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High-Density Skyrmion Matter and Neutron Stars

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© 2008. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.
, , Citation Prashanth Jaikumar et al 2008 ApJ 678 360 DOI 10.1086/529510



We examine neutron star properties based on a model of dense matter composed of B = 1 skyrmions immersed in a mesonic mean field background. The model realizes spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking nonlinearly and incorporates scale breaking of QCD through a dilaton vacuum expectation value that also affects the mean fields. Quartic self-interactions among the vector mesons are introduced on grounds of naturalness in the corresponding effective field theory. Within a plausible range of the quartic couplings, the model generates neutron star masses and radii that are consistent with a preponderance of observational constraints, including recent ones that point to the existence of relatively massive neutron stars M ∼ 1.7 M and radii R ∼ 12–14 km. If the existence of neutron stars with such dimensions is confirmed, matter at supranuclear density is stiffer than extrapolations of most microscopic models suggest.

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