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In-Orbit Performance of the Space Telescope NINA and Galactic Cosmic-Ray Flux Measurements

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© 2001. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.
, , Citation V. Bidoli et al 2001 ApJS 132 365 DOI 10.1086/318955



The NINA apparatus, on board the Russian satellite Resurs-01 No. 4, has been in polar orbit since 1998 July 10, at an altitude of 840 km. Its main scientific task is to study the Galactic, solar, and anomalous components of cosmic rays in the energy interval 10-200 MeV nucleon-1. In this paper we present a description of the instrument and its basic operating modes. Measurements of Galactic cosmic-ray spectra will also be shown.

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