Getting started with AWS Batch tutorials - AWS Batch

Getting started with AWS Batch tutorials

You can use the AWS Batch first-run wizard to get started quickly with AWS Batch. After you complete the Prerequisites, you can use the first-run wizard to create a compute environment, a job definition, and a job queue.

You can also submit a sample "Hello World" job using the AWS Batch first-run wizard to test your configuration. If you already have a Docker image that you want to launch in AWS Batch, you can use that image to create a job definition.

Be sure to complete the AWS Batch prerequisites before you start the AWS Batch getting started tutorials.

Afterward, you can use the AWS Batch first-run wizard to create a compute environment, job queue, and submit a sample Hello World job. If you already have a Docker image you want to launch in AWS Batch, you can create a job definition with that image and submit that to your queue instead.