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Jascha Brodsky (June 6, 1907 – March 3, 1997) was a Russian-American violinist and teacher. Born in Kharkiv, in the Kharkov Governorate of the Russian Empire (in present-day Ukraine), he began his violin studies with his violinist father at the age of six. He later studied at the conservatory in Tbilisi, Georgia, and by 1926, was performing successfully all over the Soviet Union. That same year, he went to Paris to study with Lucien Capet. There he also played for Sergei Prokofiev (Violin Concerto No. 1) and performed with pianist Vladimir Horowitz and violinists Nathan Milstein and Mischa Elman.

Property Value
  • Jascha Brodsky (Khàrkiv, 6 de juny de 1907 - Ocala, 3 de març de 1997) va ser un violinista i professor ucraïnès-estatunidenc. Brodsky va començar els estudis de violí amb el seu pare violinista als sis anys. Més tard va estudiar al conservatori de Tbilisi, Geòrgia, i el 1926 ja actuava amb èxit a tota la Unió Soviètica. Aquell mateix any, va anar a París a estudiar amb . Allà també va tocar obres de Serguei Prokófiev (Concert per a violí núm. 1) i va actuar amb el pianista Vladimir Horowitz i els violinistes Nathan Milstein i . Poc després es va traslladar de nou a Bèlgica per estudiar amb el llegendari . El 1930 es va traslladar a Amèrica per estudiar amb al "Curtis Institute of Music". Al costat dels seus companys de classe , i , Brodsky va formar el 1932 un conjunt que més tard s'anomenaria Curtis String Quartet i que fou el primer violinista del quartet fins que el grup es va dissoldre el 1981 després de la mort del violista del quartet, Max Aronoff. Brodsky es va incorporar a la facultat del "Curtis Institute" el 1932 i va romandre allà fins just després de la Segona Guerra Mundial, quan, amb la resta del Quartet de corda Curtis, va renunciar per discrepàncies amb algunes de les polítiques de l'escola per ajudar a fundar la Nova Escola de Música. Després de tornar a incorporar-se a la facultat a principis dels anys cinquanta, va romandre durant prop de cinquanta anys i va ser nomenat més tard a la càtedra Efrem Zimbalist d'Estudis sobre violí, càrrec que va ocupar fins a la seva mort el 1997. Pedagog respectat, els seus estudiants estan molt dispersos entre les millors institucions musicals del món. Entre els seus estudiants hi ha Hilary Hahn, , , , , , , , i . Amb Aronoff, Brodsky va fundar la Nova Escola de Música a Filadèlfia quan van decidir que hi havia una necessitat actual de formar músics específicament per a una carrera de música de cambra o d'orquestra. El 1986, The New School of Music es va fusionar amb el "Boyer College of Music and Dance" de la Universitat de Temple, on Brodsky va ser nomenat professor emèrit. Va ensenyar a l'escola fins a la seva jubilació el 1996. Va morir a Ocala, Florida, el 1997. En una investigació del "Philadelphia Inquirer" del 2019, Lara St. John i altres quatre dones anonimes van acusar Brodsky d'agredir-les sexualment quan eren estudiants seus. Van al·legar que després de denunciar els seus avanços a l'administració de Curtis, van ser burlats i les seves denúncies van ser ignorades. Curtis havia contractat el despatx d'advocats Morgan Lewis el 2013 per investigar les acusacions de St. John, però la firma només va entrevistar dues persones i va concloure que no calia cap investigació addicional. El novembre de 2019, Curtis va contractar l'empresa Cozen O'Connor per dur a terme una altra investigació independent sobre les acusacions de St. John, així com altres possibles incidents d'agressions i abusos sexuals, prometent posar a disposició del públic l'informe complet. El 22 de setembre de 2020, Curtis va publicar l'informe, en què els advocats que el van preparar —Gina Maisto Smith i Leslie Gomez, exfiscals d'abusos infantils i delictes sexuals— van concloure que Brodsky havia abusat i violat sexualment St. John durant el 1985 –86 curs escolar, període durant el qual tenia 14 i 15 anys. Smith i Gómez van concloure a més que Curtis s'havia quedat "curt en la seva resposta institucional" en diversos punts quan St. John va informar l'escola del que havia fet Brodsky. L'escola va emetre disculpes i es va comprometre amb noves polítiques i accions per prevenir futurs abusos sexuals i facilitar la notificació als supervivents. (ca)
  • Jascha Brodsky (lettisch Jaroslavs Brodskis) (* 6. Juni 1907 in Lettland; † 3. März 1997 in Ocala, Florida) war ein klassischer Geiger ukrainischer Abstammung. (de)
  • Jascha Brodsky (June 6, 1907 – March 3, 1997) was a Russian-American violinist and teacher. Born in Kharkiv, in the Kharkov Governorate of the Russian Empire (in present-day Ukraine), he began his violin studies with his violinist father at the age of six. He later studied at the conservatory in Tbilisi, Georgia, and by 1926, was performing successfully all over the Soviet Union. That same year, he went to Paris to study with Lucien Capet. There he also played for Sergei Prokofiev (Violin Concerto No. 1) and performed with pianist Vladimir Horowitz and violinists Nathan Milstein and Mischa Elman. Soon thereafter, he moved again, to Belgium to study with the legendary Eugène Ysaÿe. In 1930 he moved to America to study with Efrem Zimbalist at the Curtis Institute of Music. Alongside his classmates Orlando Cole, , and Benjamin Sharlip, Brodsky formed in 1932 an ensemble which would later be called the Curtis String Quartet and served as the first violinist of the quartet until the group disbanded in 1981 after the death of the quartet's violist, Max Aronoff. Brodsky joined the faculty at the Curtis Institute in 1932 and remained there until just after World War II when, with the rest of the Curtis String Quartet, he resigned over disagreements with certain of the school's policies to help found the New School of Music. After re-joining the faculty in the early 1950s, he remained for nearly fifty years, later being appointed to the Efrem Zimbalist Chair of Violin Studies, which position he held until his death in 1997. A respected pedagogue, his students are dispersed widely among the finest musical institutions in the world. Numbered among his students are Hilary Hahn, Joseph de Pasquale, Leila Josefowicz, , Juliette Kang, Judith Ingolfsson, , Joey Corpus, Chin Kim, and Shira Katsman. With Aronoff, Brodsky founded the New School of Music in Philadelphia when they decided that there was a present need to train musicians specifically for a career in chamber music or in . In 1986, The New School of Music was merged into Temple University's Boyer College of Music and Dance, where Brodsky was appointed Professor Emeritus. He taught at the school until his retirement in 1996. He died in Ocala, Florida in1997. In a 2019 Philadelphia Inquirer investigation, Lara St. John and four other unnamed women accused Brodsky of sexually assaulting them when they were his students. They alleged that after reporting his advances to the Curtis administration, they were mocked and their allegations were ignored. Curtis had hired law firm Morgan Lewis in 2013 to investigate St. John's allegations, but the firm interviewed only two people and concluded no further investigation was needed. In November 2019, Curtis hired the firm Cozen O'Connor to conduct another independent investigation into St. John's accusations, as well as other potential incidents of sexual assault and abuse, promising to make the full report available to the public. On September 22, 2020, Curtis released the report, in which the attorneys who prepared it—Gina Maisto Smith and Leslie Gomez, former child abuse and sex crimes prosecutors—concluded that Brodsky had in fact sexually abused and raped St. John during the 1985–86 school year, during which time she was 14 and 15 years old. Smith and Gomez further concluded that Curtis had fallen "short in its institutional response" at several points when St. John informed the school of what Brodsky had done. The school issued an apology, and committed to new policies and actions to prevent future sexual abuse and make reporting easier for survivors. (en)
  • Яша Бродский (нем. Jascha Brodsky; 6 июня 1907, Харьков — 3 марта 1997, Флорида) — американский скрипач и музыкальный педагог российско-еврейского происхождения. (ru)
  • non_vocal_instrumentalist
  • 1907-06-06 (xsd:date)
  • 1997-03-03 (xsd:date)
  • 7602899 (xsd:integer)
  • 7167 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1119185978 (xsd:integer)
  • non_vocal_instrumentalist (en)
  • 1907-06-06 (xsd:date)
  • Kharkiv, Russian Empire (en)
  • 1997-03-03 (xsd:date)
  • Classical (en)
  • Violin (en)
  • Soloist, teacher (en)
  • Jascha Brodsky (lettisch Jaroslavs Brodskis) (* 6. Juni 1907 in Lettland; † 3. März 1997 in Ocala, Florida) war ein klassischer Geiger ukrainischer Abstammung. (de)
  • Яша Бродский (нем. Jascha Brodsky; 6 июня 1907, Харьков — 3 марта 1997, Флорида) — американский скрипач и музыкальный педагог российско-еврейского происхождения. (ru)
  • Jascha Brodsky (Khàrkiv, 6 de juny de 1907 - Ocala, 3 de març de 1997) va ser un violinista i professor ucraïnès-estatunidenc. Brodsky va començar els estudis de violí amb el seu pare violinista als sis anys. Més tard va estudiar al conservatori de Tbilisi, Geòrgia, i el 1926 ja actuava amb èxit a tota la Unió Soviètica. Aquell mateix any, va anar a París a estudiar amb . Allà també va tocar obres de Serguei Prokófiev (Concert per a violí núm. 1) i va actuar amb el pianista Vladimir Horowitz i els violinistes Nathan Milstein i . Va morir a Ocala, Florida, el 1997. (ca)
  • Jascha Brodsky (June 6, 1907 – March 3, 1997) was a Russian-American violinist and teacher. Born in Kharkiv, in the Kharkov Governorate of the Russian Empire (in present-day Ukraine), he began his violin studies with his violinist father at the age of six. He later studied at the conservatory in Tbilisi, Georgia, and by 1926, was performing successfully all over the Soviet Union. That same year, he went to Paris to study with Lucien Capet. There he also played for Sergei Prokofiev (Violin Concerto No. 1) and performed with pianist Vladimir Horowitz and violinists Nathan Milstein and Mischa Elman. (en)
  • Jascha Brodsky (ca)
  • Jascha Brodsky (de)
  • Jascha Brodsky (en)
  • Бродский, Яша (ru)
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