Various studies have been conducted to detect network anomalies. However, because anomaly signals are determined by the pattern characteristics using the dataset, the real-time detection problem continues. Even if there is a signal with an attack sign among the constantly transmitted and received signals, the attack cannot be blocked in advance. Moreover, it appears in many places in a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack, so the real-time defense must be the best option. Therefore, it is necessary first to discover the characteristics and elements regarded as abnormal signals to discover anomalies in real time. Finally, by analyzing the correlation between network data and features, extracting the elements of the anomaly, and analyzing the behavior of the extracted elements in detail, we aim to increase the accuracy of the anomaly. In this study, we used Coburg intrusion detection and KDDCup datasets and analyzed the correlation of elements in the dataset using a graph neural network. The calculated accuracy values of the anomaly detection were 94.5% and 98.85%.
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1 Introduction
Web services are crucial computing technologies, and almost all users feel they are friendly because they can break the limitation of interaction in heterogeneous platforms. Previous studies only defined the features of the signal determined as an anomaly signal, updated them to the database, and used them to determine whether a signal received in the future is an anomaly signal. Moreover, this signal cannot be processed in real-time. For real-time anomaly detection, it is necessary to discover an essential item determined as an anomaly signal. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the correlation between data or characteristics. The services companies can meet the demands of consumers and the market by combining existing services and those that enable the companies to avoid high development costs, but they must improve the application quality through the service selection. However, security challenges of the services are becoming critical, and one of the most common attacks in multiconnection is the distributed denial of service (DDoS). DDoS attacks can be directed to compromised devices or amplification on attacks using a spoofed source address, and it uses many computers to launch the coordinated DDoS attack against multiple targets [4]. If a service provider is attacked, the person waiting for the services is affected, causing economic damage and social problems. Various methods for detecting DDoS attacks have been proposed. However, research on the features with a decisive influence on transforming them into abnormal signals is insufficient. If a feature that affects the determination of anomalies is discovered, it will be a breakthrough in research on real-time anomaly detection. In this study, to detect the attack and determine the first feature, we used a graph neural network (GNN) to trace the flow of each feature if it will be the potential anomaly signal by analyzing the datasets, Coburg intrusion detection data sets (CIDDs), and KDDCup. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. A review of related studies is presented in Section 2, which explains the multiconnection and GNN. Section 3 describes the methodology with CIDDS and KDDCup, and Section 4 discusses the experiment and analysis. Finally, we present the conclusions of this study in Section 5.
2 Related works
2.1 Multiconnection
Multiconnection attacks, including DDoS attacks and flooding, have become common, and attackers have developed high-level attack skills and tools to launch variants of such attacks [10, 15]. [18] consists of a frequency vector; it characterized the traffic in real-time as a set of models to predict the attacks [15] and included a game-theoretical defense framework against DDoS. In a multiconnection, there are transmission control protocol (TCP) connection parameters, including the bandwidth, connection capacity, waiting time, no “acknowledgment,” and “synchronize” flooding. The TCP multiconnection attack means TCP session-based attacks. Recently, various machine learning algorithms have attempted to apply DDoS defense and achieved improved performance. Xu et al. [17] developed an approach that uses hidden Markov models and cooperative reinforcement learning to detect DDoS traffic by monitoring a source Internet protocol (IP) address. Berral et al. [1] proposed a framework that can detect anomaly behaviors, share the node information regarding their local traffic observations in an intermediate network, improve their global traffic perspective, and independently use the naive Bayes algorithm learning information. [9], investigated the anomaly detection of DDoS attacks and found that the high accuracy and rapid detection of the anomaly signal are essential in statistical attack detection. If the detection systems act on the victim’s side, it should be considered with high priority. [7] mentioned that the feature selections in existing research are not tailored to the multivariate correlation technique. To solve this problem, they recommended an anomaly detection system using a multivariate correlation-based network by evaluating the system with UNSW-NB15 and NSL-KDD datasets and analyzing for feature correlations. They identified several weaknesses, but the solution was incomplete.
2.2 GNNs
Figure 1 shows an example graph with five vertices and eleven edges, including each relation from the (c) adjacency matrix.
The GNNs update the state of the graph nodes using a function (\(f_w\)) defined in (1) for the input and output.
In the design, they both represent the same information. The get_neighbor operation gathers attributes from neighboring nodes, which is essential for aggregation. The complexity of the operation to the get_neighbor is O(n), where n is the number of neighbors that can be a particular vertex. For (b) representation, the neighbors of a particular vertex are stored back-to-back because they are highly sparse. (b) is often used as the graph representation [5, 6]. In this study, we used (b) to describe the adjacency matrix comprising an edge array and vertex array. The vertex array defines the number of neighbors, a particular vertex, and directs the location to the corresponding edge array containing the specific neighbor vertices. GNN accelerators mainly target aggregation and combination. Aggregation can be generalized as a sparse matrix multiplication (SMM) operation, whereas the combination is typically generalized as a general matrix multiply operation. Geng et al. [6] determined two possible computing ordering regarding the forward propagation of a graph convolutional network (GCN): \((A \times X) \times W\) and \(A \times (X \times W)\). Here, A is the adjacency matrix, X is the feature matrix, and W is the weight matrix. Without the computing order, any computation with A is regarded as a part of the aggregation, and any computation with W is considered a part of the combination. Other variables include F (# input features), G (# output features), and N (# of neighbors of a vertex).
3 Methodology
In this study, the method for detecting DDoS based on the GNN with CIDDS and KDDCup was analyzed, and the interrelationships between features were investigated. Therefore, there is a need to split the instance features to utilize information on the different feature group levels. After training the GNN, we attempted to set up the system for real-time detection. The framework flow is shown in Fig. 2. Here, we discuss and analyze the design and application of this framework. CIDDS contains 14 features, and KDDCup contains 47 features; however, we do not need to use all of them. The features were modified by removing the following low priority, as listed in 8 and 9.
3.1 Data description
CIDDS is a concept for generating evaluation datasets for intrusion detection systems of anomaly-based networks , which is a flow-based port scan dataset. Because the information technology industry is constantly evolving, attackers are forced to adapt and discover new ways to penetrate their targets of interest, as presented in Table 8 [8]. Hence, the development of intrusion detection systems is a constantly evolving process between the attackers’ attempts and the triggered adjustments of the defenders. Therefore, it is inexpedient to test current intrusion detection systems with old datasets [12, 13]. As summarized in Table 8, CIDDS contains 14 features, and we removed the useless features [Table 4]. KDDCup dataset was generated from a simulated air force network environment in 1998. Additionally, [14] demonstrated that discrepancies exist in the attribute values of KDDCup. However, because of the lack of a standard and benchmark dataset, KDDCup is often used for research purposes. Therefore, there is a need for a dataset that can precisely represent present-day attacks and contain attributes with true values [14]. The main dataset, KDDCup, contains 42 features, and KDDTrain, derived from KDDCup, is abstracted by 17 features (Table B9). Table B2 presents a summary of each categorized feature based on calculations comprising two features, noncancellations comprising 13 features, and one feature, which decided whether the signal was (normal signal, anomaly signal).
3.2 Aggregation
Figure 3(a) shows the data flow to CIDDS in the aggregation step. Here, because we assume an unweighted adjacency matrix, the adders are necessary . Moreover, this is because the adjacency matrix has only “1” as the value; therefore, multiplications are required. Both examples show V, which presents the vertex dimension as the outermost loop, and they are marked as a temporal area where the next vertex starts after the current vertex ends along with their inner loops. Figure 3(a) shows F as features, which is a spatial area, whereas (a) shows N, a neighbor’s node. In the inner loop, (a) shows N and F as temporal. Because the corresponding features to each neighbor must be accumulated, the data flow suggests that a reduction strategy is required. Figure 3(a) and (b) require temporal and spatial reductions, respectively, and spatial reduction is performed using a linear chain.
3.3 Combination
Figure 3(b) shows the data flow for combination. The (V\(\cdot \)F) and (F\(\cdot \)G) matrices stream in the multiply-accumulate. Each input exhibits a different cycle-following feature; thus, the dimension is temporally mapped. The other dimensions are spatial and result in (V\(_{s}\), G\(_{s}\), F\(_{t}\)). This data flow is identical to an output stationary systolic array. Figure 3(b) shows the stationary output approach, with G as temporal. This transform to each PE holding multiple outputs.
4 Experiment and analysis
We described how to process two datasets with the GNN in Section 3. In this section, we discuss the results for accuracy and the interrelationships between features
4.1 Accuracy analysis
Table 2 presents the accuracy for the whole data set and GNN. The algorithm had run the following to obtain the results. First, the algorithm defines the node attention for the node classification to improve the computational efficiency and differentiated weights [11, 16]. To compute the node attention, we defined the notation (Table 1).
If (2) applies in the node feature (Table 2),
matrix h will be formed as \(h^{'}\) after the layering process, and the shape will be \(\{N, F^{'}\}\). When the shape is \(W = (F^{'}, F)\) and \(a = (2F^{'},1)\), Attention Coefficient defines Equation (3) for the importance of the feature. Equation (4) is used to obtain the Normalized Attention Score [16].
Finally, the Attention Mechanism\((\alpha )\) can define (5) with learnable parameters as a single-layer feed-forward neural network.
We designed a table [2] for each accuracy based on KDDCup (94%) and CIDDS (91%) (Table 3).
4.2 Interrelationships between features
We analyzed the accuracy for KDDCup and CIDDS with the interrelationship between features, including a kappa analysis (Fig. 4). Tables 4 and 6 list the accuracy rate of each feature and the merit rate, which is merit of best subset found, and it is based on the correlation of the feature. Tables 5 and 7 presents the results for correct instances from the dataset. The proposed techniques classified were (119,004, 97,372) for CIDDS and (90,522, 123,520) for KDDCup. The correct instances with an accuracy of (94.47%, 77,30%), (71.86%, 98.85%), and (6,969, 28,601) for CIDDS, (35,451, 1,453) for KDDCup incorrect instances with an accuracy of (5.53%, 22,7%) and (28.14%, 1,15%). The mean absolute error (MAE) values calculated using Equation (6) were (0.04%, 0.13%) for CIDDS and (0.01%, 0%) for KDDCup, and the root-mean -square error (RMSE) values were (0.15%, 0.26%) and (0.08%, 0.04%) [2, 3].
To analyze the interrelationship, we used a data analysis tool called Weka (ver.3.9.5). For the preprocess, the AttributeSelection filter is used, which can change from numeric to nominal because if we need to use decisionTree to features, the feature type should beNominal. As a result, the CIDDS left three features proto, class, and attackType to decisionTree. There were 11 features in the CIDDS dataset from 14 features, and the data in Table 4 was used to produce Fig. 5 by connecting the selected features as a hierarchical shape. From Fig. 5, we analyzed how each connected between features with no direction. Figure 5 shows the direction between features. In the class, it connected to {duration, src.pt, dsp.pt}, which indicates that the class affected the {duration, src.pt, dsp.pt}. We ignored attackType because it defined the results, such as {DDoS, bruteForce, normal}. In particular, between {class and src.pt} direction is bidirectional, and they have a two-way effect.
Because the class defined {normal, attacker, victim, suspicious, unknown}, all signals selected one of them, including DDoS. Therefore, we analyzed the class with decisionTree and produced Fig. 6. The attack signal goes through the attacker and the victim (Fig. 6), and the accuracy is 99.89% (Table 5).
For KDDCup, we performed the same analysis as in CIDDS. With AttributeSelection, the KDDCup selected {service, flag, count, serror_rate, same_srv_rate, dst_host_count, dst_host_diff_srv_rate, dst_host_serror_rate, class}. The results were obtained through decisionTree (Table 7). Additionally, we performed the experiment with {service, flag, class}, which are nominal, and only nominal can perform decisionTree.
In Table 7, We also designed a hierarchical relational graph of KDDCup based on Table 6 [Fig. 7]. The black arrows represent the influence in both directions, and the gray arrows indicate that influence is in one direction. The flag had the highest accuracy (98.85%, Table 7). After analyzing how many arrows were sent and received, the flag had [4, 2, 2], which is [S:send, R:receive, B:bidirection]. Conversely, the service had [2, 1, 2]. Finally, selecting a flag would be suitable for this dataset.
4.3 Discussion
This study was conducted to overcome existing research problems, that is, the inability to detect network-based real-time anomalies. In the existing method, the dataset of the network signal is configured, and whether the pattern is the same as that observed for the abnormal signal is determined. However, because this study focused on a processing procedure that receives and stores signals for a specific time and analyzes them later, it was impossible to detect abnormal signals in real time. However, the data correlation was analyzed in this study using GNN. By determining the critical keyword of the data obtained by the abnormal network signal, it is possible to grasp the continuous flow of the corresponding data while recognizing it as abnormal signal data. An anomaly signal analysis and mutual feature correlation were conducted to generate features using the GNN (Fig. 7), and the accuracy of detecting anomalies was 98.85%. The advantage of Fig. 7 is that it describes the connectivity between features; hence, if any data at any node is determined as an abnormal signal, the abnormal signal flow of the data can be identified easily.
5 Conclusion
The GNN is a suitable artificial intelligence algorithm for analyzing the correlations between data or features. If the correlation between data or features is analyzed using the GNN, it can trace the features from the anomaly signal that will be linked to which signal. By analyzing these connections, it can detect the flow of the anomaly signal in real-time. In this study, we analyzed two datasets, CIDDS and KDDCup, using the GNN with 11 and 17 features, respectively. The flow of each feature was identified to investigate the feature interrelation and analyze the correlation between features, and a graph included direction. To use decisionTree, we selected some features, proto, class from CIDDS, and service, flag from KDDCup because proto, class and service, flag are nominal, numeric cannot be used in decisionTree. After filtering, we obtained the interrelation graph and accuracy. Based on the results, the accuracies of proto in CIDDS and flag in KDDCup are higher than those of other selected features. Features with high accuracy induce more and varied effects on other features.
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This research was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education(No. 2020R1A6A1A12047945). This research was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education(No. 2021R1I1A3040361).
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Isabel Praca and Seong Gon Choi are contributed equally to this work.
Appendix A Attribute of CIDDS
Appendix B Attribute of KDDCup
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Ko, H., Praca, I. & Choi, S.G. Anomaly detection analysis based on correlation of features in graph neural network. Multimed Tools Appl 83, 25487–25501 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-023-15635-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-023-15635-z