galaxy.

We thank A. Benz, J.H. Black, E. Falgarone, B. Godard, C. Heiles, V. Ossenkopf, and E. van Dishoeck for many useful discussions. We especially thank M. Gerin, N. Indriolo, and the anonymous referee for careful readings of the manuscript and many useful suggestions. We gratefully acknowledge the support of a grant from the NASA Herschel Science Center's Theoretical Research/Laboratory Astrophysics Program. Partial support for M.G.W., M.J.K., and D.J.H. was provided by a NASA Long Term Space Astrophysics Grant NNG05G46G. J.R.G. is supported by a Ramón y Cajal research contract and thanks the Spanish MICINN for funding support through grants AYA2009-07304 and CSD2009-00038.


Table 1 presents some of the key reactions and/or some of the reaction rates that have changed since H09. We emphasize that this is not a complete listing of the ∼300 chemical reactions in the PDR code described in H09. The PAH rates are scaled by the factor ΦPAH, a scaling factor introduced in Wolfire et al. (2008) that incorporates the uncertainties in PAH reaction rates, PAH sizes, and PAH abundances. Wolfire et al. (2008) found from a semi-empirical fit of our PDR models to C, C+, H, and H2 column densities in diffuse clouds that ΦPAH ∼ 0.5, and we have adopted that value in all of our PDR models.

Table 2 presents the standard gas-phase abundances and grain properties that we have adopted in most of our PDR models. As discussed in the text, we have also run models with these values changed to test the sensitivity of the results to the standard values. In particular, we have run models with x(PAH) = 0; with x(Si), x(Fe), x(S), and x(Mg) all set to 10−8 or 10−5; and with x(O) = 4.5 × 10−4.


The results in Sections 3.1 and 3.2 can be understood by a simple analytic chemical model that incorporates the main physics. Such a model, though approximate, has the advantage of allowing one to determine and understand the sensitivity to various model parameters, and serves to validate the numerical model.

Analytic solution to x(OH+) and epsilon in the first peak (AV < 1). The top panel of Figure 1 describes the main chemical pathways to OH+ for AV < 1, and Table 1 lists the rate coefficients used for each of these reactions. Figure 1 omits the formation of OH+ by the photoionization of OH, which is only important at very low AV ≲ 0.01 and never dominates the production of the column of OH+ for clouds of higher AV. This minor route produces OH by the reactions O + H2(vibrationally excited), O + H, and the formation of water ice on grains followed by desorption leading to OH. The photoionization of OH leads to a constant (low) OH+ abundance at the cloud surface. We also neglect that route in the analytic solution, as it does not affect the peak abundance of OH+, nor the values of epsilon near the peak. In addition, we approximate epsilon for this peak by only including the rate of formation of OH+ by the reaction H2 + O+→ OH+ + H.

In the following, we use rate coefficients from Table 1 with two exceptions. The Stancil et al. (1999) rate coefficients for the reaction of H+ with O and its reverse reaction are complicated, and we simplify them here, focussing on results for low-density clouds. We set γ1 = 4 × 10−10exp(− 230 K/T) cm3 s−1 as the rate coefficient for the reaction H+ + O → O+ + H, and γ2 = 4 × 10−10 cm3 s−1 as the rate coefficient for the reaction O+ + H → H+ + O. Let γ3 be the rate coefficient for the reaction H2 + O+→ OH+ + H, αe the rate coefficient for the recombination of H+ with electrons, $\alpha _{P^-}$ the rate coefficient for the neutralization of H+ by PAH, and αP the rate coefficient for the charge exchange of H+ with PAH. Let x(H2) be the abundance of H2 with respect to H nuclei, xe the abundance of electrons, x(PAH) the abundance of neutral PAHs, x(PAH) the abundance of PAH, and xO the gas-phase elemental abundance of O. The solution to epsilon, the efficiency of making OH+ from cosmic rays, is then

Equation (B1)

where the parameter y is given as

Equation (B2)

We utilized the fact that epsilon approaches unity when y < 1 to set the condition in Section 3.1.1 (Equation (1)) on the abundances of O, H2, electrons, PAHs, and PAHs which lead to epsilon ∼ 1. One can immediately see that for low values of x(H2), where y > 1, epsilon is proportional to x(H2). Here, the dominant route of H+ destruction is by recombination with electrons, PAHs, and PAHs. The small fraction of the H+ created by cosmic rays that charge exchanges with O to form O+ that then reacts with H2 to form OH+ is proportional to the H2 abundance. Substituting likely values of xe ∼ 3 × 10−4 (we focus on cases with high ζcrp/n2, and here H+ as well as C+ contribute electrons—see Figure 4), x(PAH) ∼1.85 × 10−7, x(PAH) ∼1.5 × 10−8, and xO ∼ 3.2 × 10−4, we obtain

Equation (B3)

where T2T/100 K. For low values of x(H2) ≪ 0.2 and standard values of xe, x(PAH) and x(PAH), this becomes

Equation (B4)

For higher values of x(H2) ≫ 0.2, epsilon saturates at values near unity, as nearly every cosmic-ray ionization leads to a production of OH+. With standard values of xe, x(PAH) and x(PAH), Equation (3) then becomes

Equation (B5)

These formulae are very good fits to the results seen in Figures 4 and 6. Note, however, that they are only valid for x(H2) ≪ 0.5, since we have implicitly assumed x(H) ≫x(H2).

Equation (3) shows that PAH in particular can lower epsilon by neutralizing H+. We emphasize that Equations (3)–(5) are valid only if the PAH and PAH rate coefficients we have adopted in Table 1 are valid. Equations (4) and (5) assume the standard PAH and PAH abundances given above.

Rather than a simple saturated value of epsilon at high x(H2), however, we see in the figures that the first peak in OH+ shows a value of epsilon that peaks and then falls with increasing depth once most of the gas is H2. This is because once the gas is more than half molecular (x(H2) > 0.25), the cosmic-ray ionization is mostly of H2, which we have not included in the analytic treatment. The route to OH+ via the ionization of H2 is not as efficient at the surface, because of the high abundance of electrons which react quickly with H+3. Thus, as x(H) declines deeper into the cloud, the value of epsilon falls with increasing AV.

The analytic equation for x(OH+) requires the addition of reactions of OH+ with electrons and H2 that destroy OH+. Let γ4 be the rate coefficient for the destruction of OH+ by H2, and γ5 be the coefficient for destruction by electrons. Then, we find

Equation (B6)

Here, ζcrt ∼ 1.5ζcrp is the total rate of cosmic-ray ionization, including secondaries. Ignoring the photodissociation term, we can again scale to likely values of parameters to obtain

Equation (B7)

Again, we can break this equation into two regimes. For x(H2) ≪0.02(xe/3 × 10−4)T−0.52, OH+ is mainly destroyed by dissociative recombination with electrons and the second term in the denominator can be ignored. Then, assuming standard parameters for the abundances of xe, x(PAH), and x(PAH), we obtain

Equation (B8)

However, if 0.02(xe/3 × 10−4)T−0.52x(H2) <0.2, then H2 mainly destroys OH+ and, again using standard values for the parameters, we obtain the peak and plateau value of the OH+ abundance:

Equation (B9)

For higher values of x(H2) > 0.2, the abundance of OH+ declines as epsilon saturates and as x(H) declines, leading to the less efficient production of OH+ initiated by cosmic-ray ionization of H2. The column of OH+ in the first peak can then be estimated as

Equation (B10)

where ΔAV is the width of the peak region.

This shows the important result that the peak abundance (and approximately the column of OH+ in the first peak) is proportional to ζcrt/n. In order to find regions of high OH+ column that can be observed, and where cosmic rays are the ultimate cause of the ions, we therefore must look at low-density regions with high cosmic-ray ionization rates.

Analytic solution to the second peak of H3O+ in the regime AV > 1 and with PAHs present. Deeper in the cloud (AV > 1), the dust and gas shield the FUV photons and carbon is no longer in the form of C+ but converts to CO. Here, the electron abundance drops rapidly with depth, and the gas is almost entirely molecular so that the route to H3O+ is started with the cosmic-ray ionization of H2. We then define epsilon(H3O+) so that the rate of formation of H3O+ per unit volume is ζcrtnepsilon(H3O+).20 Again, epsilon(H3O+) is equivalent to the fraction of cosmic-ray ionizations that lead to H3O+.

Figure 1 shows the route to H3O+ from the ionization of H2. The key competition that determines epsilon(H3O+) revolves around H+3. With all the hydrogen molecular, the routes via H2 dominate the rates via electrons. Thus, the only interruption in the chain that leads to H3O+ is the possibility that H+3 will react with either electrons or CO rather than with O to form either OH+ or H2O+. We then define γ6 as the rate coefficient for H+3 reacting with O to form either OH+ or H2O+, γ7 is the rate coefficient for H+3 to dissociatively recombine with electrons, γ8 is the rate coefficient for H+3 to react with CO, and γ9 is the rate coefficient for H3O+ to dissociatively recombine with electrons (all channels). Therefore,

Equation (B11)

The solution for the abundance of H3O+ follows

Equation (B12)

We find in our model runs that electrons are formed by the cosmic-ray ionization of H2 and destroyed by attachment to neutral PAHs. Most of the PAHs deep in the cloud are neutral, and therefore using a neutral PAH abundance of 2 × 10−7 we find

Equation (B13)

If either O or CO dominate the destruction of H+3 over electrons (or xe < 8 × 10−3x(CO) + 6 × 10−3x(O)), which we find is usually the case for most of our runs at the second peak of the H3O+ abundance, then we find, substituting xe into the equation for x(H3O+),

Equation (B14)

At the peak, we generally find that most of the carbon is in CO, so that x(CO) ∼ 1.6 × 10−4 and most of the remaining O is atomic, or x(O) ∼ 1.4 × 10−4. Therefore, we predict a peak H3O+ abundance of

Equation (B15)

This explains why the second peak abundance of H3O+ is independent of ζcrt and n. The production rate per unit volume of H3O+ depends on ζcrtn, but the destruction rate per unit volume depends on n2xe. Since electrons are formed by cosmic-ray ionization and destroyed by PAHs, xe∝ζcrt/n. Therefore, both production and destruction of H3O+ is proportional to ζcrtn, and the resulting abundance of H3O+ is independent of both parameters. As one goes to higher AV from the peak, the atomic O freezes out on grains as water ice, and thus the abundance of H3O+ declines. The thickness of the region of peak H3O+ abundance is therefore of the order of ΔAV ∼ 1, or a hydrogen column of 2 × 1021 cm−2. Multiplying this by xp(H3O+), we estimate columns of H3O+ of N(H3O+) ∼ 4 × 1013 cm−2, as we found in our numerical runs. There has been some indication (Rimmer et al. 2011) that the cosmic-ray ionization rate may decline with depth into a cloud. From the above result, this should have little consequence on the H3O+ column.

We should emphasize that this prediction is dependent on the presence of PAHs deep (AV ∼ 5) in the cloud. If PAHs coagulate on grain surfaces, then PAHs do not remove free electrons from the gas phase. In this case, the electron abundance at the peak of the H3O+ can be higher than in the PAH case if gas-phase metal ions are present. This suppresses the H3O+abundance at the peak. Therefore, the observation of high columns of H3O+ deep in molecular clouds may indicate either the presence of PAHs lowering the electron abundances there, or, in the absence of PAHs, may indicate a high depletion of gas-phase metals at the second peak.


Recently, Klippenstein et al. (2010) have provided theoretical rate coefficients for the reactions of H+3 with O and with CO that are 10%–20% higher than the rate coefficients we adopted. We have run our standard cases with these new coefficients and find that the columns of OH+, H2O+, and H3O+ increase by roughly 10% with the new coefficients. In addition, Cartledge et al. (2004) suggest a gas-phase oxygen abundance of 2.84 × 10−4, whereas Jensen et al. (2005) suggest a value of 4.2 to 4.7 × 10−4. We have adopted 3.2 × 10−4 but the variation in the literature suggests that we test the dependence of the ion columns on the gas-phase abundance of elemental O. Assuming an abundance of 4.5 × 10−4, an increase of 40% over our standard rate, increases the columns of OH+, H2O+, and H3O+ by 10%–20%. Therefore, the slight possible variations in these rate coefficients and/or the gas-phase elemental O abundance have a negligible effect on our conclusions.

We have also tested our results for their sensitivity to the H2 formation rate coefficient for formation on grain surfaces. We find that lowering this rate by a factor of three hardly affects the results for high density gas, and that the effect is most pronounced at low density. At n = 100 cm−3, lowering the H2 formation rate by 3 lowers the columns of OH+ and H2O+ by factors of less than two in both peaks. The H3O+ column in both peaks decreases by a bit less than a factor of three. The main effect of lowering the H2 rate coefficient is to drive the H/H2 transition deeper into the cloud, which moves the first peaks of the ions to greater depths, but their columns and peak abundances do not change appreciably.

In the text, we discussed the effect of lowering the gas-phase abundance of low-ionization potential metal atoms such as S, Fe, Mg, and Si if PAHs are not present. Here, we examine the effect of raising their abundances. Our standard gas-phase abundances for these species are given in Table 2. In our test cases, we raise the gas-phase abundances of these species to 10−5, a factor of 10–100 times their standard values. For our standard case of n = 104 cm−3 and ζcrp =2 × 10−16 s−1, but with no PAHs, this raises the electron abundance at high AV in the gas from about 10−6 to about 10−5. This rise depresses the (second) peak abundance of H3O+ from about 10−9 to about 10−10 if the photodesorption yields of Fe, Mg, and Si are 10−3, a likely upper limit (H09). Smaller yields lower the electron abundance, thereby changing the H3O+ less. However, if PAHs are present, then metal ions recombine with PAH and PAH, which is a much faster process than with electrons. Hence, the electron abundance does not depend much on the metal abundances. Consequently, the (second) peak H3O+ abundance does not change significantly. The first peaks of the ions are not affected, because the electrons are supplied by C+, whose gas-phase abundance is more than 10 times the (high) abundance of the metal ions.

Section 4 discusses observations that indicate N(H3O+) ≳ 1014 cm−2 in some clouds, possibly even as high as 1016 cm−2. The only way our models can accommodate very large columns of H3O+ in a single cloud is if there is incomplete freezeout of water ice on grains. Note that our models are steady state, so that time-dependent effects might leave more elemental oxygen in the gas phase than steady-state results would indicate. Another possibility is that the grains are sufficiently warm, ≳ 100 K, to thermally evaporate water ice off the grains, or that cosmic-ray rates are sufficiently high to desorb the ice mantles. We have run our code fixing the grain temperature to be >110 K, so that water ice cannot form and elemental oxygen is plentiful in the gas phase at all AV. In the case of PAHs and for our standard case of n = 104 cm−3 and ζcrp =2 × 10−16 s−1, we find that x(H3O+) plateaus at a value of about 2 × 10−8 at about AV ∼ 6, and stays constant at that value for all higher AV. (Note that given the discussion in Section 3.1, this result is independent of ζcrp and n). Therefore, a cloud with a hydrogen nucleus column of 1023 cm−2 would have N(H3O+) ∼2 × 1015 cm−2, for example. Without PAHs, and assuming the low-ionization potential metal atoms strongly deplete on grains, we would predict similar columns.


  • CO also has another route initiated by the production of the CH+ ion, which we do not discuss in detail in this paper although it is included in our models.

  • FUV is defined as photons in the range 6 eV  <hν < 13.6 eV.

  • Note, however, that the H2O+ ion has long been observed in cometary comae (e.g., Wehinger et al. 1974), where it is produced by the photoionization of water by solar ultraviolet radiation.

  • In fully molecular gas, the formation rates of these ions per unit volume are equal because every OH+ formation is followed by H2O+ formation and the destruction rate per ion is nearly the same (due to reaction with H2), leading to similar abundances for both ions (N10).

  • 10 

    Note that χ = 1 corresponds to G0 = 1.7 in the Tielens & Hollenbach (1985) units based on the Habing (1968) local interstellar radiation field. The shape of the FUV spectrum for χ > 1 is implicitly assumed to mimic that of the Draine field, which is approximately that of a Teff ∼ 30, 000 K star.

  • 11 

    If a reader is interested in the second peak and knows the density n of a given source there, then our models with that n will give a good prediction of the behavior of the second peaks.

  • 12 

    As discussed in Tielens & Hollenbach (1985), our code also includes the reaction of vibrationally excited H2 with C+ to form CH+. This reaction has no activation barrier and can be moderately important at low AV ≲ 0.6.

  • 13 

    As a result of the inefficiency of the bottom chain when the electron abundance is relatively high, the first peak is always dominated by the top chain of reactions in Figure 1, even as x(H2) approaches 0.5. The bottom chain dominates in the second peak, however, because the H2 abundance is high and the electron abundance is low.

  • 14 

    Even at the second peak, both electrons and CO compete with O in reacting with H+3.

  • 15 

    The ζcrp/n2 = 3.16 × 10−15 s−1 case is extreme; cosmic-ray ionization of H produces an electron abundance of xe ≃ 3 × 10−3. In this case, electrons and not H2 dominate the destruction of OH+ and H2O+ even when x(H2) ∼ 0.5. Therefore, the fraction of cosmic-ray ionizations that produce OH+ is higher than the fraction that produce H2O+, even at the peaks of their abundance. Hence, we have much more OH+ than H2O+as seen in this figure, and, once we reach high enough AVt where the ion chemistry shown in Figure 1 (top) dominates, the ratio rises as a function of AVt. This holds as well in X-ray ionized regions with high-ionization rates.

  • 16 

    In particular, we add 97% of the columns from our standard model to 3% of our columns from the same model but with the enhanced ion–neutral rates to obtain the total columns of, for example, CH+.

  • 17 

    Recall that N is the column of H nuclei; however, in the above range, generally NN(H).

  • 18 

    If PAHs and very small grains coagulate into larger aggregates deeper inside the cloud (e.g., Boulanger et al. 1990; Rapacioli et al. 2006) or onto larger grain surfaces, our models would predict H3O+ column densities that are roughly an order of magnitude lower than the values inferred from the above observations, unless low-ionization potential metal atoms are highly depleted at the second peak of H3O+.

  • 19 

    We emphasize the need for further theoretical and laboratory work to investigate PAH reaction rates.

  • 20 

    Note that if the total ionization rate per H is ζcrt, then the total rate per H2 is roughly 2ζcrt. The cosmic-ray ionization rate per unit volume is then 2ζcrtn(H2) = ζcrtn in fully molecular zones.

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