Student Expression

A Joint Statement from the Divisions of Global Affairs and Student Affairs and the Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

In recent weeks and days, we have seen increased discussions and gatherings related to the protests in Hong Kong on our campus. As stated in our campus Principles of Community, “we affirm the right of freedom of expression within our community.” We fully support the open exchange of ideas and expression of perspectives. We are proud that UC Davis is a global campus, with a diverse community of people coming from many different backgrounds and countries, having many different identities, experiences, and perspectives.

Although there may be serious differences related to issues on various local and global fronts, the same principles remind us to “strive to build and maintain a culture based on mutual respect and caring.” Our campus allows us to be united in our opportunity to express different views, and equally united in our level of mutual respect. Learning from and interacting with each other enriches our lives.

In support of this effort, we have developed the UC Davis Student Expression website, which serves as a public resource in navigating freedom of expression and finding helpful services on campus. The Center for Student Involvement’s (CSI) website also offers helpful information related to campus resources and policies. In addition, Student Affairs staff has a presence at campus locations where events are happening. Their purpose is to provide real-time education about student expression, encourage a respectful and civil dialogue among the parties in alignment with our Principles of Community and share information about the variety of support resources available to students.

Recognizing that the free and open exchange of ideas can bring discomfort and distress, UC Davis offers tools and mechanisms to address situations that impact campus climate or violate university policies. Students who encounter hurtful or offensive speech are encouraged to reach out to any of the various support services provided on the “Get Support” section of the Student Expression website.

In all of this, please know that the safety and well-being of our community remains our priority. We want all students on campus to feel included, and unhindered in their pursuit of an education here at UC Davis. Thanks for doing your part in supporting an inclusive and respectful UC Davis global community.

Emily Galindo
Interim Vice Chancellor
Student Affairs
Joanna Regulska
Vice Provost and Associate Chancellor
Global Affairs
Renetta G. Tull
Vice Chancellor
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

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