Audit log events


Service updates

For service updates on audit logs, please visit our changelog in the Asana Community Forum here.


Accessing audit log API endpoints

Note that only Service Accounts belonging to organizations on the Asana Enterprise+ tier, as well as legacy tier Legacy Enterprise, can access audit log API endpoints. Authentication with a Service Account's personal access token is required.

Asana’s audit log API allows you to monitor and act upon critical events in your organization's Asana instance.

To get started with the audit log API, visit the API reference.

Supported audit log events

The following tables list our currently supported audit log event event_types, organized by event_category. Audit log events are retained for 90 days from the date of capture.

If an event that you are looking to monitor isn't listed below, please send us your feedback.


All login events operate on the user resource type.

Event TypeDescription
user_login_succeededA user successfully logged in to their Asana account.
user_login_failedA user failed to log in to their Asana account.
user_logged_outA user logged out of their Asana account.

User updates

All user events operate on the user resource type.

Event TypeDescription
user_invitedA new user was invited to or auto-joined the workspace.
user_deprovisionedA user was removed from the workspace.
user_reprovisionedA deprovisioned user was added back to the workspace.
user_forgot_password_startedA user requested a forgot password link.
user_password_resetA user's password was reset.
user_password_changedA user changed their password.
user_two_factor_auth_enabledA user’s two factor authentication was enabled.
user_two_factor_auth_disabledA user’s two factor authentication was disabled.
domain_user_billing_pausedA domain user paused from billing, so they no longer count towards paid seats.
domain_user_billing_unpausedA domain user unpaused and counts towards paid seats again.

Admin settings

All admin settings events operate on the workspace resource type except for workspace_announcement_created and workspace_announcement_removed that operate on the workspace announcement resource type.

Event TypeDescription
workspace_security_contact_email_changedThe workspace's security contact e-mail was changed.
workspace_google_sso_settings_changedThe workspace's Google SSO settings were changed.
workspace_saml_settings_changedThe workspace's SAML settings were changed.
workspace_saml_url_changedThe workspace's SAML url was changed.
workspace_password_requirements_changedThe workspace's password strength requirements were changed.
workspace_force_password_resetAll users in the workspace were forced to reset their password.
workspace_guest_invite_permissions_changedThe workspace’s guest invite permissions were changed.
workspace_file_attachment_options_changedFile attachment options were enabled or disabled for the workspace.
workspace_default_team_privacy_settings_changedThe workspace's default team privacy settings were changed.
workspace_wide_reporting_enabledWorkspace wide reporting was enabled.
workspace_wide_reporting_disabledWorkspace wide reporting was disabled.
workspace_associated_email_domain_addedAn email domain was added to the workspace.
workspace_associated_email_domain_removedAn email domain was removed from the workspace.
workspace_require_two_factor_auth_enabledTwo factor authentication was set as required for the workspace.
workspace_require_two_factor_auth_disabledTwo factor authentication was set as not required for the workspace.
workspace_app_recipient_emails_changedA list of recipients for app approval requests was changed.
workspace_view_links_enabledRead-only link sharing was enabled for the workspace.
workspace_view_links_disabledRead-only link sharing was disabled for the workspace.
workspace_default_session_duration_changedThe workspace's default session duration was changed.
workspace_announcement_createdAn announcement was created and published in the workspace.
workspace_announcement_removedAn announcement was removed from the workspace.
workspace_form_link_authentication_required_enabledFor this workspace, form link authentication was set as required, so all viewers need to authenticate with Asana in order to open forms links.
workspace_form_link_authentication_required_disabledFor this workspace, form link authentication was set as not required, however authentication may still be required for individual links. Some viewers may not need to authenticate with Asana in order to open forms links.
workspace_personal_access_token_enabledThe workspace's global personal access token setting was enabled.
workspace_personal_access_token_disabledThe workspace's global personal access token setting was disabled.
workspace_app_admin_approval_setting_changedThe workspace's specific app approval setting was changed.
workspace_require_app_approvals_of_type_changedThe workspace's global app approval setting was changed.
workspace_form_is_embeddable_forms_enabledEmbeddable forms is enabled in admin
workspace_form_is_embeddable_forms_disabledEmbeddable forms is disabled in admin
workspace_logged_out_view_authentication_required_enabledFor this workspace, logged out view link authentication was set as required, so all viewers need to authenticate with Asana in order to open logged out view links.
workspace_logged_out_view_authentication_required_disabledFor this workspace, logged out view link authentication was set as not required, however authentication may still be required for individual links. Some viewers may not need to authenticate with Asana in order to open logged out view links.
workspace_baa_signedThe workspaces’s Business Associate Addendum (BAA) was signed.
workspace_machine_learning_product_feature_changedAn artificial intelligence feature was enabled or disabled for the workspace.
workspace_job_title_field_editability_changedThe workspace's job title editability setting was changed.
workspace_department_field_editability_changedThe workspace's department editability setting was changed.
workspace_mobile_app_copy_paste_enabledCopy and paste of text from the mobile app into another app was enabled.
workspace_mobile_app_copy_paste_disabledCopy and paste of text from the mobile app into another app was disabled.
workspace_mobile_app_widgets_enabledHome screen widgets for the mobile apps was enabled.
workspace_mobile_app_widgets_disabledHome screen widgets for the mobile apps was disabled.
workspace_mobile_app_screen_capture_enabledScreen capture on the Android mobile app was enabled.
workspace_mobile_app_screen_capture_disabledScreen capture on the Android mobile app was disabled.
workspace_mobile_app_attachments_sharing_enabledAttachment downloading and sharing on the mobile apps was enabled.
workspace_mobile_app_attachments_sharing_disabledAttachment downloading and sharing on the mobile apps was enabled.
workspace_mobile_app_biometric_authentication_required_enabledBiometric authentication on the mobile apps was enabled.
workspace_mobile_app_biometric_authentication_required_disabledBiometric authentication on the mobile apps was disabled.
team_edit_team_name_access_level_changedThe team's setting for who can edit team name was changed.
workspace_mobile_app_biometric_authentication_duration_changedFrequency for biometric authentication on the mobile apps was changed.
team_endorsedThe team was endorsed.
team_unendorsedThe team was unendorsed.
team_edit_team_description_access_level_changedThe team's setting for who can edit team description was changed.
team_edit_team_type_access_level_changedThe team's setting for who can edit team type was changed.
team_edit_team_trash_access_level_changedThe team's setting for who can delete the team was changed.
team_domain_member_invite_management_access_level_changedThe team's setting for who can directly add a domain member to the team was changed.
team_domain_guest_invite_management_access_level_changedThe team's setting for who can directly add a domain guest to the team was changed.
team_join_team_request_management_access_level_changedThe team's setting for who can receive a Join Team Request was changed.
team_member_removal_access_level_changedThe team's setting for who can remove members was changed.
workspace_deprovisioning_project_include_completed_tasks_enabledThe workspace's member removal setting to include completed tasks in the tasks previously assigned to removed members project was enabled.
workspace_deprovisioning_project_include_completed_tasks_disabledThe workspace's member removal setting to include completed tasks in the tasks previously assigned to removed members project was enabled.
workspace_deprovisioning_project_recipient_changedThe workspace's member removal setting's project ownership recipient for the tasks previously assigned to removed members project was changed.
workspace_create_deprovisioning_project_enabledThe workspace's member removal setting to create a tasks previously assigned to removed members project was enabled.
workspace_create_deprovisioning_project_disabledThe workspace's member removal setting to create a tasks previously assigned to removed members project was disabled.
workspace_rules_triggered_by_web_request_enabledThe workspace's global setting allowing users to set up rules that use incoming web request triggers was enabled.
workspace_rules_triggered_by_web_request_disabledThe workspace's global setting allowing users to set up rules that use incoming web request triggers was disabled.
workspace_trusted_domains_setting_changedThe workspace's trusted guest domain settings were changed.
workspace_trusted_domain_addedA trusted guest domain was added to the workspace.
workspace_trusted_domain_removedA trusted guest domain was removed from the workspace.
workspace_personal_access_token_expiry_changedThe expiration setting for API personal access tokens belonging to workspace members was changed.
workspace_service_account_token_expiry_changedThe expiration setting for API service account tokens belonging to the workspace was changed.
workspace_should_restore_data_for_rejoining_members_enabledThe workspace's setting for restoring data belonging to a workspace member that rejoins the workspace (after leaving it previously) is enabled.
workspace_should_restore_data_for_rejoining_members_disabledThe workspace's setting for restoring data belonging to a workspace member that rejoins the workspace (after leaving it previously) is disabled.
workspace_project_public_to_domain_permissions_changedThe workspace's project privacy and access policy was changed.
workspace_onboarding_targeting_changedThe workspace's customized onboarding recipients have changed.
workspace_onboarding_content_changedThe workspace's customized onboarding content was changed.
workspace_bypass_default_nux_enabledThe workspace's customized onboarding was enabled.
workspace_bypass_default_nux_disabledThe workspace's customized onboarding was disabled.
workspace_deprovision_inactive_guest_policy_changedThe workspace's policy regarding de-provisioning of inactive guests was changed.
user_exempted_from_guest_deprovision_ruleA user was exempted from the workspace's policy regarding de-provisioning of inactive guests.
user_unexempted_from_guest_deprovision_ruleA user was included back in the workspace's policy regarding de-provisioning of inactive guests.
workspace_project_default_privacy_setting_changedThe workspace's default project privacy settings have been changed.
workspace_project_default_access_level_changedThe workspace's default project access level settings has been changed.
workspace_project_default_customization_permission_changedThe workspace's default project customization settings have been changed.
workspace_project_default_sharing_permission_changedThe workspace's default project sharing settings have been changed.
workspace_allowed_pat_usage_member_addedA workspace member has been added to the workspace's personal access token usage allowlist.
workspace_allowed_pat_usage_member_removedA workspace member has been removed from the workspace's personal access token usage allowlist.
workspace_guest_app_usage_setting_changedThe workspace's global app usage setting has been changed.
workspace_guest_pat_usage_setting_changedThe workspace's personal access token usage setting has been changed.


All role events operate on the user resource type.

Event TypeDescription
user_workspace_admin_role_changedA user’s workspace admin role was changed.
user_division_admin_role_changedA user’s division admin role was changed.
user_team_admin_role_changedA user's team admin role was changed.

Content export

Event TypeResource TypeDescription
workspace_export_startedWorkspaceAn organization export was started.
search_report_export_startedSearchA search report CSV export was started.
workspace_teams_export_startedWorkspaceA team CSV export for the workspace was started.
division_teams_export_startedDivisionA team CSV export for the division was started.
workspace_members_export_startedWorkspaceA member CSV export was started for the workspace.
project_csv_export_startedProjectA project CSV export was started.
attachment_downloadedAttachmentAn attachment was downloaded.
workspace_attachment_export_startedAttachmentAn attachment export was started.
object_export_startedWorkspaceA workspace wide object export was started.
workspace_audit_log_export_startedWorkspaceA workspace audit log CSV export was started.
workspace_goals_export_startedWorkspaceA workspace goals CSV export was started.
app_insights_export_startedWorkspaceA workspace app activity CSV export was started.

Access control

Event TypeResource TypeDescription
project_share_link_enabledProjectA link allowing workspace members and auto-join users to join a project was enabled.
project_share_link_disabledProjectA link allowing workspace members and auto-join users to join a project was disabled.
project_view_link_enabledProjectA read-only link for a project was enabled.
project_view_link_disabledProjectA read-only link for a project was disabled.
project_member_addedProjectA user was added to a project.
project_member_removedProjectA user was removed from a project.
project_privacy_settings_changedProjectA project’s privacy settings were changed.
portfolio_member_addedPortfolioA user was added to a portfolio.
portfolio_member_removedPortfolioA user was removed from a portfolio.
project_customization_permission_changedProjectA project's customization permission settings were changed.
project_sharing_permission_changedProjectA project's sharing permission settings were changed.
project_default_access_level_changedProjectA project's default access level was changed.
project_member_access_level_changedProjectA user's access level to a project was changed.
team_join_request_createdTeamA join team request was created.
team_member_removedTeamA user was removed from a team.
team_member_addedTeamA user was added to a team.
team_privacy_settings_changedTeamA team’s privacy settings were changed.


Event TypeResource TypeDescription
team_harvest_integration_enabledTeamThe Harvest time tracking integration was enabled for a team.
team_harvest_integration_disabledTeamThe Harvest time tracking integration was disabled for a team.
user_app_authorizedUserAn app was authorized by a user in the workspace.
user_app_revokedUserAn app was deauthorized by a user in the workspace.
user_personal_access_token_authorizedUserA new personal access token was authorized by the user in the workspace.
user_personal_access_token_revokedUserA personal access token was deauthorized by the user in the workspace.
service_account_createdUserA service account was created or reprovisioned.
service_account_deletedUserA service account was deleted.
service_account_name_changedUserA service account’s name was changed.


Event TypeResource TypeDescription
team_createdTeamA new team was created.
attachment_uploadedAttachmentAn attachment was uploaded.


Event TypeResource TypeDescription
task_deletedTaskA task was deleted.
task_permanently_deletedTaskA task was permanently deleted.
task_undeletedTaskA task was undeleted.
project_deletedProjectA project was deleted.
project_undeletedProjectA project was undeleted.
portfolio_deletedPortfolioA portfolio was deleted.
portfolio_undeletedPortfolioA portfolio was undeleted.
goal_deletedGoalA goal was deleted.
goal_undeletedGoalA goal was undeleted.
custom_field_deletedCustom FieldA custom field was deleted.
custom_field_undeletedCustom FieldA custom field was undeleted.
message_deletedMessageA message was deleted.
message_permanently_deletedMessageA message was permanently deleted.
message_undeletedMessageA message was undeleted.
team_deletedTeamA team was deleted.
team_undeletedTeamA team was undeleted.
attachment_deletedAttachmentAn attachment was deleted.
attachment_undeletedAttachmentAn attachment was undeleted.
comment_deletedStoryA comment was deleted.
comment_undeletedStoryA comment was undeleted.
status_update_deletedStatus UpdateA status update was deleted.
status_update_permanently_deletedStatus UpdateA status update was permanently deleted.
status_update_undeletedStatus UpdateA status update was undeleted.
task_template_deletedTask TemplateA task template was deleted.
task_template_undeletedTask TemplateA task template was undeleted.
project_template_deletedProject TemplateA project template was deleted.
project_template_undeletedProject TemplateA project template was undeleted.
story_deletedStoryA story was deleted.
story_undeletedStoryA story was undeleted.
bundle_deletedBundleA bundle was uninstalled from a project.
bundle_installation_deletedBundleA bundle was deleted.
goal_template_deletedGoal TemplateA goal template was deleted.
goal_template_undeletedGoal TemplateA goal template was undeleted.