In the past decade, a lot of challenges to access, assess, and to acquire the needed technological opportunities to teach computers what naturally comes from the human brain and to understand how we naturally react when we rely on technology. The ability to document human thoughts, reactions and behavior to computers has led to the coming of NLP, AI, Dl, & ML. Aim to understand the influence of IoT on humans with the use of DL to achieve content correctness and accuracy with virtual technology. Studies show that the way we think, react, and do the things we think “Internet of thoughts” reflect our personality. The way we think determines the way we react and the way we do things are based on how we think. Technology advancement has reinforced a lot of changes in humans which makes humans vulnerable to personal content exposure misappropriation due to the continuously changing nature of humanity and language. The study uses NLP, DL and behavior-oriented drive and influential function and results show that IoT based on VR influences human psychology “Internet of Thoughts”.
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- Human Psychology
- Virtual reality
- Deep learning
- Natural language processing
- Internet of things
- Internet of Thoughts
- Content extraction
1 Introduction
Deep learning (DL) is a computer program called machine learning that provides access to techniques that teach computers to do what comes naturally to humans [1]. Natural language processing (NLP) is a subfield of computer linguistics, computer science, and artificial intelligence (AI) that connects and enables the interactions between computers and human natural language. Technology advancement has reinforced a lot of changes in humans [2]. The precipitated changes in the internet world have modified the way we see the outside environment, manage our affairs and make changes to our bodies and environment. Due to precipitated changes in internet things (IoT), the attraction effect on human psychology “internet of thoughts” (IoThs) now occurs when the preference for a target increases relative to our choice option that is dominated by the target-oriented services of internet services. The eye is an important part of human life [4]. The way we see things determine the way we react to them in real life. Virtual reality (VR) helps to redesign prior reactions and feelings through virtual performance [5]. The eyes see content different from virtual technology [9]. Virtual reality build in humans a strong emotional engagement with data and can help tremendously in data extraction [7]. It shapes the way we see the world around us. Virtual reality (VR) is a computer-simulated experience that employs pose tracking and 3D near-eye displays to give users an immersive feeling of a virtual world via hardware (headsets) and software designers to create VR experiences such as virtual museums [8]. Due to these advances in technology, human react responses and behaviors to real-world natural artifacts for museums are now perceived differently because of virtual reality [6]. There exist a new struggle to balance the much important technology such as virtual reality and the physical facilities represented in 3D systems and object identifiers by virtual reality [10]. Natural language processing (NLP) is a sub-field of artificial intelligence (AI) that uses computers to understand, analyze, and extract meaning from human language in a smart, sustainable, and useful manner Developers uses natural language processing to organize structure knowledge to perform tasks such as automatic summarization, translation, named entity recognition, relationship extraction, sentiment analysis, speech recognition, and topic segmentation [3]. Natural language processing uses common word processor operations to handle text and treat them as a sequence of symbols taking appropriate consideration of the hierarchical structure of language.
2 Literature Review
The internet of thoughts (IoThs) “Internet of Thought (IoThs)” is part of the human mental process that built psychological associations with models of computer systems and uses the products and services of the internet of things to influence the way we think, react and do things based on how we think. The development of models and modeling systems software that represents human natural thoughts has allowed other technologies like the internet of things to influence the way we think, react and do things the way we think. One of the advantages that IoTs have over humans is their ability to connect living things and non-living. The process of the internet of things is far beyond human capacity and it's influencing the way humans think, act and behave. The psychoanalytic theory explains that cognitive psychology engages humans with things based on the way they see, access, and feel about them. The higher the cognitive processes the more deeply the influence on human ways of think, acting, and doing things. Identifying things and resolving differences with items of similar nature have a higher achievement with the internet of things smart grip. The deep desire humans experience when in an encounter to identify an item, exerts a tense atmospheric situation in humans. The inherent feelings that arose during a moment of identifying amongst alternatives relate to Freud's thermodynamics theory acknowledgments power of internet service. Due to advanced developments, identifying someone based on his or her original and choice of words is becoming increasingly possible. This has made it easier for internet service to influence human choice, The advances in IoTs have a strong grip on human intuitive attention, decision making, learning, judgment, reasoning, thinking, and cognitive processes.
2.1 Basic Seven (7) Principles of Unprecedented Changes on Human Psychology “Internet of Thoughts”
The study provides an explanation to the unprecedented changes in the way we think, react and do things we do think in terms of seven (7) principles below. The following definition explains the role of these elements in changes in our activities.
Cultural Heritage.
This relates to the culture we inherited from birth from where we grow up. The language we speak depicts part of our culture. Certain languages are associated with certain cultures. In the world, the English language depicts British culture, American English depicts American culture, French culture depicts French culture and the Polish language depicts Polish culture. Cultural heritage offers a key opportunity for the development and deployment of new IoTs systems, with potential benefits both for the culture [11].
Educational Standards.
The educational standard of a person changes the way he or she thinks, reacts, and does things. It is often very easier to judge people just by way of observing them act, speak and behave. The educational status of someone instills a certain culture in the person's altitude. It is easier to be connected with real-world affairs by being acknowledged the all-around happenings [12, 22].
Environmental Situation.
The environment in which people grow pre-determine some of their altitudes. Persons in urban areas have a way of behaving that is different from those in rural areas. It is understood that the urban environment exposes people more than the rural environment. The growth of skill enhancement expands one’s sense of self and adaptation to the environmental and personal growth facilitation model of curiosity informs our research [13].
Information Availability.
The availability of information changes the way we think, react and do things. The availability of information has a way to instill a degree of culture in us. Having a long list of alternatives normalizes internal desire. It is known that information is the power to mental growth. Having information helps to advance moderate choices as compared to the situation with no or limited access to information. Information availability allows one to suggest that information availability has an effect on the habit of thinking [14, 18].
Information Accessibility.
The way we think, react, and do things depend on information accessibility. This has a great way to influence us. There are some countries with little or no free access to certain information which course citizens of such countries to have a different perception than others who have access. The availability of access is the availability of knowledge. The accessibility of cue information in memory affects which decision strategy individuals rely on [15].
Information Efficiency.
The ease with which we obtain information helps a lot to shape our way of thinking, reacting, and doing things. Some peoples turn out to be very selfish with knowledge and information. A wide range of factors influencing the individual. Subjective norm is activated when individuals become aware that certain behaviour that they perform have adverse effects on issues they belief, and that behavioural action will have a positive and significant impact on the aspects the individual values [18].
Cognitive Resource Efficiency.
There is a quality achieved such as an experience, intelligence, competence, and task-relevant knowledge [17]. The flexible allocation of cognition during translation is assumed to codetermine overall efficiency in translation [16].
2.2 The Theory of Psychoanalysis Applied Basic Seven (7) Principles of Unprecedented Changes on Human Thoughts
The figure below explains the relationship between the identified elements known as principles of unprecedented changes on human thoughts with Freud’s Theory of thermodynamics of psychoanalysis.
Figure 1 represents ID which is the Unconscious drive by IoTs. Pleasure-oriented and self-drive by inherent instincts by the internet which can be attributed to cultural heritage, educational standards, and environmental situation. EGO is the Consciousness rational driven by situational reality. The balance demand of the Id and superego can be attributed to information availability, information accessibility, and information efficiency. SUPEREGO is the state of Morality Concerned. The personality developed through socialization is attributed to cognitive resource efficiency.
2.3 Deep Learning Interrelation with Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning
The section represents information, applications, and system software that enable and enhances data extraction. Most data from simple text, to classifications, patterns and clustering pass through one of the following programming languages below depending on the context of information.
Figure 2 represents components of natural language processing, deep learning, and machine learning. Over the past years, the field of natural language processing has been propelled forward by an explosion in the use of deep learning models [19]. As natural language processing and Machine Learning (ML) tools rise in popularity, it becomes increasingly vital to recognize the role they play in shaping societal biases [20]. Recently, the emergence of pre-trained models (PTMs) has brought natural language processing (NLP) to a new era. After the advances made in Computer Vision using deep learning tools, NLP has metamorphosed recently. Deep learning is represents learning algorithms in deep learning that natural language processing uses to run its applications. Applying deep learning to solve fundamental problems in NLP has tremendous strides in deep learning applications to NLP. Recently, the NLP community has witnessed many breakthroughs due to the use of deep learning. Deep learning (DL), is a subfield of machine learning (ML) [21].
3 Results
In this section, we provide information on how text or speech content can be extracted and classified into different parts of the speech based on data obtained via NLP means that help in decision-making for digital services. The influence is symbolized as BIF = F(D) which is said “f of d” equal to \({\text{Eq}} = \smallint \left( {\text{D}} \right){\sum}_{{ {\text{MR}}}}^{{{\text{MR}}^{{\text{S}}} }} { } \times {\text{BS}}\) Metrics range is up of (nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, interjections, prepositions, conjunctions, pronouns, determiners, and numerals). Metrics range substitute is made up of (nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, interjections, numerals, and prepositions).
Above Fig. 3, provide data classified into different groups and . The group mark with are made up of metric range substitute and metrics range for a single individual called and that with is called which constitute of metrics range substitute and metrics range. To obtain influence rate, metric range substitute is divided by sum of metric range then multiple by behavior score. .
From the statistics we can say that the influence score is grade “ Very Good” as per classification is achieve by both class but is better than with behavior score of and respectively.
4 Applied Method
The section explains the stages used to develop the classification and how data were selected and classified into a deep learning model. The study uses two sample texts and is classified into groups called Class A and Class B as per Fig. 3. This section represents the various parts of speech selected by the author. We consider these parts of speech as those that convey information in a simplified manner to the lowest level that even a language beginner can learn from.
Figure 4 represents a deep learning model of a recurrent neural network. The hidden layer is represented by ten (10) parts of speech. The ten (10) parts of speech are grouped into two fractions called metrics range substitute (nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, interjections, numerals, and prepositions) and metrics range (nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, interjections, prepositions, conjunctions, pronouns, determiners, and numerals). The metrics range substitute detailed summaries of a speech and provide meaning in the simplest form while the metrics range contains all of the parts of speech. Datasets are automatically differentiated in the hidden layer sector and sent to the output with two layers.
Figure 5 represents the behavior layers of content extraction charge of generating coordinated verbal gestural and facial behaviors for realizing an important of each utterance behavior to the require context. This help the extractor or practitioner determine influence of each utterances. This includes the synthesis of intelligible verbal and gestural acts per see and each combination allows a continuous flow of human-like multimodal utterance as digital services streamline. The main research purpose of this algorithm is to analyze the degree of richness user content.
5 Virtual Reality and Internet of Things Influence Human Psychology
This section presents the parts of virtual reality that engages with the internet of things to influence human’s way of thinking, reacting, and responding to situations. Humans are face with challenges of complex system, applications, and multiple technologies (Fig. 6).
There is no technology that was aim to confuse uses except a redirection of the intended use for something locally. This has been the work of haters of healthy and secure world. This study examine four (4) aspects of virtual technology that internet of things have fully integrated to give humanity good life. These four parts of virtual reality technology engage the text and images of a user. Virtual reality technology is a cutting-edge intelligent system that is currently processing the connecting technology of artificial psychology and is also gradually coming to maturity with the help of the Internet of Things.
Immersion and the Internet of Things on Human Psychology.
Immersion is simply a sense of reality that promote interest and encourage participation. Immersion in the internet of things helps humans’ to boost their way of reasoning with a comprehensive technology that combined with high technology to achieve a multi-field study under the virtual background using the internet of things to connect with the outside world and to realize the interactive feelings. Without the internet of things, there will be no virtual reality technology. The importance of immersion has been seen in today’s world real life with tremendous changes and support services known as remote work and studies.
Engagement and the Internet of Things on Human Psychology.
The internet of things offers a unique opportunity to help empower humans and improve societies’ engagement. Empowerment improves the human way of reasoning, responsibility, and interaction. Engagement creates a digitalized altitude of dominant coalition motivation and the ability to deploy the resources. The ability of humans to feel relevant plays an important role in their way of reasoning and manners of doing things. In the healthcare sector, human psychology is very important in determining health issues. A positive mindset helps the health practitioner to facilitate treatment which can be achieved by deploying virtual technology.
Interaction and the Internet of Things on Human Psychology.
The internet of Things helps create more significant learning spaces for human interaction in virtual systems. The ability to allow humans from a free physical background to run some modernized experience exercises is very important to human life and extremely shapes human psychology. Virtual objects are very important in advancing interaction for internet-based systems.
Imagination and the Internet of Things on Human Psychology.
The internet of things provides means for systems to surpass human imagination with good and positive systems. The context of the internet of things is becoming the number one system that is reinforcing organizations to rethink their value creation and methodology. With the emergence of the Internet of Things, it is easier and cheaper to make information available about virtual physical objects as this information can be automatically created, and distributed by simple stream of imagination.
6 Conclusion
The problem of content extraction is very essential in managing the amount of content, but other important issues associated with this are the viewpoint of the creator, quality of content, usability of content, and multiple views without changing the original content. This has not been the case in the past which is why this study applied deep learning to natural language processing using parts of speech to evaluate the changing nature of humans and the content of their information. Based on the behavior-oriented drive and influential function of the internet of things on human psychology “internet of thoughts” on content extraction, results show a score grade “Very Good” as per classification for both classes A and B but Class B is better than Class A with behavior score of 4.58 and 4.09 respectively. The study concluded that the internet of things based on virtual reality technology influences human psychology “internet of thoughts (IoThs)” on content extraction using natural language processing and deep learning models. This will help E-health services be able to accurately determine patient’s situations remotely and prescribe treatment. Digital objects like pointers, editor’s boards and working space should be part of Internet of Things with high visibility to health improve cognitive importance and promote healthcare and well-being of uses.
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Mah, P.M. et al. (2023). Analysis of Virtual Reality Based on the Internet of Things on Human Psychology ‘Internet of Thoughts’ (IoThs) for Rich Content Extraction Applied Natural Language Processing and Deep Learning. In: Jongbae, K., Mokhtari, M., Aloulou, H., Abdulrazak, B., Seungbok, L. (eds) Digital Health Transformation, Smart Ageing, and Managing Disability. ICOST 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14237. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-43950-6_22
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-43950-6_22
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
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