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ChatGPT and the art of writing good prompts for AI-generated content: ChatGPT & GPT Prompt mastering
ChatGPT and the art of writing good prompts for AI-generated content: ChatGPT & GPT Prompt mastering
ChatGPT and the art of writing good prompts for AI-generated content: ChatGPT & GPT Prompt mastering
Hörbuch (gekürzt)56 Minuten

ChatGPT and the art of writing good prompts for AI-generated content: ChatGPT & GPT Prompt mastering

Geschrieben von Henrik Roth

Erzählt von Steffan

Bewertung: 0 von 5 Sternen


Über dieses Hörbuch

ChatGPT was released by OpenAI on 30.11.2022. ChatGPT is a language model that has been trained to dialogue with you as a user. Its main task is to help you generate natural-sounding answers to your questions and queries. The company is financed by well-known American VCs and Microsoft, among others. Elon Musk co-founded it, but left in 2019 due to conflicts of interest with Tesla. The company's goal is to develop and market artificial intelligence on an open-source basis. ChatGPT was conceived as a chatbot. You can enter any questions or prompts (the so-called prompts). The language model behind ChatGPT has been trained until November 2021. Therefore, it cannot reflect any current information to you. It is important to understand that ChatGPT can only give as good answers as your prompts are. Therefore, in this book you will learn how to write good prompts or find the right ones for your business or use case in our collection of over 200 prompts.
Erscheinungsdatum31. Jan. 2023
ChatGPT and the art of writing good prompts for AI-generated content: ChatGPT & GPT Prompt mastering

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