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Observed Orbital Eccentricities

© 2005. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.
, , Citation Helmut A. Abt 2005 ApJ 629 507 DOI 10.1086/431207



For 391 spectroscopic and visual binaries with known orbital elements and having B0-F0 IV or V primaries, we collected the derived eccentricities. As has been found by others, those binaries with periods of a few days have been circularized. However, those with periods up to about 1000 or more days show reduced eccentricities that asymptotically approach a mean value of 0.5 for the longest periods. For those binaries with periods greater than 1000 days their distribution of eccentricities is flat from 0 to nearly 1, indicating that in the formation of binaries there is no preferential eccentricity. The binaries with intermediate periods (10-100 days) lack highly eccentric orbits.

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