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The Equilibrium State of Molecular Regions in the Outer Galaxy

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© 2001. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.
, , Citation Mark H. Heyer et al 2001 ApJ 551 852 DOI 10.1086/320218



A summary of global properties and an evaluation of the equilibrium state of molecular regions in the outer Galaxy are presented from the decomposition of the FCRAO Outer Galaxy Survey and targeted 12CO and 13CO observations of four giant molecular cloud complexes. The ensemble of identified objects includes both small, isolated clouds and clumps within larger cloud complexes. The 12CO luminosity function and size distribution of a subsample of objects with well-defined distances are determined such that ΔNLCO = L and ΔNre = r. 12CO velocity dispersions show little variation with cloud sizes for radii less than 10 pc. It is demonstrated that the internal motions of regions with MCO = XCOLCO > 104 M are bound by self-gravity, yet the constituent clumps of cloud complexes and isolated molecular clouds with MCO < 103 M are not in self-gravitational equilibrium. The required external pressures to maintain the equilibrium of this population are (1-2) × 104 cm-3 K.

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