Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Besant, Annie; Leadbeater, Charles W.
Thought-Forms — London, 1905

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are well known to members of the Theosophical Society,
having come under their direct observation. So long as
any of the coarser kinds of matter connected with evil
and selfish thoughts remain in a person's body, he is
open to attack from those who wish him evil, but when
he has perfectly eliminated these by self-purification his
haters cannot injure him, and he goes on calmly and
peacefully amid all the darts of their malice. But it is
bad for those who shoot out such darts.

Another point that should be mentioned before passing
to the consideration of our illustrations is that every one
of the thought-forms here given is drawn from life.
They are not imaginary forms, prepared as some dreamer
thinks that they ought to appear; they are representa-
tions of forms actually observed as thrown off by ordinary
men and women, and either reproduced with all possible
care and fidelity by those who have seen them, or with
the help of artists to whom the seers have described them.

For convenience of comparison thought-forms of a
similar kind are grouped together.



Vague Pure Affection.—Fig. 8 is a revolving cloud of
pure affection, and except for its vagueness it represents
a very good feeling. The person from whom it emanates
is happy and at peace with the world, thinking dreamily
of some friend whose very presence is a pleasure. There
is nothing keen or strong about the feeling, yet it is one
of gentle well-being, and of an unselfish delight in the