- اللبيسية (الاسم العلمي: Labeoninae)، فُصيلة أسماك من شعاعيات الزعانف وفصيلة الشبوطيات. تعيش في المياه العذبة وأكثر ثراء الأنواع يوجد في المنطقة المحيطة بجنوب الصين، ولكن هناك أيضًا أنواع في أماكن أخرى في آسيا، وبعض أعضاء الصد واللبيس توجد في إفريقيا. (ar)
- Die Labeoninae, im deutschen auch als Fransenlipper, Saugbarben oder Lippenbarben bezeichnet, sind eine Unterfamilie der Karpfenfische (Cyprinidae) (zwischenzeitlich auch Tribus Labeonini). Sie kommen mit 350 bis 400 Arten in Vorderasien, auf dem Indischen Subkontinent, in Südostasien westlich der Wallace-Linie (nicht auf den Philippinen) und mit den beiden artenreichsten Gattungen Labeo und Garra auch im tropischen Afrika südlich der Sahara sowie im Nil vor. (de)
- Labeoninae is a doubtfully distinct subfamily of ray-finned fishes in the family Cyprinidae of order Cypriniformes. They inhabit fresh water and the largest species richness is in the region around southern China, but there are also species elsewhere in Asia, and some members of Garra and Labeo are from Africa. They are a generally very apomorphic group, perhaps the most "advanced" of the Cyprinidae. A common name for these fishes is labeonins (when considered a distinct subfamily) or labeoins (when included in subfamily Cyprininae). They include the group sometimes separated as Garrinae, but these do not seem to be that distinct. In fact, the entire Labeoninae is merged into the Cyprininae by a number of authors; in any case, these two and the former "Barbinae" form a close-knit group whose internal phylogeny is far from resolved. If the subfamily is considered distinct, it is typically split in the tribes Labeonini (which are able to swim well in open water) and Garrini (which are mostly benthic), and sometimes in addition the Banganini (which are somewhat intermediate in habitus) If the labeo lineage is included in the Cyprininae, it becomes the tribe Labeonini, while its two (or three) subdivisions are the subtribes Labeoina, Garraina and perhaps Banganina. Notable genera are Crossocheilus, Epalzeorhynchos and Garra, which contain some of the popular aquarium fishes often called "algae eaters", e.g. the Siamese algae-eater (Crossocheilus siamensis). Labeo – the type genus of this subfamily – contains many sizeable species which are often used as food. Anatomically, the labeonins are distinguished by the Weberian apparatus contacting the skull with the bones, and its basioccipital process being concave in cross-section. The first vertebra has a that is elongated to forward and partially overlaps the basioccipital process. The fourth vertebra, meanwhile, has a short but stout transverse process that is prominently elongated bellywards; the os suspensorium is often hidden behind if viewed from the side. In the skull, the frontal and sphenotic bones have prominent foramina. In the anal fin, the first pterygiophore is elongated and has well-developed anterior and posterior flanges, with the former very large and concave at the distal end. Most labeonins have the skinny flap of the underside of the snout well-developed into a fleshy cap that at least partially hides the upper lip except when feeding, and a similar structure at the lower lip. (en)
- La sottofamiglia Labeoninae comprende 372 specie di pesci d'acqua dolce appartenenti alla famiglia Cyprinidae. (it)
- Labeoninae — підродина коропоподібних риб родини Коропові (Cyprinidae). Мешкають у прісних водоймах у Південно-Східній Азії і Південному Китаї. (uk)
- Labeoninae (лат.) — подсемейство пресноводных лучепёрых рыб рыб семейства карповых. Обитают в пресноводных водоемах Юго-Восточной Азии, Южного Китая и Африки. (ru)
- 野鲮亚科(学名:Labeoninae)是鲤形目鲤科的一种鱼类,其下大约有30多个属。与其他鲤科鱼类的区别主要集中在口唇和软组织结构上。 (zh)
- اللبيسية (الاسم العلمي: Labeoninae)، فُصيلة أسماك من شعاعيات الزعانف وفصيلة الشبوطيات. تعيش في المياه العذبة وأكثر ثراء الأنواع يوجد في المنطقة المحيطة بجنوب الصين، ولكن هناك أيضًا أنواع في أماكن أخرى في آسيا، وبعض أعضاء الصد واللبيس توجد في إفريقيا. (ar)
- Die Labeoninae, im deutschen auch als Fransenlipper, Saugbarben oder Lippenbarben bezeichnet, sind eine Unterfamilie der Karpfenfische (Cyprinidae) (zwischenzeitlich auch Tribus Labeonini). Sie kommen mit 350 bis 400 Arten in Vorderasien, auf dem Indischen Subkontinent, in Südostasien westlich der Wallace-Linie (nicht auf den Philippinen) und mit den beiden artenreichsten Gattungen Labeo und Garra auch im tropischen Afrika südlich der Sahara sowie im Nil vor. (de)
- La sottofamiglia Labeoninae comprende 372 specie di pesci d'acqua dolce appartenenti alla famiglia Cyprinidae. (it)
- Labeoninae — підродина коропоподібних риб родини Коропові (Cyprinidae). Мешкають у прісних водоймах у Південно-Східній Азії і Південному Китаї. (uk)
- Labeoninae (лат.) — подсемейство пресноводных лучепёрых рыб рыб семейства карповых. Обитают в пресноводных водоемах Юго-Восточной Азии, Южного Китая и Африки. (ru)
- 野鲮亚科(学名:Labeoninae)是鲤形目鲤科的一种鱼类,其下大约有30多个属。与其他鲤科鱼类的区别主要集中在口唇和软组织结构上。 (zh)
- Labeoninae is a doubtfully distinct subfamily of ray-finned fishes in the family Cyprinidae of order Cypriniformes. They inhabit fresh water and the largest species richness is in the region around southern China, but there are also species elsewhere in Asia, and some members of Garra and Labeo are from Africa. They are a generally very apomorphic group, perhaps the most "advanced" of the Cyprinidae. A common name for these fishes is labeonins (when considered a distinct subfamily) or labeoins (when included in subfamily Cyprininae). (en)