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内部通報窓口/ Internal hotline for whistleblowing
こちらのフォームで通報された内容は、上記規程に沿って厳粛に取り扱いを行います。 2023.07
This form is based on “Regulations on Whistle-blowing” by PFN and serves as a hotline to raise issues relating to misconduct in our activity. PFN will respond to all cases raised through this form in compliance with the regulations.
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外部通報窓口/ External hotline for whistle-blowing
(Just FYI) If you would like to use the external hotline, please contact the following.
[email protected]
ひふみ総合法律事務所 弁護士 矢田 悠
Hifumi Law Offices Lawyer Yu Yada
内部通報窓口 連絡フォーム/ Internal hotline Reporting Form
Details of the misconduct / 不適切な行為の詳細
Please do not use Slack links. Thank you.
Your answer
Sequences of events which you got to know the misconduct / あなたが不適切な行為を知った経緯
Please do not use Slack links. Thank you.
Your answer
Your name / お名前
You can tell anonymously. In that case, please let us know the correct e-mail address easy to contact. 匿名回答も可能です。その場合は、ご連絡の取りやすいメールアドレスをご記入ください。
Your answer
I've read "Regulations on Whistle-blowing"/ 内部通報規程を確認しました
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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