Kerstin Niemeier

Kerstin Niemeier

Metropolregion Berlin/Brandenburg
797 Follower:innen 500+ Kontakte

Artikel von Kerstin Niemeier


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  • Key success factors and barriers to end user engagement in smart grid projects

    Conference Paper for the BEHAVE Conference 2014 in Oxford

    This paper sums up the some of the major intermediate findings of the "Smart Consumer - Smart Customer - Smart Citizen" project, whilst introducing the project consortium's methodologies.
    The project and the paper seek to explain current approaches to end users’ active
    participation in various European smart grid pilots. It highlights key success factors that have been deduced from the analysis of more than 30 European Smart Grids projects.

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  • Lastverschiebungspotenziale in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen und Erfolgsfaktoren zur Hebung dieser Potenziale

    Berichte aus Energie- und Umweltforschung, Hrsg.: Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Technologie und Innovation (AT)

    This report details the potntials for load management in small and medium sized enterprises based on a desk research of more than 20 potential studies from Austria and Germany and a survey and interviews in 30 SMEs in Austria's Salzburg region.
    The study highlights the strong potential of SMEs for load shifting business cases and sheds light on intersts and motivations of SME ecision makers. It furthermore delineates possible business models based on load shifting in SMEs.

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  • E-Energy Abschlussbericht - Ergebnisse und Erkenntnisse aus der Evaluation der sechs Leuchtturmprojekte

    Hrsg.: B.A.U.M. Consult GmbH

    The full evaluation report by the E-Energy accompanying research includes detailed reports on the individual works implemented in the six E-Energy model regions and comparatively analyses the new approaches and results of the projects in terms of
    - active distribution networks,
    - Demand Response and Demand Side Management,
    - prosumer and generation management,
    - aggregation and pooling of decentrally consumed and produced electricity,
    - e-Marketplaces,
    - Future Internet…

    The full evaluation report by the E-Energy accompanying research includes detailed reports on the individual works implemented in the six E-Energy model regions and comparatively analyses the new approaches and results of the projects in terms of
    - active distribution networks,
    - Demand Response and Demand Side Management,
    - prosumer and generation management,
    - aggregation and pooling of decentrally consumed and produced electricity,
    - e-Marketplaces,
    - Future Internet trends,
    - legal and regulatory frameworks in Germany,
    - etc.

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  • Smart Energy Made in Germany - Erkenntnisse zum Aufbau und zur Nutzung intelligenter Energiesysteme im Rahmen der Energiewende

    Hrsg.: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie

    This German publication includes the most important findings of the E-Energy accompanying research that was tasked to monitor the research, development and deployment of Smart Grid technologies that took place in the E-Energy programme's six lighthouse projects.
    It describes the chances arising from Smart Grid technologies for the German Energiewende and focuses on the value of the new technological solutions for DSOs and completely new market actors entering the energy markets.

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  • Sustainable Power Systems for the Alpine Space - Guidelines for Regional Decision Makers and Practitioners

    Hrsg.: B.A.U.M. Consult GmbH on behalf of the AlpEnergy partnership

    The AlpEnergy project included several test sites in the Alpine Space in which Virtual Power Systems based on Smart Grid technology were trialled in remote areas to accomodate for the needs of rural, Alpine regions in an energy transition.
    The guidelines describe the experiences made in Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Switzerland and France and highlights the benefits and chances as well the constraints and challenges decision makers and practitioners face when implementing such new technologies.

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