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Tackle is a playing position in gridiron football. Historically, in the one-platoon system prevalent in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, a tackle played on both offense and defense. In the modern system of specialized units, offensive tackle and defensive tackle are separate positions, and the stand-alone term "tackle" refers to the offensive tackle position only. The offensive tackle (OT, T) is a position on the offensive line, left and right. Like other offensive linemen, their job is to block: to physically keep defenders away from the offensive player who has the football and enable him to advance the football and eventually score a touchdown. The term "tackle" is a vestige of an earlier era of football in which the same players played both offense and defense.

Property Value
  • Un placador, tackleador (del inglés tackle) o tacleador es una posición de juego en el fútbol americano y el fútbol canadiense. Históricamente, en el viejo sistema conocido como iron man football, un placador jugaba tanto en el equipo ofensivo como en el defensivo. En los sistemas modernos de unidades especializadas, el offensive tackle (placador ofensivo) y el defensive tackle (placador defensivo) son posiciones separadas. (es)
  • Un offensive tackle, tackle ou bloqueur au Canada, est un joueur de football américain ou de football canadien. Historiquement, dans le système one-platoon qui a prévalu de la fin du XIXe siècle au début du XXe siècle, un tackle jouait en attaque et en défense. Depuis l'ère moderne qui met en avant la spécificité des diverses unités, l'offensive tackle et de defensive tackle sont devenus des postes tout à fait différents. Le terme tackle ne désigne plus actuellement que le tackle offensif. Le tackle (T ou OT) est un poste situé dans l'alignement offensif de l'équipe, à gauche (LT) ou à droite (RT) Comme les autres joueurs de la ligne offensive, il est situé devant le quarterback. (fr)
  • Tackle is a playing position in gridiron football. Historically, in the one-platoon system prevalent in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, a tackle played on both offense and defense. In the modern system of specialized units, offensive tackle and defensive tackle are separate positions, and the stand-alone term "tackle" refers to the offensive tackle position only. The offensive tackle (OT, T) is a position on the offensive line, left and right. Like other offensive linemen, their job is to block: to physically keep defenders away from the offensive player who has the football and enable him to advance the football and eventually score a touchdown. The term "tackle" is a vestige of an earlier era of football in which the same players played both offense and defense. A tackle is the strong position on the offensive line. They power their blocks with quick steps and maneuverability. The tackles are mostly in charge of the outside protection. Usually they defend against defensive ends, but they do also have to defend against defensive tackles, especially if the corresponding guard on their side pulls. In the NFL, offensive tackles often measure over 6 ft 4 in (193 cm) and 300 lb (140 kg). According to Sports Illustrated football journalist Paul "Dr. Z" Zimmerman, offensive tackles consistently achieve the highest scores, relative to the other positional groups, on the Wonderlic Test, with an average of 26. The Wonderlic is taken before the draft to assess each player's aptitude for learning and problem solving. The distinction between right and left tackle has become less relevant. (en)
  • L'offensive tackle è uno dei ruoli che costituiscono l'offensive line di una squadra di football americano. Il suo compito principale è di difendere il quarterback durante le azioni di lancio, specie sul suo lato cieco ed effettuare i blocchi necessari per consentire le azioni di corsa dei runningbacks. Il left tackle si trova a sinistra della guardia sinistra mentre il right tackle si trova a destra della guardia destra. Chi ha questo ruolo deve avere un fisico possente perché si trova a fronteggiare i difensori più pesanti della squadra avversaria, ma nel contempo essere veloce e reattivo. (it)
  • オフェンシブタックル (OT)は、アメリカンフットボール、カナディアンフットボールの攻撃ラインのポジションであり、レシーバーの資格のない攻撃ラインの左右の両端に位置する。 (ja)
  • 미식축구와 캐나다식 축구에서 오펜시브 태클 (Offensive Tackle / OT, T)은 오펜시브 라인을 구성하는 포지션이다. 다른 오펜시브 라인맨들처럼 그들의 임무는 상대 수비수들이 볼을 가진 공격수에게 물리적으로 접근하지 못하도록 블로킹 하는 것이다. 태클은 오펜시브 라인에 있어 강력한 포지션이다. 빠른 발놀림과 기동성을 바탕으로 블로킹을 한다. 태클은 대부분 Outside Protection(오펜시브 라인의 바깥쪽 방어)을 담당한다. 타이트 엔드가 패스를 받기 위해 빠져나가면, 태클은 가드가 커버하지 못하는 모두와 타이트 엔드가 커버하지 않는 모두를 방어해야 한다. 태클은 대체로 수비팀의 디펜시브 엔드를 상대하게 된다. NFL에서 오펜시브 테클들은 종종 6피트 4인치(193 센치미터)와 300파운드(136 킬로그램)을 상회한다. (ko)
  • Een offensive tackle is een speler in het American en Canadian football. Offensive tackles behoren tot het aanvallende team. Een standaardopstelling kent twee offensive tackles in de eerste linie (de linemen). De tackles hebben als taak spelers van het verdedigende team te stoppen wanneer een van de medespelers uit de eerste linie weggaat om de bal te ontvangen uit een pass. (nl)
  • Тэкл (англ. Tackle) (T) — позиция игрока в американском футболе. До тех пор, пока в американском футболе не сложилась система узкой специализации игроков защиты и нападения, одни и те же футболисты выступали как в роли оффенсив тэклов (когда команда играла в нападении), так и в роли дефенсив тэклов (когда команда играла в защите). (ru)
  • No futebol americano dos Estados Unidos e no Canadá, os Offensive Tackles (OT, T) são componentes da linha ofensiva nas formações de ataque. Como outros offensive linemen, seu trabalho é bloquear, mantendo os adversários longe do seu quarterback até que ele faça o lançamento ou abrir espaço para o running back correr com a bola. Um tackle é o jogador mais forte da linha ofensiva. Eles fazem seus bloqueios com rapidez nos pés e agilidade. Os tackles protegem mais os lados externos da linha. Se o tight end sair para receber o passe, o tackle deve cobrir a posição que o guard deveria fazer, que o tight end não estará fazendo. Normalmente um offensive tackle tem a função de marcar os defensive ends adversários. Na NFL, o OT em média mede 1,93 m e pesa 140 kg. (pt)
  • Offensive tackle (OT) (T) - pozycja zawodnika w futbolu amerykańskim i kanadyjskiego. Zawodnik ten należy do offensive line. W skład formacji ataku wchodzi dwóch zawodników typu tackle, którzy praktycznie zamykają formacje offensive line. Jeden ustawiony jest po lewej, zaś drugi po prawej stronie, tuż obok graczy typu guard. Zadania są podobne do zadań, jakie wykonują center i guard. Przy czym zawodnicy ci muszą zwracać baczną uwagę na zawodników z , którzy są ustawieni na skrzydłach i chcą ominąć offensive line. (pl)
  • 在美式足球和加拿大式足球,进攻截锋 (Offensive Tackle,OT, T)是成员。他们和其他的进攻锋线的作用是阻截:使得防守球员远离传球队员(通常是四分卫)或是跑锋。 截锋是进攻锋线的重要位置。他们通过快速的脚步来移动使得自己的阻挡更有效。截锋通常进行外侧的保护。如果边锋移动来接球,截锋必须阻挡所有和近端锋没有负责的防守队员。通常他们对应的是。在國家美式足球聯盟里,进攻截锋身高大多在6呎4吋(193厘米),体重300磅(136公斤)。 (zh)
  • 5587977 (xsd:integer)
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  • Un placador, tackleador (del inglés tackle) o tacleador es una posición de juego en el fútbol americano y el fútbol canadiense. Históricamente, en el viejo sistema conocido como iron man football, un placador jugaba tanto en el equipo ofensivo como en el defensivo. En los sistemas modernos de unidades especializadas, el offensive tackle (placador ofensivo) y el defensive tackle (placador defensivo) son posiciones separadas. (es)
  • L'offensive tackle è uno dei ruoli che costituiscono l'offensive line di una squadra di football americano. Il suo compito principale è di difendere il quarterback durante le azioni di lancio, specie sul suo lato cieco ed effettuare i blocchi necessari per consentire le azioni di corsa dei runningbacks. Il left tackle si trova a sinistra della guardia sinistra mentre il right tackle si trova a destra della guardia destra. Chi ha questo ruolo deve avere un fisico possente perché si trova a fronteggiare i difensori più pesanti della squadra avversaria, ma nel contempo essere veloce e reattivo. (it)
  • オフェンシブタックル (OT)は、アメリカンフットボール、カナディアンフットボールの攻撃ラインのポジションであり、レシーバーの資格のない攻撃ラインの左右の両端に位置する。 (ja)
  • 미식축구와 캐나다식 축구에서 오펜시브 태클 (Offensive Tackle / OT, T)은 오펜시브 라인을 구성하는 포지션이다. 다른 오펜시브 라인맨들처럼 그들의 임무는 상대 수비수들이 볼을 가진 공격수에게 물리적으로 접근하지 못하도록 블로킹 하는 것이다. 태클은 오펜시브 라인에 있어 강력한 포지션이다. 빠른 발놀림과 기동성을 바탕으로 블로킹을 한다. 태클은 대부분 Outside Protection(오펜시브 라인의 바깥쪽 방어)을 담당한다. 타이트 엔드가 패스를 받기 위해 빠져나가면, 태클은 가드가 커버하지 못하는 모두와 타이트 엔드가 커버하지 않는 모두를 방어해야 한다. 태클은 대체로 수비팀의 디펜시브 엔드를 상대하게 된다. NFL에서 오펜시브 테클들은 종종 6피트 4인치(193 센치미터)와 300파운드(136 킬로그램)을 상회한다. (ko)
  • Een offensive tackle is een speler in het American en Canadian football. Offensive tackles behoren tot het aanvallende team. Een standaardopstelling kent twee offensive tackles in de eerste linie (de linemen). De tackles hebben als taak spelers van het verdedigende team te stoppen wanneer een van de medespelers uit de eerste linie weggaat om de bal te ontvangen uit een pass. (nl)
  • Тэкл (англ. Tackle) (T) — позиция игрока в американском футболе. До тех пор, пока в американском футболе не сложилась система узкой специализации игроков защиты и нападения, одни и те же футболисты выступали как в роли оффенсив тэклов (когда команда играла в нападении), так и в роли дефенсив тэклов (когда команда играла в защите). (ru)
  • Offensive tackle (OT) (T) - pozycja zawodnika w futbolu amerykańskim i kanadyjskiego. Zawodnik ten należy do offensive line. W skład formacji ataku wchodzi dwóch zawodników typu tackle, którzy praktycznie zamykają formacje offensive line. Jeden ustawiony jest po lewej, zaś drugi po prawej stronie, tuż obok graczy typu guard. Zadania są podobne do zadań, jakie wykonują center i guard. Przy czym zawodnicy ci muszą zwracać baczną uwagę na zawodników z , którzy są ustawieni na skrzydłach i chcą ominąć offensive line. (pl)
  • 在美式足球和加拿大式足球,进攻截锋 (Offensive Tackle,OT, T)是成员。他们和其他的进攻锋线的作用是阻截:使得防守球员远离传球队员(通常是四分卫)或是跑锋。 截锋是进攻锋线的重要位置。他们通过快速的脚步来移动使得自己的阻挡更有效。截锋通常进行外侧的保护。如果边锋移动来接球,截锋必须阻挡所有和近端锋没有负责的防守队员。通常他们对应的是。在國家美式足球聯盟里,进攻截锋身高大多在6呎4吋(193厘米),体重300磅(136公斤)。 (zh)
  • Un offensive tackle, tackle ou bloqueur au Canada, est un joueur de football américain ou de football canadien. Historiquement, dans le système one-platoon qui a prévalu de la fin du XIXe siècle au début du XXe siècle, un tackle jouait en attaque et en défense. Depuis l'ère moderne qui met en avant la spécificité des diverses unités, l'offensive tackle et de defensive tackle sont devenus des postes tout à fait différents. Le terme tackle ne désigne plus actuellement que le tackle offensif. (fr)
  • Tackle is a playing position in gridiron football. Historically, in the one-platoon system prevalent in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, a tackle played on both offense and defense. In the modern system of specialized units, offensive tackle and defensive tackle are separate positions, and the stand-alone term "tackle" refers to the offensive tackle position only. The offensive tackle (OT, T) is a position on the offensive line, left and right. Like other offensive linemen, their job is to block: to physically keep defenders away from the offensive player who has the football and enable him to advance the football and eventually score a touchdown. The term "tackle" is a vestige of an earlier era of football in which the same players played both offense and defense. (en)
  • No futebol americano dos Estados Unidos e no Canadá, os Offensive Tackles (OT, T) são componentes da linha ofensiva nas formações de ataque. Como outros offensive linemen, seu trabalho é bloquear, mantendo os adversários longe do seu quarterback até que ele faça o lançamento ou abrir espaço para o running back correr com a bola. (pt)
  • Tackleador (es)
  • Offensive tackle (fr)
  • Offensive tackle (it)
  • オフェンシブタックル (ja)
  • 오펜시브 태클 (ko)
  • Offensive tackle (nl)
  • Offensive tackle (pt)
  • Offensive tackle (pl)
  • Tackle (gridiron football position) (en)
  • Тэкл (ru)
  • 截锋 (美式足球) (zh)
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