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Monte Carlo Study of Supernova Neutrino Spectra Formation

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© 2003. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.
, , Citation Mathias Th. Keil et al 2003 ApJ 590 971 DOI 10.1086/375130



The neutrino flux and spectra formation in a supernova core is studied by using a Monte Carlo code. The dominant opacity contribution for νμ is elastic scattering on nucleons νμNNνμ, where νμ always stands for either νμ or ντ. In addition, we switch on or off a variety of processes that allow for the exchange of energy or the creation and destruction of neutrino pairs, notably nucleon bremsstrahlung NNNNνμbar nuμ, the pair annihilation processes e+e- → νμbar nuμ and νebar nue → νμbar nuμ, recoil and weak magnetism in elastic nucleon scattering, elastic scattering on electrons νμe±e±νμ, and elastic scattering on electron neutrinos and antineutrinos νμνe → νeνμ and νμbar nuebar nueνμ. The least important processes are neutrino-neutrino scattering and e+e- annihilation. The formation of the spectra and fluxes of νμ is dominated by the nucleonic processes, i.e., bremsstrahlung and elastic scattering with recoil, but also νebar nue annihilation and νμe± scattering contribute significantly. When all processes are included, the spectral shape of the emitted neutrino flux is always "pinched," i.e., the width of the spectrum is smaller than that of a thermal spectrum with the same average energy. In all of our cases we find that the average bar nuμ energy exceeds the average bar nue energy by only a small amount, 10% being a typical number. Weak-magnetism effects cause the opacity of νμ to differ slightly from that of bar nuμ, translating into differences of the luminosities and average energies of a few percent. Depending on the density, temperature, and composition profile, the flavor-dependent luminosities Lνe, Lbar nue, and Lνμ can mutually differ from each other by up to a factor of 2 in either direction.

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