German Courses – MORE

German Courses within the MORE-Program

General Information

The aim of the MORE program at the Alpen-Adria-Universität (AAU) is to provide future prospects and opportunities for people with a refugee background by offering them access to the Austrian higher education. Asylum seekers and persons entitled to asylum* are entitled to attend courses of the MORE program in order to improve their language skills or to further their studies. Selected courses for MORE students are offered by all four faculties of the University of Klagenfurt, all of which which can be completed with an examination. MORE students are exempt from tuition fees and ÖH contributions and have access to the university library.

Because the language of instruction at the AAU is preferably German or English, good German or English skills (level B1) are required. As “German in Austria” is part of the MORE program, we offer German language courses free of charge for the target group, apart from a small fee of € 5.00 to cover teaching materials. The fee is collected in cash upon registration.

In order to participate, it is necessary to apply to the International Office at the AAU. The application is followed by an interview and the allocation of a course place in accordance with the International Office selection procedure.

Who can participate in the MORE program?

  • Asylum seekers with a residence permit in accordance with Section 51 of the Asylum Act
  • Persons entitled to asylum*
  • Additional persons entitled to protection in accordance with Section 52 of the Asylum Act
  • Exceptional refugees in accordance with Section 46a of the FPG

* If you are receiving a “needs-based basic income”, please check with the Labor Market Service (AMS) to find out whether participation in the MORE program could have financial consequences for you.

The German courses take place as part of the semester evening courses, which are conducted as a university course (ULG) at the University of Klagenfurt. The course is called “German as a foreign and second language” (DaF / DaZ) and takes place in both, winter and summer semester. The acquisition of the German language builds on the international language learning levels according to the guidelines of the Council of Europe and the learning objectives of the European language portfolio.

Language-interested people with a non-German mother tongue are offered courses of 6 teaching units (TU) per week, divided into two 3 TUs each, at every language level in each semester, which spans four months. 9 ECTS are awarded for the successful completion.

Proficiency Control + Grading Procedures

The overall grade at the end of the course results from your partial performance during the course (active participation and participation in intermediate tests) and from the final test at the end of the semester. The four language skills (speaking, writing, listening, reading) are graded separately and shown on the course certificate. Attention: If a partial skill is assessed negatively, this automatically results in a negative overall grade.

Grading scale: 1 very good, 2 good, 3 satisfactory, 4 sufficient, 5 not sufficient.

Attendance + Certificate of Completion

Only if you are legally enrolled (full payment of ALL fees within the specified deadlines) and have not missed more than three sessions, will you be entitled to obtain a certificate. If you are missing for well-founded, important reasons, please contact us immediately. We will try to find a solution. Important reasons are those that are likely to prevent you from continuing the course (e.g. illness, family commitments, unforeseeable or inevitable events).

Negative Final Certificate

If you complete a course with “not sufficient”, you can only attend a follow-up course at the next higher level if you either a) either retake the exam before the start of the follow-up course or b) provide another sufficient proof of your language skills that is accepted by the course management.

Changing Classes/Course Interruption

Changing classes is possible within the first week after the beginning of the semester and only in consultation with the course management. If you drop, interrupt your course or don’t attend at all no course fees will be refunded without exception. Therefore, please only sign up if you’re sure you can actually participate.

Please note that attendance is compulsory in all courses. If you stay away without excuse for more than 3 sessions, your right to receive a final certificate is forfeited.

Placement Test

You will be assigned to the appropriate class based on the results of the placement test that takes place at the beginning of the semester. The placement test consists of an oral part (interview with our language trainers) and a written part (computer-based).

Placement test: NOT REQUIRED


  • you are an absolute beginner,
  • already completed a semester evening course in the previous semester
  • or have attained an examination certificate (ÖIF, ÖSD) that is not older than one year.

Placement test: REQUIRED

If none of the options 1 to 3 apply, you are required to take the placement test. Make sure to sign-up beforehand, as the test is only open to those already registered. In any case, please come to the office beforehand or contact us by phone or email.

For information on when the tests are held please refer to Dates + Deadlines.


Prerequisite for participation is pre-registration in the International Office at AAU, followed by an interview and the allocation of a course place in the course of a selection process carried out by the International Office.

Once you’re admitted to the MORE-Program you can register for the German course with us. All persons from the age of 17 can be admitted, provided that there are enough free course places available. Please note that only one language course can be taken in a semester. Registration must be made within the specified registration deadlines, Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the language course office, east building, 2nd floor, room # O.2.04.

If possible, try to complete the registration within the first two weeks of the scheduled period. We only have a certain number of course places available per semester. It can therefore happen, that the courses are fully booked, even if you try to register within the registration deadlines. We have waiting lists during the registration period. If you have your name listed, you will be informed immediately – if this happens – of an available course place.

Admission to the MORE-Program

Registration and selection procedures are carried out exclusively via the International Office. If you have any questions, please contact the International Office directly.

  • Pre-Registration

    Pre-registration by e-mail to [email protected] providing the following information:

    • Personal data (first name, surname, nationality, date of birth, telephone number, address)
    • Photo/scan of the residence permit card (e.g. white card)
    • Indication of desired study program (see list of AAU study programs)
    • Name and address of the last school attended
    • Name and address of the university at which study was begun or completed
    • German and/or English language certificates, if available
    • If you have a contact person in Austria, please also give his/her contact details (name, institution, telephone number, e-mail address)

    The registration deadlines are: December 31st for the summer semester; July 31st for the winter semester.

  • Invitation to a Consultation or Admission Interview

    Check your mailbox regularly. You will receive the invitation to an interview by email. Please come to the office of the AAU International Office (service building, “O”, 1st floor) at the agreed time for a consultation or admission interview.

  • Choose your Courses

    Choose your courses from the list of courses in the International Office and enrol online with your student account number.

Registration for the German Course

For the registration – which must be done in person, without exception – you will need:

  • Student ID (AAU.card)

    The AAU.Card is the AAU’s electronic student ID card. It is equipped with a contactless chip for identification and serves as an access medium. The validity period of the ID is printed in the space provided on the card. This field is rewritable and can be updated or reprinted in self-service via a self-service printer station in front of the study and examination department (central building “Z”).

  • Student Data Sheet

    If the last semester you attended was not immediately prior to the current semester, a completed and signed student data sheet is required.

  • Residency Certificate

    If your address has changed since the last registration, please submit a current residency certificate.

  • (Reduced) Course Fee in Cash

    The (reduced) course fee must be paid in cash. An ATM and a bank are located on the ground floor of the east building “O” (Kärntner Sparkasse).

Dates + Deadlines: Winter Semester 2020/21

Admission to the MORE-Program: December 31 for the summer semester; July 31 for the winter semester.

Registration for the German course: September 21, 2020 – October 10, 2020

Placement tests: October 6, 2020, 6 p.m. or October 8, 2020, 5 p.m.

Duration of course: October 12, 2020 – January 29, 2021