『総合英語 Ultimate』の英文で分からない所があるので和訳をお願いします。 The other plant of particular aesthetic importance to Egyptians was the papyrus (Cyperus papyrus), which was of great use as well as great beauty. It was abundant from the most ancient times in the delta of the Nile and in marshy verges all along the river. The papyrus form was much used in temple architecture, roofs being supported by columns in the shape of bunched papyrus stems with capitals of papyrus flowers or lotus-buds. The Egyptians had an affectionate feelings for the whole natural world—perhaps their mystical relationship with flowers can be compared with that of the Japanese. 上記の英文の中の The papyrus form was much used in temple architecture, roofs being supported by columns in the shape of bunched papyrus stems with capitals of papyrus flowers or lotus-buds. の部分が理解できませんでした。コンマの後は分詞構文ですか?