About: John Buford

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John Buford, Jr. (March 4, 1826 – December 16, 1863) was a United States Army cavalry officer. He fought for the Union as a brigadier general during the American Civil War. Buford is best known for having played a major role in the first day of the Battle of Gettysburg on July 1, 1863, by identifying, taking, and holding the "high ground" while in command of a division.

Property Value
  • جون بافورد (بالإنجليزية: John Buford)‏ هو ضابط أمريكي، ولد في 4 مارس 1826 في مقاطعة ودفورد في الولايات المتحدة، وتوفي في 16 ديسمبر 1863 في واشنطن العاصمة في الولايات المتحدة. (ar)
  • John Buford, (* 4. März 1826 im Woodford County, Kentucky; † 16. Dezember 1863 in Washington, D.C.), war General der United States Army. Er kommandierte die Kavallerievorhut der Potomac-Armee in der Schlacht von Gettysburg. (de)
  • John Buford, Jr. (March 4, 1826 – December 16, 1863) was a United States Army cavalry officer. He fought for the Union as a brigadier general during the American Civil War. Buford is best known for having played a major role in the first day of the Battle of Gettysburg on July 1, 1863, by identifying, taking, and holding the "high ground" while in command of a division. Buford graduated from West Point in 1848. He remained loyal to the United States when the Civil War broke out, despite having been born in the divided border state of Kentucky. During the war he fought against the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia as part of the Army of the Potomac. His first command was a cavalry brigade under Major General John Pope, and he distinguished himself at Second Bull Run in August 1862, where he was wounded, and also saw action at Antietam in September and Stoneman's Raid in spring 1863. Buford's cavalry division played a crucial role in the Gettysburg Campaign that summer. Arriving at the small town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, on June 30, before the Confederate troops, Buford set up defensive positions. On the morning of July 1, Buford's division was attacked by a Confederate division under the command of Major General Henry Heth. His men held just long enough for Union reinforcements to arrive. After a massive three-day battle, the Union troops emerged victorious. Later, Buford rendered valuable service to the Army, both in the pursuit of Robert E. Lee after the Battle of Gettysburg, and in the Bristoe Campaign that autumn, but his health started to fail, possibly from typhoid. Just before his death at age 37, he received a personal message from President Abraham Lincoln, promoting him to major general of volunteers in recognition of his tactical skill and leadership displayed on the first day of Gettysburg. (en)
  • John Buford, Jr. (4 mars 1826 - 16 décembre 1863) est un officier de cavalerie de l'armée des États-Unis qui joue un rôle important durant la guerre de Sécession, en particulier au tout début de la bataille de Gettysburg : il détermine le choix du terrain, qui sera favorable aux Unionistes. (fr)
  • 존 뷰퍼드 주니어(John Buford Junior, 1826년 3월 4일 ~ 1863년 12월 16일)는 미국 남북전쟁 중에 북군 기병 장교로 게티즈버그 전투에서 결정적인 역할을 했다. (ko)
  • John Buford, jr. (Woodford County (Kentucky), 4 maart 1826 – Washington, D.C., 16 december 1863) was een Amerikaanse generaal. Tijdens de Slag bij Gettysburg in de Amerikaanse Burgeroorlog speelde Buford een belangrijke rol. Op de eerste dag van de slag was de cavalerie-eenheid van Buford de eerste die bij het slagveld aankwam en zodoende gaf hij de noordelijke legers het voordeel de beste posities te kiezen. Enkele maanden na het treffen rond Gettysburg werd Buford getroffen door tyfus en hij overleed op 16 december in hetzelfde jaar. Vlak voor zijn dood werd hij gepromoveerd tot generaal-majoor met als ingangsdatum 1 juli 1863, de eerste dag van de Slag om Gettysburg. (nl)
  • ジョン・ビュフォード・ジュニア(John Buford, Jr.、1826年3月4日-1863年12月26日)は、南北戦争の時の北軍騎兵将軍であり、ゲティスバーグの戦いの開始時点での役割で著名となった。 (ja)
  • John Buford (ur. 4 marca 1826, zm. 16 grudnia 1863) – amerykański oficer i generał kawalerii. Odegrał znaczącą rolę w bitwie pod Gettysburgiem zatrzymując szpicę sił konfederackiej Armii Północnej Wirginii. Zmarł na tyfus w Waszyngtonie. (pl)
  • John Buford, född 1826, död 1863, var en West Point-utbildad yrkesofficer, som 1862-1863 var brigadgeneral och kavalleribrigad- och kavalleridivisionschef i nordstatsarmén. Buford utmärkte sig i inledningen till slaget vid Gettysburg genom att med sin division förhindra sydstatsarmén att gruppera sig på de dominerande höjder som sedan nordstatsarmén besatte. Buford utexaminerades från West Point 1848 och tjänstgjorde sedan vid indiangränsen. Vid inbördeskrigets utbrott var han kapten och blev först stabsofficer och sedan chef för en kavalleribrigad och sedermera divisionschef. Buford konstituerades till generalmajor när han låg döende i tyfoidfeber. (sv)
  • John Buford, Jr. (4 de março de 1826 - 16 de dezembro de 1863) foi um oficial da cavalaria dos Estados Unidos, conhecido pelo papel crucial que teve combatendo pelo exército da União na Batalha de Gettysburg. John Buford nasceu no condado de Woodford, Kentucky. Mudou-se para Rock Island, Illinois em 1840. Em 1848 formou-se na academia militar de West Point. Antes da Guerra da Secessão serviu em unidades de dragões e de cavalaria no Texas, Novo México, Kansas e Utah. Em 1861, no início da guerra civil, foi transferido de , Kansas, para as defesas de Washington, D.C., onde atuou como ajudante do inspetor geral. Em julho de 1862 foi promovido a General de Brigada e assumiu o comando da brigada de reserva da cavalaria do Exército da Virgínia, sob John Pope. Foi severamente ferido na Segunda Batalha de Bull Run. Comandou a cavalaria do Exército de Potomac na campanha de Maryland, sob George McClellan e em Fredericksburg, sob Ambrose Burnside. Quando Joseph Hooker assumiu o comando do exército, voltou a comandar a brigada de reserva. Destacou-se na tentativa de tomada de Richmond pelo . Na campanha de Gettysburg, quando comandava a 1ª Divisão de Cavalaria, reconheceu a importância estratégica da posição em que se encontrava e organizou a primeira linha de resistência ao avanço inimigo. Com uma hábil defesa em profundidade conseguiu reter a brigada confederada de Henry Heth, três vezes superior em número, até a chegada de reforços na forma do Primeiro Corpo de Exército Federal, sob Gal. Maj. John Reynolds. A iniciativa de Buford assegurou ao exército da União a posse das elevações dominantes à retaguarda, uma vantagem que se comprovaria decisiva para a vitória na que seria a maior batalha daquela guerra. Morreu de febre tifoide em 16 de dezembro de 1863, sendo promovido a Maj. General no leito de morte. (pt)
  • 小约翰·比福德(英語:John Buford, Jr.,1826年3月4日-1863年12月16日),美国南北战争时期北方军陆军少将。 美国陆军基地、怀俄明州都是以比福德的名字命名的。 (zh)
  • Джон Бьюфорд Младший (англ. John Buford, Jr.; 4 марта 1826 — 16 декабря 1863) — офицер американской кавалерии во время гражданской войны. Участвовал во многих сражениях войны, но известен в основном тем, что начал битву под Геттисбергом. (ru)
  • Chief of Cavalry,Army of the Potomac
  • 1863-01-01 (xsd:gYear)
  • 1848-01-01 (xsd:gYear)
  • 607034 (xsd:integer)
  • 21552 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1116645910 (xsd:integer)
  • right (en)
  • Utah War * American Civil War ** Second Battle of Bull Run ** Battle of South Mountain ** Battle of Antietam ** Battle of Brandy Station ** Battle of Upperville ** Battle of Gettysburg ** Battle of Boonsboro ** Battle of Funkstown ** Battle of Williamsport ** Bristoe Campaign (en)
  • 1826-03-04 (xsd:date)
  • Chief of Cavalry, Army of the Potomac (en)
  • 1863-12-16 (xsd:date)
  • John Buford, Jr. (en)
  • Place of burial (en)
  • As rider and steed went charging past ... Buford is dead! (en)
  • And behold his falchion's crushing blow (en)
  • No more to follow his daring form (en)
  • No more with him to ride down the foe (en)
  • Nor hear his voice, like a rushing blast (en)
  • Or see him dash through the battle's storm (en)
  • 1848 (xsd:integer)
  • 0001-12-21 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • 35.0
  • جون بافورد (بالإنجليزية: John Buford)‏ هو ضابط أمريكي، ولد في 4 مارس 1826 في مقاطعة ودفورد في الولايات المتحدة، وتوفي في 16 ديسمبر 1863 في واشنطن العاصمة في الولايات المتحدة. (ar)
  • John Buford, (* 4. März 1826 im Woodford County, Kentucky; † 16. Dezember 1863 in Washington, D.C.), war General der United States Army. Er kommandierte die Kavallerievorhut der Potomac-Armee in der Schlacht von Gettysburg. (de)
  • John Buford, Jr. (4 mars 1826 - 16 décembre 1863) est un officier de cavalerie de l'armée des États-Unis qui joue un rôle important durant la guerre de Sécession, en particulier au tout début de la bataille de Gettysburg : il détermine le choix du terrain, qui sera favorable aux Unionistes. (fr)
  • 존 뷰퍼드 주니어(John Buford Junior, 1826년 3월 4일 ~ 1863년 12월 16일)는 미국 남북전쟁 중에 북군 기병 장교로 게티즈버그 전투에서 결정적인 역할을 했다. (ko)
  • ジョン・ビュフォード・ジュニア(John Buford, Jr.、1826年3月4日-1863年12月26日)は、南北戦争の時の北軍騎兵将軍であり、ゲティスバーグの戦いの開始時点での役割で著名となった。 (ja)
  • John Buford (ur. 4 marca 1826, zm. 16 grudnia 1863) – amerykański oficer i generał kawalerii. Odegrał znaczącą rolę w bitwie pod Gettysburgiem zatrzymując szpicę sił konfederackiej Armii Północnej Wirginii. Zmarł na tyfus w Waszyngtonie. (pl)
  • 小约翰·比福德(英語:John Buford, Jr.,1826年3月4日-1863年12月16日),美国南北战争时期北方军陆军少将。 美国陆军基地、怀俄明州都是以比福德的名字命名的。 (zh)
  • Джон Бьюфорд Младший (англ. John Buford, Jr.; 4 марта 1826 — 16 декабря 1863) — офицер американской кавалерии во время гражданской войны. Участвовал во многих сражениях войны, но известен в основном тем, что начал битву под Геттисбергом. (ru)
  • John Buford, Jr. (March 4, 1826 – December 16, 1863) was a United States Army cavalry officer. He fought for the Union as a brigadier general during the American Civil War. Buford is best known for having played a major role in the first day of the Battle of Gettysburg on July 1, 1863, by identifying, taking, and holding the "high ground" while in command of a division. (en)
  • John Buford, jr. (Woodford County (Kentucky), 4 maart 1826 – Washington, D.C., 16 december 1863) was een Amerikaanse generaal. Tijdens de Slag bij Gettysburg in de Amerikaanse Burgeroorlog speelde Buford een belangrijke rol. Op de eerste dag van de slag was de cavalerie-eenheid van Buford de eerste die bij het slagveld aankwam en zodoende gaf hij de noordelijke legers het voordeel de beste posities te kiezen. (nl)
  • John Buford, Jr. (4 de março de 1826 - 16 de dezembro de 1863) foi um oficial da cavalaria dos Estados Unidos, conhecido pelo papel crucial que teve combatendo pelo exército da União na Batalha de Gettysburg. John Buford nasceu no condado de Woodford, Kentucky. Mudou-se para Rock Island, Illinois em 1840. Em 1848 formou-se na academia militar de West Point. Antes da Guerra da Secessão serviu em unidades de dragões e de cavalaria no Texas, Novo México, Kansas e Utah. Morreu de febre tifoide em 16 de dezembro de 1863, sendo promovido a Maj. General no leito de morte. (pt)
  • John Buford, född 1826, död 1863, var en West Point-utbildad yrkesofficer, som 1862-1863 var brigadgeneral och kavalleribrigad- och kavalleridivisionschef i nordstatsarmén. Buford utmärkte sig i inledningen till slaget vid Gettysburg genom att med sin division förhindra sydstatsarmén att gruppera sig på de dominerande höjder som sedan nordstatsarmén besatte. (sv)
  • جون بافورد (ar)
  • John Buford (de)
  • John Buford (fr)
  • John Buford (en)
  • ジョン・ビュフォード (ja)
  • 존 뷰퍼드 (ko)
  • John Buford (nl)
  • John Buford (pl)
  • John Buford (pt)
  • Бьюфорд, Джон (ru)
  • John Buford (sv)
  • 约翰·比福德 (zh)
  • John Buford, Jr. (en)
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