Showing results for December 2017 - Microsoft 365 Developer Blog

Dec 30, 2017

Introduction to Kaizala Extensibility

Kaizala Developer Platform team
Kaizala Developer Platform team

Microsoft Kaizala is a mobile app for large group communications and work management. In case you are new to Kaizala, you can read more about the product offering here. Briefly, Kaizala allows you to get work done within the context of a conversation / group using actions – which are ‘units of work’. Examples of few actions that come with Kaizala a...

Office Add-ins
Dec 30, 2017

Getting started with Kaizala APIs

Kaizala Developer Platform team
Kaizala Developer Platform team

In this post, we will get on boarded to Kaizala APIs and send a message on a group using API. Briefly, we will discuss: Get the Kaizala Postman API collection, Understanding of Kaizala connectors and creating them, Authenticating to Kaizala, and Creating a group and sending a message on Kaizala.

Office Add-ins
Dec 30, 2017

Exploring Kaizala WebHooks

Kaizala Developer Platform team
Kaizala Developer Platform team

Webhooks allow you to build or integrate applications which subscribe to certain events on Kaizala. When one of those events is triggered, Kaizala service would send a HTTPS POST payload to the webhook’s configured URL. Webhooks can be used to listen to content being posted on the group and use that information to update your database, trigger work...

Office Add-ins
Dec 21, 2017

New SharePoint CSOM version released for SharePoint Online – December 2017

Vesa Juvonen
Vesa Juvonen

We are happy to announce the availability of new SharePoint Client-Side Object Model (CSOM) version targeted for the Office 365 or more specifically for SharePoint and Project Online. This release again contains updates on the existing SharePoint and Project CSOM assemblies.

SharePoint Framework
Dec 15, 2017

Reusable controls for your SharePoint Framework solutions

SharePoint team
SharePoint team

The usage of SharePoint Framework keeps on growing and while there are already great solutions build, we have noticed that a lot of developers try to achieve the same thing. Also, many developers asked us to open source the first party solutions to learn from the SharePoint engineering team and re-use some of the code. 

SharePoint Framework
Dec 12, 2017

SharePoint Patterns & Practices – December 2017 update

Vesa Juvonen
Vesa Juvonen

SharePoint Dev Ecosystem / SharePoint Patterns and Practices (PnP) December 2017 update is out with new contributions from the community to the community. This post contains all the details related to what was included with the release and what else has been happening in the SharePoint Dev ecosystem during the past month.

SharePoint Framework
Dec 4, 2017

Throttling coming to Outlook API and Microsoft Graph

Jason Johnston
Jason Johnston

For the latest information on throttling for Outlook-related resources in Microsoft Graph and the Outlook REST API, see

Microsoft Graph