Descriptor English: France
Descriptor Spanish: Francia
Descriptor Francia
Entry term(s) Córcega
San Pedro y Miquelón
Scope note: País de la parte occidental de Europa limitada por el Océano Atlántico, el Canal de la Mancha, el Mar Mediterráneo y los países de Bélgica, Alemania, Italia, España y Suiza, principados de Andorra y Mónaco y por el ducado de Luxemburgo. La capital es París.
Descriptor Portuguese: França
Descriptor French: France
Entry term(s): Corsica
Miquelon and Saint Pierre
Miquelon and St. Pierre
Saint Pierre and Miquelon
St. Pierre and Miquelon
Tree number(s): Z01.542.286
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: A country in western Europe bordered by the Atlantic Ocean, the English Channel, the Mediterranean Sea, and the countries of Belgium, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, the principalities of Andorra and Monaco, and by the duchy of Luxembourg. Its capital is Paris.
Annotation: PARIS is also available
Allowable Qualifiers: EH ethnology
EP epidemiology
History Note: 1978; for SAINT PIERRE AND MIQUELON use CANADA 1996-1999
DeCS ID: 5737
Unique ID: D005602
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 1978/01/01
Date of Entry: 1999/01/01
Revision Date: 1999/11/08
France - Preferred
Concept UI M0008813
Scope note A country in western Europe bordered by the Atlantic Ocean, the English Channel, the Mediterranean Sea, and the countries of Belgium, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, the principalities of Andorra and Monaco, and by the duchy of Luxembourg. Its capital is Paris.
Preferred term France
St. Pierre and Miquelon - Narrower
Concept UI M0003247
Preferred term St. Pierre and Miquelon
Entry term(s) Miquelon and Saint Pierre
Miquelon and St. Pierre
Saint Pierre and Miquelon
Corsica - Narrower
Concept UI M0008814
Preferred term Corsica

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