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Paco Nathan, leads DevRel for the Entity Resolved Knowledge Graph practice area at Senzing, and is a computer scientist with +40 years of tech industry experience and core expertise in data science, natural language, graph technologies, and cloud computing. He's the author of numerous books, videos, and tutorials about these topics, and hosts the monthly "Graph Power Hour! webinar series. Werner Herzog is his spirit animal.

Paco is an advisor for: Kurve, EmergentMethods; lead committer for the `pytextrank` and `kglab` open source projects. Formerly: Director of Learning Group at O'Reilly Media; and Director, Community Evangelism for Apache Spark at Databricks.

Long, long ago, when the world was much younger, Paco led a media collective / indie bookstore / performance art space / large online community called FringeWare. Beginning in 1992, this was one of the first online bookstores and likely the first commercial use of a chat bot on the Internet.

GPG key icon0EEC 171D 3A38 7943 9E2E F23D 157E FBCA 16E9 2CF6
member: ACM, PSF, NumFOCUS, ESIP,, GraphGeeks, AI Alliance

  • strwythura, GitHub (2024-07-31): How to construct knowledge graphs from unstructured data sources
  • ERKG, GitHub (2024-03-18): Demonstrate integration of Senzing and Neo4j to construct an Entity Resolved Knowledge Graph
  • TextGraphs, GitHub (2023-11-22): TextGraphs + LLMs + graph ML for entity extraction, linking, ranking, and constructing a lemma graph
  • kuzu-rdflib, GitHub (2023-04-11): An integration of KùzuDB and RDFlib
  • arXiv trends, GitHub (2021-06-16): Analyze trends in articles published on arXiv using NLP, knowledge graph, and time series
  • MkRefs, GitHub (2021-05-10): MkDocs plugin to generate semantic reference Markdown pages from a knowledge graph
  • Ray tutorials, GitHub (2021-02-23): An introductory tutorial about leveraging Ray core features for distributed patterns
  • kglab, PyPi (2020-11-09): A simple abstraction layer in Python for building knowledge graphs
  • RLlib tutorials, GitHub (2020-01-29): RLlib tutorials, including Market Bandit and RL RecSys
  • PyTextRank, PyPi (2016-02-02): Python implementation of TextRank algorithm by Mihalcea, et al., implemented as a spaCy pipeline extension
  • disparity filter, GitHub (2018-11-16): Implements a disparity filter in Python, based on graphs in NetworkX, to extract the multiscale backbone of a complex weighted network
  • spaCy tuTorial, GitHub (2019-09-04): A brief tutorial for spaCy 2.x, which runs on Google Colab
  • Exsto, GitHub (2015-07-15): analyze the structure and dynamics of an open source project's developer community using NLP, graph algorithms, etc.
  • Ray core tutorial, GitHub (2021-02-23): An introductory tutorial about leveraging Ray core features for distributed patterns.
  • gym_example, GitHub (2020-07-13): An example implementation of an OpenAI Gym environment used for a Ray RLlib tutorial
  • Anyscale Academy, GitHub (2020-06-14): Reinforcement learning tutorials for Ray RLlib, with Dean Wampler
  • JupyterLab Metadata Extension, GitHub (2019-10-22): explores linked data for resources (datasets) in JuyterLab
  • richcontext.scholapi, GitHub (2019-11-23): API integrations for federating discovery services and metadata exchange across multiple scholarly infrastructure providers, with Ernesto Gimeno, Erik Lopez, Sophie Rand, Ian Mulvany
  • Exelixi, GitHub (2013): a pure Python framework based on Apache Mesos, for GA/GP at scale
  • Cascading.Pattern, GitHub (2013): machine learning libraries for Cascading, translating PMML to Hadoop apps
  • City of Palo Alto Open Data, GitHub (2012): Cascading and Cascalog recommender apps based on CoPA Open Data
  • Cascading for the Impatient, GitHub (2013): a progressive series of introductory sample apps for Cascading
  • Cascading.SampleRecommender, GitHub (2012): an example social recommender, based on stock Tweets
  • Getting Started on Hadoop, GitHub (2010): Hadoop streaming in Python, to analyze Enron email data set
  • TextRank, GitHub (2009): Java implementation of TextRank algorithm by Mihalcea, et al.
  • OpenSIMS, SourceForge (2004): integrates OSS tools for security management plus real-time analysis visualization
  • JFRED Chatbot Server, Robitron (1996): chatbot platform used for FringeWare eCRM, for BBC live televised Turing Test, etc.