Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Januaby 5, 1878.]




Abdiel's Warning, 221

" Absolution made Easy," 29

Addenda et Corrigenda, 4

Advertising for a Rara Avis, 255

^Esthetic House-Breaking, 277

Alarming Inroads of the C. B., 95

Alfred the Great at Wantage, 13

All on the very Best Authority, 300

Allopathy v. Alcohol, 228

Among the Roses, 88

" Annual" Cookery-Book (The), 237

Another New Novel, 162

Anything but in Retreat, 254

Appointments for the Insane, 13

'Any on his 'Oliday, 160

"Atrocities and Atrocities," 13

Attractive Athletics, 36

Ballad of Dreamland (A), 51

Bard for Buckmaster (A), 192

Bars to Wedlock, 1( 8

Before the Lord Chief Baron, 23S

Ben Trovata's News, 23 1

Bettering the Instruction, 252

Better Late than Ever, 33

Bishop on Beetle, 141

Blue Bells of Scotland Yard (The), 85

Bluecoat Boys and Brutes, 25

Blues and Yellows, 204

Bull's Eye on Bobby, 178

Bulls in Battle Array, 59

By Order of the Police, 244

By Private Telephone, 105, 137

Cads in Kent, 123

Call from Jack's Cherub (At, 220

Caucus on the Colorado Beetle, 82

Cave Lupum ! 6

Cessante Causa, Cessat Effectus, 83

Charlie to 'Arry, 173

Christmas Catechism (A), 299

Christmas Crackers, 289

Christmas on the Cards and in the

Crackers, 288
Christinas Presents, 289
Cbi-istmas Waits. 279
Clergyman's Question (A), 24
Clerical Suggestion (A), 35
Cobbe to the Rescue, 285
Colorados at Close Quarters, 37
Combination and Coals, 203
Coming Agony (The), 249
Coming Beetle (The), 18
Coming Compromise (A), 230
Coming On or Off, 252
Company Officer's " Vade Mecum " (The),


Complaint from a Lady-Cow, 59

Complete Telegram-Writer (The), 121

Compliments of the Season (The), 293

Confessors and Counterfeits, 72

CoDjugal Union Workhouse (A), 141

Contemporary Campaigns, 262

Countrymen on " Killed Seed " (A), 275

Courageous Non-Combatant (A), 2^5

Crack in Freemasonry (A), 270

Crowds and Criminals, 53

Cry of India (The), 73

DEADTA'-Lively, 108

Dead Season Donations, 85

Defect in a Dairy Show, 167

Defiance, not Defence, 48

Delightful Dresses, 145

De Profundis, 83

Diary of My Ride to Khiva, 11

Difference to a T, 288

Disappierpointment, If 9

Dissent in the Church Congress, 179

Doctors in Destitution, 149

Domestic Economy, 34

Drink for Dyspepsia, 177

Dry Grazing Ground, 96

Duke of Richmond's Bill (The), 71

Ecclesiastical Commentaries, 253

Echo's Answers, 66

Eclipse of the Moon (The), 96

England a la Russe, 216

England's Black and White Pages, 275

Enlightenment and Progress, 51

Essence of Parliament, 2, 14 26 <fec.

Europe in Turkey, 142

"Excellent well — thou art a Fish-
monger !" 41

" Exegi Monumentum," 213

Ex-Nilo, 1-6

Extra Attraction, 251

Extra-Pailiamentary Exercises, 136

Extremes Meet, 197, 253

Faces and Flowers, 25

False Polonius (A), 150

Fancy Pets and Fancy Prices 234

Fashion for France (The), 180

Fashion's New Fetish, 255

Father Time Loquitur, 304

Few Days in a Country House (A), 45, 52,
69, <fec.

Few Novelties (A), 144

"Fifteen Oes" (The), 77

First of September—New Style (The), 85

Fleet and the Forest (The), 136

Flower-Show in Finsbury (A), 22

Folly and Felo de Se, 237

Forbidden Cargo, 75

Foregone Conclusion (A), 229

Foreign Office Refrigerants, 256

For India ! 126

France to the Marshal, 138

Friars v. Freemasons, 161

Friends in Council, 153

From an ill-used Old Party, 10

From Punch's Own Spectacle-Maker, 220

From the Shades, 174

From the Spirit of the Great Sam, 261

From the Tomb, 150

Future Historian of England (The), ie6

Future Lord Mayor's Show (A), 225

Cain and Loss, 149

Game of War—a la Russe (The), 143

Gathering of the Eagles (The), 2S0

Gent, not German, 182

Germs, 73

Ghazi Osman and the Newspapers, 289

Given to Change, 119

Gone to the Dogs, 233

Good Day's Work (A), 180

Good Knight and his Guerdon (A), 21

Good News for France, 277

Good News of Neddy, 193

Good Templars, 250

Good Woman's Work, 301

Good Word and Good Work for Jack

Ashore (A), 37
Gordian Knot (A), 287
Government of Combat (The), 252
Gradgrind on Goschen, 268
Grampuses of Goole (The), 1
Greasy, 120

Great Beetle Panic (The), 57
Great Indignation Meeting, 161
Great International Quadrumanous Con-
gress, 242

Great Investment — Unrivallod Oppor-
tunity, 294
Growing Art Gallery (A), 245
Hard Case (A.), 221
Hazard of the Dye (The), 253

Heterodoxy and Horse, 309

High-Falutin', 10

High Life below Stairs, 229

Hints for the " Librarians," 168

" History of a Crime " (The), 201

History Repeats Itself, 252

Holding the Balance, 48

Hollingshead on the Place of Caricature
in the Arts, 294

Horrors of Haircutting (The), 137

How did he Survive it ? 253

How Father O'Shee laid in his Christ-
mas Coals, 297

How Mossoo shot the Cock-Pheasant, 156

How to Cultivate Interest, 263

How to Play the Part, 218

How to Spaud a Happy Day, 112

How to Welcome the Foreigner, 101

Hydrocephaloua ? 287

" Ici on Parle Francais ?" 4

Imaginary Biographies, 208

Immiuent Starvation, 35

Impaling the Badger. 205

Important Personal Explanation, 24

Impressions from Abroad, 221

In Chief Justice Punch's Court of Fiual
Review. 241

Inflexible Verdict (An), 28S

In Memoriam. 123

Insects in Excelsis, 251

la Silk Attire, 256

In the Mud, 198

In Wain! 54

Ireland's Latest Visitor, 1S3

Irish Trial by Jury, 265

Is Life worth Living? 207

Italian Experiment (An), 263

Itur ad A6tra, 181

" Je n'en vois pas la Ne'cessite'," 299

John Frost, 51

"Joke" from Portland (A), 136

Jolly Paupers, 121

Keeping his Hand in, 57

Knight of the Thimble (A), 201

LAMP-Lighting and Lamp-Lettering, 2?4

Last Days of Temple Bar (The), 278

L ist Pic-nic of the Season (The), 167

Late Eclipse (The), 107

Late on the Moors, 65

Latest Thunder from the Vatican, 123

Letters for the Dead Season, 120

Liberty and her Lovers, 193

Life in Him yet, 204

Lines on a Lecture, 168

Lines to Lord Dundreary, 122

Literature, Science, and Art, 172

Locomotion a 1'Americaine, 59

Lord Beaconsfield as a Parsee, 245

Lords and Ladies, &c., 9

Louis Adolphe Thiers, 114

Mad Dog ! 266

Making a Clean Breast of it. 288
Malediction Made Worse, 37
Manuale del Viaggiatore, 108
Marshal MacMahon, 181
Mayor with his I's about him (A), 229
Meddling and Muddling, 35
Meeting of the Emperors (The), 72
Melancholy Ocean (The), 60
Menagerie on the Move (A), 97
Migration of Species, 51
Military and Menial Service, 156
Millionnaire and Half-Millionnaire, 262
Mirth at Manchester, 125
Mistress and Man, 222
More Holiday Tasks, 102
More than a Match for You, 54

Mortimer Collins's Letters, &c, 53
" Moviug On," 113
Mr. Gladstone in Ireland, 204
Mr. Plimsoll at Derby, 257
Mr. Punch's Select Committees, 24, 155
Mycophagist's Menu (The), 240
My First and Last Day with the Grouse,

Name for Nationalists (A), 61

National Development, 251

Nationalities and Noses, 126

Nation that Pays (A), 102

Naturalists and Noodles, 112

Naval Intelligence, 251

Naval Questions, 172

New " Lilliputian Ode " (A), 72

New Liverpool Horror (A), 276

New Thing in Hats, 265

New Year's Guest (A), 306

New Year's Leaves, 301

Next Article at Rome (The), 239

Next Subscription List, 148

Nine Reasons against the Banquet wx

Ninth, 216
Non Noscitur a Sociis, 87
Nonsense in Hexameters, 155
No Plums ! 84

Northamptonshire Election Address (A),

Note of Warnine (A). 117

Notes from Dr. Brighton's Case-Book, 265

Sotes of a Table d'H&te, 170

Nothing in it, 254

Not Quite Good Style, 205

Obedientia Docet, 268

October, 169

Odd Idea of Irishmen (An), 231

Off his Pedestal; or, what next ? 25S

"Oh. the Clang! " 217

Old Story (The), 95

On Amateur Actors, 17

One to be Won, 253

On the Fells, 109

On the Moors. 81

Opening the Wicket to the Ladies, 12

Operations in the Eist, 228

Opportune, 274

Osmic Acid Plot (The), 234

" Othello's Occupation's Gone," 191

Our Mayors, 233

Our Representative at the Summer

Theatres, 83
Our Representative Man, 129, 144, 159,


Our Representative Man at a Ballet. 96
Our Winter Exhibition, 261, 273, £85, &o.
Out-and-Out Gentleman's Gentleman

(An) 222
Palace of Art (The), 9
Papal Benediction (A), 263
Paris during the Elections, 185
Paris at this Moment, 177
Parliamentary Notices, 5
Parnell's Cross-References, 41
Parochial Plum-pudding, 269
Parturiunt Montes, £97
Past and Present, 107
Patriots and Patriots, 240 *
Pat's Appeal, 180
Pattern for Parliament, CO
Peers and Privileges, 61
Permissive Caite (The), 209
Petting Extraordinary, 2;3
Phrases for the Philosophic, 117
Picking and Stealing ? 209
Pickings from Papers, 195
Pilgrimages for the People, 100



Weitere Titel/Paralleltitel



Aufbewahrungsort/Standort (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Inv. Nr./Signatur
H 634-3 Folio






Künstler/Urheber/Hersteller (GND)
Keene, Charles
um 1877
Entstehungsdatum (normiert)
1872 - 1882
Entstehungsort (GND)






Sammlung Eingang




Thema/Bildinhalt (GND)
Satirische Zeitschrift
Ritter <Motiv>
Punch <Fiktive Gestalt>
Pferd <Motiv>


Rechte am Objekt


Künstler/Urheber (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Digitales Bild
Public Domain Mark 1.0
Punch, 73.1877, Index, S. 311