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The United States Cavalry, or U.S. Cavalry, was the designation of the mounted force of the United States Army by an act of Congress on 3 August 1861. This act converted the U.S. Army's two regiments of dragoons, one regiment of mounted riflemen, and two regiments of cavalry into one branch of service. The cavalry branch transitioned to the Armored Forces with tanks in 1940, but the term "cavalry", e.g. "armored cavalry", remains in use in the U.S. Army for mounted (ground and aviation) reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition (RSTA) units based on their parent Combat Arms Regimental System (CARS) regiment. Cavalry is also used in the name of the 1st Cavalry Division for heraldic/lineage/historical purposes. Some combined arms battalions (i.e., consisting of a combination of ta

Property Value
  • سلاح الفرسان الأمريكي هو فرع من فروع الجيش الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية وجد من القرن 18 إلى القرن 20. لعب سلاح الفرسان دورا هاما في توسيع الحكومة المركزية إلى الشرق من القارة إلى مناطق غير المستقرة في الغرب. (ar)
  • Die US-Kavallerie war die Reiterei der United States Army. Aufgrund ihrer Schlüsselrolle bei der Landnahme im Wilden Westen wurde sie Teil des Gründungsmythos der USA. Im Verlauf des 20. Jahrhunderts ersetzten die noch bestehenden Kavallerieverbände ihre Pferde durch Kraftfahrzeuge bzw. Hubschrauber, führen aber aus Traditionsgründen heute noch den Namen cavalry im Verbandsnamen. (de)
  • La cavalerie de l’armée des États-Unis (United States Army Cavalry) était une branche de l'armée de terre des États-Unis qui, en tant que cavalerie montée, a existé de 1775 à 1942. La cavalerie des plaines joua un rôle important dans l’extension du pouvoir central des États-Unis situé à l’est du continent nord-américain vers les zones occidentales non colonisées. Plusieurs régiments de la cavalerie blindée américaine sont ses descendants contemporains. (fr)
  • The United States Cavalry, or U.S. Cavalry, was the designation of the mounted force of the United States Army by an act of Congress on 3 August 1861. This act converted the U.S. Army's two regiments of dragoons, one regiment of mounted riflemen, and two regiments of cavalry into one branch of service. The cavalry branch transitioned to the Armored Forces with tanks in 1940, but the term "cavalry", e.g. "armored cavalry", remains in use in the U.S. Army for mounted (ground and aviation) reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition (RSTA) units based on their parent Combat Arms Regimental System (CARS) regiment. Cavalry is also used in the name of the 1st Cavalry Division for heraldic/lineage/historical purposes. Some combined arms battalions (i.e., consisting of a combination of tank and mechanized infantry companies) are designated as armor formations, while others are designated as infantry organizations. These "branch" designations are again, heraldic/lineage/historical titles derived from the CARS regiments to which the battalions are assigned. The Mexican-American War (1846–1848) "had resulted in adding a vast territory to our national domain, and the government was bound, in the interests of civilization, to open this immense area to settlement...the country between the Missouri River and California... was occupied by powerful and warlike tribes of Indians." To protect new settlers moving into and living in the new territories, soldiers had to patrol it, but the size of the army had remained fixed. In 1855, at the request of General Winfield Scott Congress added the 1st and 2nd Cavalry regiments to the U.S. Army. Congress originally created the 1st U.S. Dragoons in 1833. The 2nd U.S. Dragoons, and the U.S. Mounted Riflemen followed in 1836 and 1846 respectively. Prior to "1833 mounted troops were raised (in 1808 and 1812) as emergencies presented themselves and were disbanded as soon as these had passed." The newly designated forces were often influenced after American cavalry units employed during the American Revolutionary War. The traditions of the U.S. Cavalry originated with the horse-mounted force which played an important role in extending United States governance into the Western United States, especially after the American Civil War (1861–1865), with the need to cover vast ranges of territory between scattered isolated forts and outposts of the minimal resources given to the stretched thin U.S. Army. Significant numbers of horse mounted units participated in later foreign conflicts in the Spanish–American War of 1898, and in the Western Front battlefields of Europe in World War I (1917–1918), although numbers and roles declined. Immediately preceding World War II (1941–1945), the U.S. Cavalry began transitioning to a mechanized, mounted force. During the Second World War, the Army's cavalry units operated as horse-mounted, mechanized, or dismounted forces (infantry). The last horse-mounted cavalry charge by a U.S. Cavalry unit took place on the Bataan Peninsula, in the Philippines in early 1942. The 26th Cavalry Regiment of the allied Philippine Scouts executed the charge against Imperial Japanese Army forces near the village of Morong on 16 January 1942. "In March 1942 the War Department eliminated the office of Chief of Cavalry...and the horse cavalry was effectively abolished." The cavalry name was absorbed into the Armor branch as part of the Army Reorganization Act of 1950. The Vietnam War saw the introduction of helicopters and operations as a helicopter-borne force with the designation of Air Cavalry, while mechanized cavalry received the designation of Armored Cavalry. Today, cavalry designations and traditions continue with regiments of both armor and aviation units that perform the cavalry mission. The 1st Cavalry Division is the only active division in the United States Army with a cavalry designation. The division maintains a detachment of horse-mounted cavalry for ceremonial purposes. (en)
  • 미국 기병대(United State Cavalry)는 미국 육군 중 말을 탄 부대를 일컫는 명칭이다. 미국 기병대의 역할은 정찰, 방어, 그리고 공격이다. 기병대는 미국이 참여한 매 전쟁에서 미군 전력의 한 부분을 담당했다. 원래 명칭은 미국 용기병(영어: United States Dragoons)으로, 미국 독립 전쟁 중에 활약한 기병대를 모방한 것이었다. 미국 기병대는 남북 전쟁 이후 서부 개척 과정에서 큰 역할을 하였고, 여기서 기병대의 전통이 유래하였다. 1883년에 전쟁부가 육군 개편 계획을 집행하였다. 보병부대에서 소대에 해당하는 를 중대급, 중대에 해당하는 를 대대급으로 올리고, 주둔지에서 행정관리 단위로 쓰던 대대를 기병대에서는 더는 쓰지 않는 것으로 기병 편제를 조정하였다. 2차 세계 대전 직전까지 미국 기병대는 기병대의 역할은 물론 기갑부대로까지 활동하였다. 2차 세계 대전 중 기병대는 이전에 역할과 더불어 보병대의 역할도 추가 담당하였다. 미국 기병대에 의한 기병전은 필리핀의 바탄 반도에서 정찰대인 가 1942년 1월 16일 일본군을 상대로 돌격전을 감행한 것이 마지막이었다. (ko)
  • A Cavalaria dos Estados Unidos ("U.S. Cavalry"), foi a designação da força montada do Exército dos Estados Unidos por um ato do Congresso em 3 de agosto de 1861. Este ato converteu os dois regimentos de dragões do Exército dos EUA, um regimento de fuzileiros montados e dois regimentos de cavalaria em um ramo de serviço. O ramo de cavalaria fez a transição para as Forças Blindadas. (pt)
  • 1950-01-01 (xsd:gYear)
  • 1775-01-01 (xsd:gYear)
  • 220px|Two golden crossed sabers, sheathed, with 2 rings on the bottom side of each sheath
  • Reconnaissance, security (e.g., flank screening, advance guard, rear guard, combat out post, etc.), andeconomy of forcemissions
  • 1583811 (xsd:integer)
  • 58838 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1124627202 (xsd:integer)
  • Cavalry branch plaque (en)
  • 1775 (xsd:integer)
  • 220 (xsd:integer)
  • Saint George (en)
  • Reconnaissance, security , and economy of force missions (en)
  • Cavalry (en)
  • United States Cavalry (en)
  • سلاح الفرسان الأمريكي هو فرع من فروع الجيش الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية وجد من القرن 18 إلى القرن 20. لعب سلاح الفرسان دورا هاما في توسيع الحكومة المركزية إلى الشرق من القارة إلى مناطق غير المستقرة في الغرب. (ar)
  • Die US-Kavallerie war die Reiterei der United States Army. Aufgrund ihrer Schlüsselrolle bei der Landnahme im Wilden Westen wurde sie Teil des Gründungsmythos der USA. Im Verlauf des 20. Jahrhunderts ersetzten die noch bestehenden Kavallerieverbände ihre Pferde durch Kraftfahrzeuge bzw. Hubschrauber, führen aber aus Traditionsgründen heute noch den Namen cavalry im Verbandsnamen. (de)
  • La cavalerie de l’armée des États-Unis (United States Army Cavalry) était une branche de l'armée de terre des États-Unis qui, en tant que cavalerie montée, a existé de 1775 à 1942. La cavalerie des plaines joua un rôle important dans l’extension du pouvoir central des États-Unis situé à l’est du continent nord-américain vers les zones occidentales non colonisées. Plusieurs régiments de la cavalerie blindée américaine sont ses descendants contemporains. (fr)
  • 미국 기병대(United State Cavalry)는 미국 육군 중 말을 탄 부대를 일컫는 명칭이다. 미국 기병대의 역할은 정찰, 방어, 그리고 공격이다. 기병대는 미국이 참여한 매 전쟁에서 미군 전력의 한 부분을 담당했다. 원래 명칭은 미국 용기병(영어: United States Dragoons)으로, 미국 독립 전쟁 중에 활약한 기병대를 모방한 것이었다. 미국 기병대는 남북 전쟁 이후 서부 개척 과정에서 큰 역할을 하였고, 여기서 기병대의 전통이 유래하였다. 1883년에 전쟁부가 육군 개편 계획을 집행하였다. 보병부대에서 소대에 해당하는 를 중대급, 중대에 해당하는 를 대대급으로 올리고, 주둔지에서 행정관리 단위로 쓰던 대대를 기병대에서는 더는 쓰지 않는 것으로 기병 편제를 조정하였다. 2차 세계 대전 직전까지 미국 기병대는 기병대의 역할은 물론 기갑부대로까지 활동하였다. 2차 세계 대전 중 기병대는 이전에 역할과 더불어 보병대의 역할도 추가 담당하였다. 미국 기병대에 의한 기병전은 필리핀의 바탄 반도에서 정찰대인 가 1942년 1월 16일 일본군을 상대로 돌격전을 감행한 것이 마지막이었다. (ko)
  • A Cavalaria dos Estados Unidos ("U.S. Cavalry"), foi a designação da força montada do Exército dos Estados Unidos por um ato do Congresso em 3 de agosto de 1861. Este ato converteu os dois regimentos de dragões do Exército dos EUA, um regimento de fuzileiros montados e dois regimentos de cavalaria em um ramo de serviço. O ramo de cavalaria fez a transição para as Forças Blindadas. (pt)
  • The United States Cavalry, or U.S. Cavalry, was the designation of the mounted force of the United States Army by an act of Congress on 3 August 1861. This act converted the U.S. Army's two regiments of dragoons, one regiment of mounted riflemen, and two regiments of cavalry into one branch of service. The cavalry branch transitioned to the Armored Forces with tanks in 1940, but the term "cavalry", e.g. "armored cavalry", remains in use in the U.S. Army for mounted (ground and aviation) reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition (RSTA) units based on their parent Combat Arms Regimental System (CARS) regiment. Cavalry is also used in the name of the 1st Cavalry Division for heraldic/lineage/historical purposes. Some combined arms battalions (i.e., consisting of a combination of ta (en)
  • سلاح الفرسان الأمريكي (ar)
  • US-Kavallerie (de)
  • Cavalerie des États-Unis (fr)
  • 미국 기병대 (ko)
  • Cavalaria dos Estados Unidos (pt)
  • United States Cavalry (en)
  • United States Cavalry (en)
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