Susan Nazirizadeh

Susan Nazirizadeh

Frankfurt, Hessen, Deutschland
432 Follower:innen 429 Kontakte


Experienced Senior Data Scientist with a demonstrated history of working in the hospital…


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  • qdive Grafik


    Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Deutschland

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    Frankfurt Am Main Area, Germany

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    Frankfurt Am Main Area, Germany

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    Southampton, United Kingdom

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    Southampton, United Kingdom

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    Stuttgart Area, Germany


  • University of Southampton Grafik

    University of Southampton

    Activities and Societies: Rowing for the Southampton University Boats Club

    Project: “Activity Monitoring via Wearables and Smartphones”. Processed and analysed acceleration data collected by a smartphone and wearables. This research was the base for a smartphone app, which might help people with Osteoarthritis.
    • Designed studies, which one of was a clinical study at the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre in Oxford.
    • Gained experience in signal processing, computational statistics and machine learning; and developed a classifier to distinguish between different…

    Project: “Activity Monitoring via Wearables and Smartphones”. Processed and analysed acceleration data collected by a smartphone and wearables. This research was the base for a smartphone app, which might help people with Osteoarthritis.
    • Designed studies, which one of was a clinical study at the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre in Oxford.
    • Gained experience in signal processing, computational statistics and machine learning; and developed a classifier to distinguish between different physical activities and explored the relation between lower limb

  • Activities and Societies: Volunteering as Social officer at the student association "Environmental engineering"

  • Activities and Societies: Acting Society Primary and secondary school • Acted integral parts in 10 plays like, “Lysistrate”, “Das Café Haus” or “Das Schloss”

Bescheinigungen und Zertifikate


  • Meal Server

    Stoelen Project, Amsterdam

    5 Monaten

    Poverty Alleviation

    Serving homeless people in a homeless shelter with food.

  • TETO Brasil Grafik

    Building Volunteer

    TETO Brasil

    2 Monaten

    Poverty Alleviation

    Built wooden houses in a Favela near Rio de Janeiro.

  • Social officer

    Student Association Enviromental Engineering

    4 Jahre 8 Monate


    Developed ability for managing fundraising events. Staff manager in fundraising events.

  • Fraktion Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen im Deutschen Bundestag Grafik


    Fraktion Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen im Deutschen Bundestag

    2 Jahre 1 Monat

    Civil Rights and Social Action


  • Validity of Load Rate Estimation Using Accelerometers During Physical Activity on an Anti-Gravity Treadmill

    Susan Nazirizadeh, Maria Stokes, Nigel K. Arden, Alexander I. J. Forrester

    Introduction: A simple tool to estimate loading on the lower limb joints outside a laboratory may be useful for people who suffer from degenerative joint disease. Here, the accelerometers on board of wearables (smartwatch, smartphone) were used to estimate load rate on the lower limbs and were compared to data from a treadmill force plate. The aim was to assess the validity of wearables to estimate load rate transmitted through the joints.

    Methods: Twelve healthy participants (female…

    Introduction: A simple tool to estimate loading on the lower limb joints outside a laboratory may be useful for people who suffer from degenerative joint disease. Here, the accelerometers on board of wearables (smartwatch, smartphone) were used to estimate load rate on the lower limbs and were compared to data from a treadmill force plate. The aim was to assess the validity of wearables to estimate load rate transmitted through the joints.

    Methods: Twelve healthy participants (female n=4, male n=8; aged 26 ± 3 years; height: 175 ± 15 cm; body mass: 71 ± 9 kg) carried wearables, while performing locomotive activities on an anti-gravity treadmill with an integrated force plate. Acceleration data from the wearables and force plate data were used to estimate load rate. The treadmill enabled 7,680 data points to be obtained, allowing a good estimate of uncertainty to be examined. A linear regression model and cross-validation with 1,000 bootstrap resamples were used to assess the validation.

    Results: Significant correlation was found between load rate from the force plate and wearables (smartphone: R2 = 0.71; smartwatch: R2 = 0.67).

    Conclusion: Wearables’ accelerometers can estimate load rate, and the good correlation with force plate data supports their use as a surrogate when assessing lower limb joint loading in field environments.

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  • Estimates of load rates on the lower limb joints using smartphone accelerometers during physical activity

    Susan Nazirizadeh

    Although the causes and pathology of the progression of osteoarthritis are not entirely understood, an active lifestyle avoiding excessive load on the joints can control symptoms of osteoarthritis (e.g. joint pain and stiffness). The aim of this thesis was to develop, validate, and test an algorithm for estimating impact loading through the lower limbs using wearables (smartphones and smartwatches). The viscoelastic nature of articular cartilage means it is susceptible to high load rates…

    Although the causes and pathology of the progression of osteoarthritis are not entirely understood, an active lifestyle avoiding excessive load on the joints can control symptoms of osteoarthritis (e.g. joint pain and stiffness). The aim of this thesis was to develop, validate, and test an algorithm for estimating impact loading through the lower limbs using wearables (smartphones and smartwatches). The viscoelastic nature of articular cartilage means it is susceptible to high load rates, hence, the mean load rate magnitude was estimated from accelerometer recordings of wearables and used as a surrogate for estimating impact loading on the lower limb joints. The validity of the mean load rate magnitude was assessed against the gold standard equipment, the force plate (R2 = 0.77). Further, the mean load rate magnitude was used as a feature in the classification of everyday activities with support vector machine classifiers with an accuracy of 80%. An app was then developed which monitored mean load rate magnitude using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for testing the reliability of monitoring over a period of seven days. The accumulated mean load rate magnitude was used to estimate the error, êsmartphone = 2.66%, for seven-day recordings. Finally, a function to score pain was added to the final version of the app, termed OApp™. A single case study assessed the ability of OApp™ to compare osteoarthritis-related pain to mean load rate magnitude with a low positive correlation of r = 0.38. To conclude, this thesis developed, assessed the validation, and tested a load rate magnitude algorithm, which estimated load rate on the lower limb joints with the accelerometer sensors of wearables. These results form the basis for further research to develop a clinical tool for monitoring load rate and supporting patients to maintain an active lifestyle by avoiding excessive load on their lower limb joints.

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