英検2級 記述問題 要約問題 添削してください。 (問題) When students go to college, some decide to live at home with their parents, and others decide to rent an apartment by themselves. There are other choices, too. These days, some of them choose to share a house with roommates. What are the reasons for this? Some students have a roommate who is good at math or science and can give advice about homework. Other students have a roommate from abroad and can learn about a foreign language through everyday conversations. Because of this, they have been able to improve their foreign language skills. On the other hand, some students have a roommate who stays up late at night and watches TV. This can be noisy and make it difficult for others to get enough sleep. Some students have a roommate who rarely helps with cleaning the house. As result, they have to spend a lot of time cleaning the house by themselves. 自分の回答 These days, some students choose to share ahouse with croommates. By doing so, they can teach each other homework. Also, if roommate were from abroad, they would learn language. However, it have some problems. For example they can't have good sleep when romemate watchs TV untile late . Also, they have to clean the house.