✨Das Fraunhofer ISI ist jetzt auch in Berlin✨ Mit unserer neuen Berliner Repräsentanz wollen wir auch in Zukunft zu einem konstruktiven Austausch zwischen Wissenschaft, Politik und Gesellschaft beitragen. Gestern wurde unser Berliner Büro offiziell eröffnet und ist ab sofort hier zu finden: 📍 Salzufer 6, 10587 Berlin Auf der begleitenden Veranstaltung tauschten wir uns mit Vertreter:innen aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, darunter Dr. Gisela Philipsenburg (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung), Dr. Mirjam Storim (Siemens AG), Dr. Susanne Lottermoser (Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz (BMUV) und Dr. Steffi Ober (NABU e.V.), über die Prioritäten der Innovations- und Transformationspolitik aus. Wir freuen uns Ihnen nun noch bessere Möglichkeiten zur Vernetzung bieten zu können, denn Innovationspolitik ist wichtiger denn je! #FraunhoferISIBerlin #FraunhoferISI #Innovation #Innovationpolicy #InnovationSystems
Das Fraunhofer-Institut für System- und Innovationsforschung ISI analysiert Entstehung und Auswirkungen von Innovationen. Wir erforschen die kurz- und langfristigen Entwicklungen von Innovationsprozessen und die gesellschaftlichen Auswirkungen neuer Technologien und Dienstleistungen. Auf dieser Grundlage stellen wir unseren Auftraggebern aus Wirtschaft, Politik und Wissenschaft Handlungsempfehlungen und Perspektiven für wichtige Entscheidungen zur Verfügung. Unsere Expertise liegt in der fundierten wissenschaftlichen Kompetenz sowie einem interdisziplinären und systemischen Forschungsansatz.
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- Foresight, Emerging Technologies, Energy Markets, Energy Technology, Energy Systems, Sustainability, Infrastructure, Policy, Industry, Innovation, Energy und Mobility
Breslauer Str. 48
Karlsruhe, 76139, DE
Beschäftigte von Fraunhofer ISI
Dr. Piret Fischer
Michael Krail
Head of Business Unit Mobility at Fraunhofer Institute für Systems and Innovation Research ISI
Karoline Rogge
Professor of Sustainability Innovation and Policy at SPRU, University of Sussex & Deputy Head Policy and Society, Fraunhofer ISI
Philine Warnke
Deputy Team Leader Competence Center Foresight & Coordinator of Business Unit Foresight for Policy and Administration. Fraunhofer Institute for…
📣 Unser Competence Center Foresight wird das neue „Executive Programme“ der NZZ Academy mit forschungsbasierten Methoden der strategischen Vorausschau unterstützen: Unter der Leitung von Simone Kimpeler lernen C-Level-Führungskräfte Foresight-Methoden zur systematischen Analyse von Zukunftsszenarien und zur Ableitung strategischer Handlungsoptionen kennen. 👉 Weitere Details finden Sie hier: https://lnkd.in/em4MGr53 Competence Center Foresight #StrategicForesight #NZZAcademy #FraunhoferISI
Neue Partnerschaft für eine zukunftsfähige Unternehmensstrategie Die NZZ Academy und das Competence Center Foresight des Fraunhofer Instituts für System- und Innovationsforschung bündeln ihre Expertise im Bereich Strategic Foresight. Führungskräfte im Executive Programme der NZZ Academy profitieren von forschungsbasierten Methoden wie Horizon Scanning und Szenariobildung, die sie dabei unterstützen, in unsicheren Zeiten erfolgreich zu navigieren und resiliente Strategien zu entwickeln. Bereit für die Zukunft? Erfahren Sie mehr über das NZZ Academy Executive Programme und wie Strategic Foresight Ihnen hilft, Wandel früher zu erkennen: https://lnkd.in/e_ZPZWyA Wir freuen uns auf die Zusammenarbeit: Fraunhofer ISI | Simone Kimpeler #NZZAcademy #ExecutiveProgramme #GlobalGrandChallenges #Strategy #StrategicForesight
⚡Optimized charging networks for electric trucks in Europe⚡ In today’s webinar with around 80 participants, Patrick Plötz, Daniel Speth and Jan-Hendrik Lange took a deep dive into our joint study with Amazon on megawatt charging system (MCS) outlets. 🙌 Thank you to everyone who joined us today and contributed to the lively discussion! In the study the research team analysed 20,000 potential charging locations and 1.6 million truck trip combinations using Amazon’s open-source CHALET model. Daniel Speth and Patrick Plötz highlighted the need for fewer but higher power stations, reducing the need for depot charging and lowering overall costs. 📊 Key results: ➡ The number of suggested locations is smaller than the minimum infrastructure targets required by the European Union. ➡ 1,000 publicly accessible charging locations could support 91% of Europe's expected long-haul truck traffic by 2030. ➡ 500 locations could manage about half of electric truck flows. 🔗 Read the full study: https://lnkd.in/e58WusZb 🗺 Open-source data: https://lnkd.in/ekHF2t9p #FraunhoferISI #BET #Battery #Sustainability #ElectricTruck #MegawattCharging #MCS #FutureOfTransport #HoLa
📊 Data-driven Societies 👩💻 Darum geht es bei unserer 10-jährigen Jubiläumsveranstaltung von „Fokus: Zukunft. Unser Leben 2050." 📅 21. November 2024 ⏰ 18:00 Uhr 📍 @TRIANGEL, Kaiserstraße 93, Karlsruhe ▶ Wie beeinflussen Daten unser tägliches Leben und gesellschaftliche Strukturen? 💡 Wir beleuchten die vielfältigen Aspekte und Auswirkungen der zunehmenden Datenverfügbarkeit und -nutzung in verschiedenen Lebensbereichen. Expert:innen aus Wirtschaft, Politik und Wissenschaft geben Einblicke in aktuelle Entwicklungen und diskutieren ethische Fragestellungen. Mit dabei sind: - Antje Leminsky (COO, Bechtle AG) - Björn Beck (Leiter Innovationslabor der Landesregierung, Staatsministerium Baden-Württemberg) - Prof. Dr. Heiner Lasi (Institutsleiter, Ferdinand-Steinbeis-Institut ) - Dr. Christian Tutschku (Teamleiter Quantencomputing, Fraunhofer IAO) 👉 Jetzt anmelden unter: https://lnkd.in/ejvMHMMa #DataDrivenSociety #FokusZukunft Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marion A. Weissenberger-Eibl Joint Innovation Hub, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
✨ This week Fraunhofer ISI co-hosted the Korea-Germany Technology Leadership Forum "Manufacturing Innovation and Technology Sovereignty Leading Future National Competitiveness". The event in collaboration with Seoul National University brought together leading representatives from academia, associations, and industry from both nations:
On 11th and 12th November, it was my great pleasure and honour to participate in the joint forum on Technological Leadership hosted by Seoul National University (SNU) and Fraunhofer ISI in Seoul, with online contributions of Prof Jakob Edler, Djerdj Horvat, PhD, Dr.-Ing. Marc Hüske (VDMA)!and Patricia Wolny (PTKA). In addition, it was our pleasure to welcome representatives of the German Embassy in Korea. On the Korean side, additional interventions were provided by different SNU departments as well as the Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP) and STEPI. Once more, our heartfelt thanks go out to Prof Jeong Dong Lee for setting this up as well as to Prof Junghye Lee for smooth organisation. Looking forward to see this great series of events continued next year.
🚀 Universities’ crucial role in European innovation and the challenges of market fragmentation 🚀 In this online event 15 expert speakers from across Europe including Peter Neuhäusler from Fraunhofer ISI, offered insights through panel discussions, workshops, and the presentation of a new study and tools jointly developed with the European Patent Office’s Observatory on Patents and Technology. ✨ This is the first large scale study of academic patents in Europe based on a new methodology by Fraunhofer ISI. 🎥 Nearly 3,000 participants attended the event live. The recordings of the full event are now accessible here: #Innovation #FraunhoferISI #Patent
Patents and innovation in European universities
Fraunhofer ISI hat dies direkt geteilt
Fraunhofer ISI’s research questions in the field of batteries 🔋 range from the evaluation of research and development of new battery technologies in the laboratory to suitable funding strategies, technology commercialisation, industrial production, usage phase and end-of-life treatment. 🔬 One of our major research areas is the description and analysis of battery markets. We not only track emerging markets, but also evaluate and forecast their future development with the help of our methodological toolbox. We run a comprehensive database covering the entire LIB value chain from materials to applications and recycling. To maintain and improve our database, we continuously track supply chains and actor networks all the way down to regional sales markets for all major battery applications. This allows us to address macro economic research questions concerning e. g. global resource availability or investment flows as well as to develop and benchmark business models targeting specific industries and market segments. Thanks to our good networking in the European research scene and with many medium-sized and large international companies, we do not only succeed in picking up on technology trends, but also in evaluating them against application and market requirements at the same time. 💡 We regularly organize technology- and application-specific expert workshops or apply our mathematical models to calculate the effects of technological developments or substitutes at the material, battery cell or system level. 👉🏼 In our battery update we discuss current debates and issues related to battery research, production and development: https://lnkd.in/etQ3CiVY #FraunhoferBatteries #FraunhoferISI #LIB #BatteryMarketResearch Thomas Schmaltz Axel Thielmann Julia K. Beyersdorf Maximilian Stephan Tim Wicke Christoph Neef Lukas Weymann Copyright image: © Fraunhofer ISI
🔋🚗 Bidirectional Charging: Opportunities for the European Power System and Electric Vehicle Users 🚗🔋 In our joint study with Fraunhofer ISE on behalf of Transport & Environment, we analyse how smart and bidirectional charging (Vehicle-to-X) can transform the European energy landscape. Bidirectional charging allows electric vehicles to both draw power from and return it to the grid – a promising approach for potential environmental, economic, and grid management benefits. 💡 Key Findings: ➡ Environmental Benefits: Bidirectional charging promotes the integration of renewable energy and reduces CO2 emissions. ➡ Grid Stability: Optimized charging can alleviate overloads in the power grid, leading to a more stable supply. ➡ Cost Savings: EV users can save up to 35 % of the costs annually through smart charging compared to not-optimized charging. 🏠⚡ Despite technical and infrastructural challenges, our study shows that bidirectional charging can offer significant advantages for both the power system and users. 👉 Read the full article for deeper insights: https://lnkd.in/d5Fmt6mA #FraunhoferISI #Electromobility #BidirectionalCharging #EnergyTransition #Sustainability #SmartCharging #V2G Fraunhofer ISI | Marian Klobasa | Annegret Stephan | Benjamin Lux | Fabio Frank Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme ISE | Matthias Kühnbach | Wolfgang Biener | Zeliha Kamaci Transport & Environment (T&E)
🚗🔋 Verkaufszahlen von Elektroautos: Vorübergehende Flaute oder anhaltende Trendumkehr? 🔋🚗 In den letzten Monaten gab es immer wieder Berichte über sinkende Verkaufszahlen bei Elektroautos und Entlassungen in der Automobilbranche. Wie ist die aktuelle Lage auf dem Fahrzeugmarkt? Philipp Keller und Tim Wicke analysieren in unserem aktuellen Blogbeitrag die Situation in Deutschland und Europa. Während die Verkaufszahlen von BEV (Batterie-Elektrofahrzeuge) in Deutschland auch aufgrund des Wegfalls der Umweltprämie rückläufig sind, zeigt sich in anderen europäischen Ländern ein positiver Trend. Norwegen und Dänemark führen die Liste der Zulassungsquoten mit immer neuen Rekorden an. Wie sich der Markt weiterentwickeln wird, bleibt spannend. Die öffentlich kommunizierten Ziele der Automobilhersteller könnten den Markt bis 2030 auf über 60 % Marktanteil für BEV unter den Neuzulassungen anheben! 🌍✨ 👉 Mehr dazu in unserem ausführlichen Blogbeitrag! https://lnkd.in/emf8u5c3 #FraunhoferISI #Elektromobilität #FraunhoferISI #Forschung #Nachhaltigkeit #ZukunftDerMobilität #EAutos #Batterie #eMobilität #BatteryNews Fraunhofer Battery Alliance
🚛🔌 Join our upcoming webinar " Electric trucks: How many fast-charging locations are needed in Europe?" on November 14th, from 10:00-11:00 CET! ⚡🚛 Battery electric trucks (#BET) represent a key solution for reducing CO2 emissions in road freight. However, the need for a robust fast-charging network poses challenges for long-haul applications. ➡In this webinar we will highlight the results of our joint publication with Amazon “Optimized demand-based charging networks for long-haul trucking in Europe” and provide critical insights as to the optimal number and location of public fast-charging stations required to enable the widespread electrification of long-haul trucking in Europe. 📊 Based on #Amazon’s open-source CHALET tool, we analysed 20,000 potential public truck charging locations along the major European highways and a large data set of 1.6 million truck trip combinations. The results suggest that 1,000 charging stations equipped with Megawatt Charging System (#MCS) outlets could enable about 91% of expected long-haul trucking traffic for 15% BETs in the fleet. Agenda: · Welcome, Background and Introduction: Patrick Plötz (Fraunhofer ISI) · Methodology: the open-source tool CHALET: Jan-Hendrik Lange (Amazon) · Results and Discussion: Daniel Speth (Fraunhofer ISI) · Q&A session 👉 Register now to secure your spot: https://lnkd.in/eR_DGUma #FraunhoferISI #Webinar #Battery #SustainableTransport #ElectricTrucks #MegawattCharging #FutureOfTransport #HoLa