


Creating a new standard for restoring nature.


recarb is offering the world’s first rating on ecosystem resilience to reverse biodiversity loss. We make investment in nature based solutions easy and reliable by offering a science-based approach to rate and monitor the success factors for reforestation and afforestation projects in tropical forests.

2–10 Beschäftigte
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
climate finance, carbon removal, biodiversity, nature und nature tech


Beschäftigte von recarb


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    The momentum to conserve and restore one trillion trees by 2030 is growing rapidly. How can your company become a leader in sustainability and guarantee future business growth? Here are some actionable strategies: ✅ Source and use materials that have a minimal environmental impact. This includes using recycled or renewable materials, minimizing resource extraction, and opting for #biodegradable or compostable options whenever possible. ✅ Implement comprehensive recycling initiatives within your operations. Encourage and facilitate the recycling of waste materials generated during production, and offer recycling options for consumers to return used products, closing the loop on your product lifecycle. ✅ Focus on reducing #emissions through energy efficiency, transitioning to #renewableenergy sources, and optimizing supply chains to minimize #carbon footprints. Additionally, invest in carbon removal projects such as reforestation and afforestation, which actively remove residual emissions from the atmosphere. ✅ Invest in projects that restore and enhance natural ecosystems along your value chain. This could involve supporting reforestation and afforestation projects, restoring wetlands and other vital habitats, and partnering with initiatives that promote biodiversity conservation. At recarb, we offer a platform dedicated to rating and monitoring reforestation and afforestation projects in tropical forests, ensuring the success and resilience of these ecosystems. The goal? To help you make informed, impactful investments in nature restoration, driving both sustainability and business growth. Learn how recarb can help you lead the charge in sustainability and make a lasting impact on our planet. #recarb #sustainability #carbonremoval #durablecarbonremoval

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    🌳 Announcement: We are now part of the Nature Tech Collective 🎉 We are delighted that we are now part of the Nature Tech Collective with recarb. 🌿The Nature Tech Collective is a non-profit member alliance, accelerator and intelligence unit that is advancing the uptake of nature-based solutions and closing the nature-finance gap. The vision of recarb and the vision of the NTC could not fit together more perfectly. We at recarb have set ourselves the goal of enabling more investment in climate finance and in particular in the restoration of nature and biodiversity as part of climate finance - through a scientific and well-founded risk assessment of nature investments. This means that what we do also fits in with Collective's core tasks. NTC has defined its core areas as follows: 💻 Data Integrity & Transparency The climate and nature transition cannot be achieved without data integrity, transparency, and collaboration across all sectors of society. 🔬 Traditional Knowledge & Scientific Rigor NTC recognizes that both – traditional ecological knowledge and western science methods – are needed to realize the stewardship and protection of our home. 🔎 Urgency of Action & Reciprocity Our actions today impact generations to come. Data driven decisions help to manage risk, highlight opportunity, and close the nature-finance gap. 🌎 Affordable, Reliable, & Effective NTC emphasizes an effective relationship between humanity and nature that embraces shared learnings and iteration with a multi-layered approach to help make nature tech more affordable, reliable, and scalable for all. Members of the TNFD, BCA, and ANCA: - Taskforce for Nature Related Financial Disclosures - Biodiversity Credit Alliance - African Natural Capital Alliance  #naturerestoration #nature #biodiversity #naturetech

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    Do you know nature-based solutions can provide one-third of the climate mitigation needed to keep global temperatures within livable limits by 2030? 🤔 This staggering potential highlights the crucial role that natural ecosystems play in absorbing carbon dioxide, regulating temperatures, and supporting biodiversity. For example, forests 🏞, wetlands, grasslands, and other natural landscapes act as vital carbon sinks. Additionally, these solutions contribute to climate resilience by reducing the impacts of extreme weather events, such as floods and droughts. Wetlands, for instance, act as natural sponges, absorbing excess rainfall and mitigating flood risks, while also filtering pollutants and supporting rich biodiversity. 📢 The point is... Investing in nature-based solutions ensures a sustainable future for all by integrating environmental health with economic and social well-being. These projects focus on restoring natural habitats, addressing climate change, and enhancing the quality of life for communities. At recarb, we specialize in rating and monitoring reforestation and afforestation projects in tropical forests to help companies make informed investments in high-integrity projects. 👉 Would you like to learn how restoring forests can help your company to reach your climate goals? Then visit our website and download our free whitepaper. 📌 #recarb #sustainability #climatechange #naturebasedsolutions

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  • Unternehmensseite von recarb anzeigen, Grafik

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    In the face of urgent global environmental challenges, businesses play a critical role in driving solutions toward a nature-positive economy 🌱. Certain economies have shown that economic growth and nature conservation can thrive together. Take Costa Rica, for instance: over the past three decades, it has halted tropical deforestation, doubled its forest cover, and achieved nearly 100% renewable electricity, all while tripling its GDP per capita. Businesses that acknowledge the tangible impact of nature loss on their operations and growth can serve as key players in creating solutions. By integrating nature into their core strategies, companies can benefit from heightened transparency and accountability. 👉 This approach enhances brand credibility and cultivates consumer trust, attracting environmentally conscious customers and bolstering loyalty. 👉 Moreover, it enables businesses to proactively address regulatory requirements and mitigate risks associated with climate change and resource depletion, ensuring long-term operational stability. Investing in reforestation and afforestation projects is an excellent way to integrate nature into core business strategies. By leveraging recarb's science-based ratings to evaluate and monitor these projects, businesses can ensure their sustainability efforts are not only effective but also transparent and aligned with corporate goals. This enhances stakeholder communication and reinforces a commitment to environmental stewardship. It's time for businesses to step up and lead the way in championing nature 🚀. Join the movement towards a nature-positive future with recarb. Visit our homepage to learn more! #recarb #sustainability #reforestation #afforestation

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  • Unternehmensseite von recarb anzeigen, Grafik

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    Today, companies depend on nature more than many realize. Ignoring nature's crucial role in business can lead to significant hidden costs. The World Economic Forum highlights three key ways nature loss can pose major risks for businesses: 1️⃣ Operational dependency Businesses rely on nature for their operations, supply chains, and real estate. Over half of the world's GDP, approximately $44 trillion, depends on natural resources. Key sectors like construction, agriculture, and food and beverages generate $8 trillion in value, exposing them to significant risks from nature loss. 2️⃣ Customer and regulatory risks Harmful business activities affecting nature can result in losing customers, facing legal actions, and dealing with stricter regulations. As consumers and investors increasingly demand environmentally responsible practices, companies that adapt will gain a competitive edge. 3️⃣ Societal disruptions Nature loss disrupts societies, creating physical and market risks. Degraded ecosystems can worsen health outcomes, as seen with diseases like Ebola and Zika, which are linked to deforestation and other environmental disturbances. Understanding these business risks is the first step toward turning nature loss into gain. The second step is taking action to preserve our natural resources. Protect your business by investing in high-integrity restoration projects. Schedule a call with us to discover how recarb makes investment in nature-based solutions easy and reliable 🌿. #recarb #sustainability #WEF #SustainableBusiness

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    Nature loss is accelerating at an alarming rate, driven by human activities that disrupt our ecosystems. As business leaders, we need to understand and address these hidden drivers to ensure a sustainable future for both our companies and the planet. Authors of the IPBES Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services rank five direct drivers of nature loss: ❎ Land-and-Sea-Use Change: Disrupting habitats through deforestation, urban sprawl, and more. ❎ Direct Exploitation of Organisms: Overfishing, logging, and mining depleting ecosystems. ❎ Climate Change: Altering habitats and stressing ecosystems. ❎ Pollution: Contaminating air, water, and soil. ❎ Invasive Alien Species: Outcompeting native species and causing ecological imbalance. These factors are responsible for 90% of nature loss ❗ It's very clear - our activities have a significant impact on nature. To prevent further environmental degradation, our economic activities must align with earth system science. We need to integrate scientific understanding into our economic practices, ensuring sustainability and protecting biodiversity. Nature provides essential services like pollination, water purification, and carbon sequestration, which are crucial for economic stability—a shift from viewing nature as an externality to recognizing its value as natural capital is necessary. We invite all the CEOs to: 👉 Conduct risk assessments to understand how nature loss impacts your business. 👉 Engage with stakeholders to develop nature-positive initiatives. 👉 Commit to transparent environmental reporting and set ambitious sustainability targets. At recarb, we're working towards a more sustainable future 🌱. Learn how recarb evaluates and rates nature-based projects to help your business make informed investment decisions. #recarb #EarthSystemScience #NatureCapital

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    💸Transforming Finance: Shifting $7 Trillion Towards Nature-Positive Investments🌿 Both private and public investors are investing more in nature-harming activities than nature-positives ones at an astounding rate each year—more than 30 times more, for that matter. What's causing this stark contrast? It's certainly a complex issue. Not only is there a lack of understanding and awareness of the benefits of nature-based solutions (NBS), but these types of investments are also perceived as higher risk compared to more traditional options. So, despite their immense potential, NBS continue to be underfunded. So, what's their true benefit?🤔 Recent economic research suggests that for every dollar invested in climate adaptation and resilience, the return is an average of four dollars in benefits. A 1:4 ratio is quite a compelling argument for nature-positive initiatives. Of course, investing in NBS doesn't just mean an economic ROI—it goes beyond that. Cost-effective benefits extend across economic, social, and environmental spheres: 📈 Economic benefits: NBS drive job creation, improve property values, and mitigate economic losses. They can also stimulate local economies and promote innovation in sustainable industries. 👥 Social benefits: NBS enhance community well-being, foster social cohesion, and preserve cultural heritage. They can also provide recreational opportunities, improve mental health outcomes, and empower Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs) through involvement and sustainable livelihoods. 🌳 Environmental benefits: NBS can lead to effective carbon sequestration, conserve biodiversity, and optimize water management. Not only do they enhance ecosystem resilience, but they also support wildlife habitats, improve air and water quality, and restore degraded lands, promoting overall ecological balance. If we want to see real change, educating investors on the multitude of benefits is key. While quantifying the immediate ROI may pose challenges at times, the long-term advantages are undeniable. Ready to take the next step and reap the benefits of a sustainable future? Explore how recarb can support your transition to nature-positive investments. Schedule a demo to see our science-based due diligence in action!🎬 📑Sources: State of Finance for Nature 2023; International Union for Conservation of Nature #recarb #NatureBasedSolutions #Sustainability #NaturePositive #Investments

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  • Unternehmensseite von recarb anzeigen, Grafik

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    Did you know close to $7 trillion is invested annually in activities harmful to nature, according to the latest State of Finance for Nature report? That's roughly 7% of global GDP! 💵 Some of the largest contributors to nature-negative finance flows include: 🏗️ Construction: Causes habitat destruction, resource extraction, pollution, and significant carbon emissions. 🔌 Electric utilities: Relies heavily on fossil fuels, disrupts habitats, consumes large amounts of water, and generates harmful emissions. 🛢️ Oil and gas: Involves habitat destruction through exploration and drilling, oil spills, high greenhouse gas emissions, and deforestation. In contrast to the immense investment of such harmful activities, investment in nature-based solutions (NBS) received only $200 billion in 2022. The irony is that proactive NBS can actually lead to significant ROI—economically, socially, and environmentally. In fact, according to a report from the European Investment Bank, NBS provide us with almost 25% of the most cost-effective climate actions. Yet, they're still not fully integrated into mainstream investment strategies and financial markets. It's time for a change. 🌱 So, what can we do? 🌳 Support nature-based solutions: Advocate for increased funding in projects that protect and restore natural ecosystems. 📖 Educate and inspire action: Share information on the importance of biodiversity and the role NBS have in climate resilience. 💰 Promote sustainable investments: Support policies and practices that incentivize investment in sustainable projects with long-term viability. Looking at the figures, it's clear there's a critical need for change in our financial priorities to address climate and biodiversity crises effectively. Understanding the risks, trustworthiness, and long-term success of possible investments and climate-positive projects is a great place to start. Ready to shift the financial balance towards a more sustainable future? 💪 Discover how recarb makes the risks of forest restoration visible and promotes high-quality, science-based projects. Schedule a demo to learn more! 📞 #recarb #NBS #NatureRestoration #Reforestation #Sustainability

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    🌍 The Heavy Price of Economic Growth: Why CEOs Must Act Now The economic growth model of the last two centuries has brought incredible development and prosperity. It has doubled the human population and lifted over a billion people out of poverty. But this progress has come at a severe environmental cost. Three-quarters of ice-free land and 66% of marine environments have been altered, putting 1 million species at risk of extinction. This alarming transformation demands immediate action from business leaders. 🌱 Economic Growth vs. Environmental Sustainability The unprecedented economic growth has significantly harmed our planet. Vast areas of land and marine environments have been altered, endangering countless species. 🌱 The True Cost of Ignoring Nature Businesses are heavily dependent on nature. The loss of natural systems directly impacts operations, supply chains, and real estate values. Over $44 trillion of economic value generation – more than half of the world’s GDP – is at risk due to nature loss. 🌱 Hidden Risks in Supply Chains The hidden costs of nature loss can affect businesses in three main ways: operational dependency on natural systems, fallout from environmental damage, and societal impacts of degraded ecosystems. Businesses must integrate nature-positive strategies to ensure sustainable development. This approach includes recognizing the financial materiality of nature-related risks and adopting measures to safeguard natural ecosystems. Discover how recarb’s science-based assessments can guide your company towards sustainable investments. Visit our homepage at today! #recarb #Sustainability #NaturePositive #CarbonRemoval #Biodiversity #EnvironmentalImpact

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    🌱 Financing the Future: From Nature-Negative to Nature-Positive The contrast is stark: $7 trillion is spent on nature-negative activities, while only $200 billion goes towards nature-based solutions. This imbalance poses a significant risk to our global economy, with over 50% of GDP dependent on healthy ecosystems. 🌍 To ensure global economic stability, it is crucial to reduce harmful investments and scale up funding for nature-based solutions. Protecting our natural systems is not just an environmental imperative but an economic one, safeguarding the $44 trillion in GDP reliant on these ecosystems. Nature-Negative vs. Nature-Positive Finance Redirecting the $7 trillion spent on nature-negative activities towards sustainable practices can significantly impact our planet and economy. Economic Dependency on Nature Over half of the global GDP is tied to healthy ecosystems, making the case for sustainable investment strategies even more compelling. Urgent Need for Action Increasing investments in nature-based solutions is essential for maintaining global economic stability and ensuring a sustainable future. Aligning financial strategies with nature-positive practices is crucial in the journey towards a sustainable future. Join us in making meaningful investments that protect our planet and economy. Explore how recarb makes nature restoration investments transparent and impactful. Schedule a demo today! #recarb #Sustainability #NaturePositive #Finance #EconomicStability #EnvironmentalImpact

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