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Optical Studies of the Transient Dipping X-Ray Sources X1755–338 and X1658–298 in Quiescence


Published 1998 February 24 © 1998. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.
, , Citation Stefanie Wachter and Alan P. Smale 1998 ApJ 496 L21 DOI 10.1086/311242



We have studied the optical counterparts of X1755-338 and X1658-298 in their X-ray "off" states. The first observations of X1755-338 in quiescence show that the counterpart, V4134 Sgr, has faded by more than 3.5 mag in V. If the mass donor in the system is an M0 V star, as implied by the period, our upper limits on the brightness of the counterpart suggest that it is more distant than 4 kpc.

We observed V2134 Oph, the optical counterpart of X1658-298, on several occasions in 1997 April/May and found the source only ~1 mag fainter than when it is X-ray bright. Contemporaneous X-ray data confirm that the source remains in the quiescent state during our optical observations. Our optical light curve, folded on the 7.1 hr orbital period, does not show any modulation across the binary cycle. It is possible that the absence of detectable X-ray emission, despite the indication for an accretion disk and activity in the system, is related to a structure in the disk that permanently obscures the central X-ray source. The optical properties of V2134 Oph are unique among the known X-ray transients.

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