- Gurazeni (グラゼニ) or Money Diamond, is a Japanese baseball manga series written by Yūji Moritaka and illustrated by Keiji Adachi. The manga was serialized in Kodansha's seinen manga magazine Morning and has been followed by four sequels since. The manga is about the unforgiving money-and-statistics-centric world of professional baseball, in a similar concept to Moneyball, but through the eyes of players: A relief pitcher and left-handed specialist, Bonda Natsunosuke, and Tokunaga, a retired pitcher turned color commentator. The fictional teams in the series are based on real teams in the NPB, particularly the Central League. A twenty-four episodes anime television series adaptation by Studio Deen was broadcast from April to December 2018. (en)
- 『グラゼニ』は、原作:森高夕次、漫画:足立金太郎(パ・リーグ編より「アダチケイジ」から改名)による日本の野球漫画作品。『週刊モーニング』(講談社)にて2011年第2・3合併号から不定期連載を開始。26号から週刊連載化し、2014年第39号での一旦終了を経て、同年第43号より2018年第11号にかけて第2部『グラゼニ 〜東京ドーム編〜』を連載。2018年17号から2021年38号にかけて第3部『グラゼニ 〜パ・リーグ編〜』として連載。2022年2・3合併号から第4部『グラゼニ 〜大リーグ編〜』を連載中。『イブニング』(同社)では2020年7号より2022年23号まで、スピンオフ『グラゼニ 〜夏之介の青春〜』を太秦洋介の作画で連載。『週刊モーニング』にて2021年第45号より2022年第1号までスピンオフ第2弾となる『昭和のグラゼニ』の第1期が川の作画により連載。第2期を同誌2022年14号から同年22・23合併号まで連載し、第3期の連載も発表されている。 2020年3月時点でシリーズ累計発行部数は350万部を突破している。2012年版『このマンガがすごい!』ではオトコ編第2位を獲得、第37回講談社漫画賞受賞。 (ja)
- Gurazeni (グラゼニ?) è un manga scritto da Yūji Moritaka e disegnato da Keiji Adachi, serializzato sulla rivista Weekly Morning di Kōdansha dal 9 dicembre 2010 al 23 gennaio 2015. Un adattamento anime è stato trasmesso Giappone nel 2018, arrivando in Italia in streaming sulla piattaforma VVVVID, in lingua originale sottotitolato in italiano. (it)
- 《錢進球場》(日语:グラゼニ)是由森高夕次原作、足立金太郎(太平洋聯盟篇連載之前筆名「足立刑事(アダチケイジ)」)負責作畫以日本職棒題材的日本漫畫作品,於《Morning》(講談社)上的2010年12月至2014年8月連載第一部,同年2014年9月至2018年3月連載第二部《錢進球場 ~東京巨蛋篇~》,2018年3月起連載第三部《錢進球場 ~太平洋聯盟篇~》。漫畫改編電視動畫由STUDIO DEEN製作,第1季於2018年4月至6月播出;第2季於同年10月至12月播出。2020年3月開始在《Evening》(講談社)連載外傳《錢進球場 ~夏之介的青春~》(太秦洋介負責作畫)。 本作故事是以重視金錢的職棒中繼左投凡田夏之介為主角,描述職業棒球員的職業生涯和職場生態。而作品名稱「グラゼニ」是一個作者原創的混成詞,指「グラウンド」(球場)和「ゼニ」(金錢),是將日本棒球運動員鶴岡一人的名言「グラウンドにはゼニが落ちている」(金錢灑在球場上。)縮減而成。 (zh)
- 2010-12-09 (xsd:date)
- 2014-09-25 (xsd:date)
- 2018-03-29 (xsd:date)
- 2020-03-10 (xsd:date)
- 2021-12-09 (xsd:date)
- 2014-08-28 (xsd:date)
- 2018-02-15 (xsd:date)
- 2021-08-19 (xsd:date)
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- Cover of the first manga volume (en)
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- Fumio Maezono (en)
- Hidehiko Kadota (en)
- Hiromichi Matano (en)
- Hiroyuki Tsuchiya (en)
- Kazuomi Koga (en)
- Masahiko Watanabe (en)
- Masayuki Iimura (en)
- Naoki Murata (en)
- Shunji Yoshida (en)
- Toshihiro Maeya (en)
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- 2010-12-09 (xsd:date)
- 2014-09-25 (xsd:date)
- 2018-03-29 (xsd:date)
- 2018-04-06 (xsd:date)
- 2020-03-10 (xsd:date)
- 2021-12-09 (xsd:date)
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- Keiji Adachi (en)
- Yōsuke Uzumaki (en)
- Evening KC (en)
- Morning KC (en)
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- 2014-08-28 (xsd:date)
- 2018-02-15 (xsd:date)
- 2018-12-21 (xsd:date)
- 2021-08-19 (xsd:date)
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- 引退へのレール / プロになれなかった男 (en)
- いきなり大逆転! (en)
- さびしい季節 (en)
- ココだけのおハナシ (en)
- コドクなグルメ (en)
- ファン感謝デー (en)
- 一軍復帰 (en)
- 二軍なのに一軍 (en)
- 倍数 (en)
- 契約更改・前編 (en)
- 契約更改・後編 (en)
- 安全な株・危険な株 (en)
- 戦力外通告 (en)
- 投げるタマがない (en)
- 教師or反面教師 (en)
- 無職で結婚…!? (en)
- 球場までの通勤事情 (en)
- 甘チャン (en)
- 県人会 (en)
- 祝・リーグ優勝 (en)
- 習性 / 友達 (en)
- 首位浮上 (en)
- 高卒と大卒 (en)
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- 2018-04-13 (xsd:date)
- 2018-04-20 (xsd:date)
- 2018-04-27 (xsd:date)
- 2018-05-04 (xsd:date)
- 2018-05-11 (xsd:date)
- 2018-05-18 (xsd:date)
- 2018-05-25 (xsd:date)
- 2018-06-01 (xsd:date)
- 2018-06-08 (xsd:date)
- 2018-06-15 (xsd:date)
- 2018-06-22 (xsd:date)
- 2018-10-05 (xsd:date)
- 2018-10-12 (xsd:date)
- 2018-10-19 (xsd:date)
- 2018-10-26 (xsd:date)
- 2018-11-02 (xsd:date)
- 2018-11-09 (xsd:date)
- 2018-11-16 (xsd:date)
- 2018-11-23 (xsd:date)
- 2018-11-30 (xsd:date)
- 2018-12-07 (xsd:date)
- 2018-12-14 (xsd:date)
- 2018-12-21 (xsd:date)
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- When one of the Spiders' catchers is injured a catcher called Tōkō Junji is brought into the team from the Minors. When Bonda is pitching, Tōkō makes a series of mistakes almost costing the Spiders the game. After the game Bonda awkwardly overhears Tōkō getting told off by Kitamura, Tōkō's old teammate in college and now a successful sports reporter. Kitamura thinks Tōkō should retire and has offered him a job with his family business. (en)
- Bonda argues his case to gain a small, but significant extra million Yen to his contract, but the managers refuse to budge. Bonda brings up a game against The Mops at Jingu Stadium where his performance secured The Spiders' 4000th win and Kawasaki's 150th win but the managers counter that this has already been taken into account in their offer. Bonda then mentions that at this very game a famous singer and an actor were in the audience leading to the exposure of their relationship. This created a lot of media attention and the fact that the "star-couple" were Jingu Spiders-fans was frequently mentioned. At last, the management gives up and lets Bonda have a 26 million Yen annual contract. Afterwards Bonda is at first exultant but later starts to anguish over his behavior and worrying he might have pushed his luck too far. (en)
- 1.2412656E9
- Itsuki is on a hot streak and The Spiders are in first place in the race for the pennant. Itsuki has been staying at a hotel and thinks this helps his concentration but Bonda tells him to go home to his family. After that Itsuki starts to struggle but Bonda tells him it's because other teams have been studying him and making adjustments.
The next game against the Tempters is decisive, if the Spiders win or draw they have clinched the pennant. As Bonda and Itsuki are going the stadium in a taxi Itsuki gets a phone call; his wife delivered a baby boy but there were some complications and the baby is in ICU. Bonda gives up a home run in the 8th inning but Itsuki saves him with a pinch home-run in the bottom of the ninth and the game ends in a draw. The spiders have won the pennant but in the celebrations Bonda has mixed feelings because of his previous blunder.
Itsuki's baby is out of any danger and when Bonda visits Itsuki, at the hospital birth ward, Itsuki tells him the reason he managed a hit in the game was because he was so worried, that he didn´t pay any attention to the game and unlike the other players wasn´t stressed out. Bonda thanks him for saving him from becoming a scapegoat and the two hug each other in tears. (en)
- Sakota, the Spiders bullpen coach, observes that Bonda regularly retires hitters who have lower salary than he has and players who make more than 100 million yen but gives up hits up to batters with salary in the range between those amounts. Sakota wonders what will happen when Bonda pitches against a player with exactly the same salary.
Bonda's friend and team-mate Shibuya Akira, who makes twice what Bonda makes in a year, is frustrated because all his starts this season have resulted in a loss. (en)
- Ōno Yukio wears jersey no.3, traditionally given to the team's best hitter, but recently he has been in a slump.
Ōno, Bonda and Toku who all come from Yamanashi Prefecture go out for drink together. Toku warns Ōno he has to get his batting average over .300 or 4 home runs in next 4 games because his defense is weak. He also tells Bonda he has to get his earned run average below 3. When Segawa, the Spiders' closer, is injured, Bonda gets his chance. (en)
- Bonda is introduced to Makiba, a manga artist who intends to write a baseball manga. Later, when the two meet again, Makiba explains he never went ahead with the manga because he thought it was too risky instead he created a spin-off of his previous manga. Bonda observes that the worlds of manga publishing and professional baseball are similar. The Spiders' closer Segawa gives up a home run and after injuries is dropped to the Minor Leagues. Toku is named as the fill-in closer. (en)
- Yuki works as a waitress in a Japanese diner in Ebisu called Kitchen Ajihei. Bonda is a frequent customer and has a crush on her. A group of customers offer her tickets to the Jingu Stadium and she agrees if she can go see the Osaka Tempters because she is a Tempters fan. Next time the Spiders and the Tempters play, Bonda notices Yuki in the bleachers. When Bonda is pitching he accidentally injures two Tempters' players and then executes a flawless double play that ends the inning. When Bonda glances at the jeering spectators he sees Yuki glaring at him in fury. However next time when he goes to Kitchen Ajihei Yuki doesn't recognize him again. (en)
- After Toku and Akemi return from Guam, they finally find out that Toku lost his job. Matsumoto manages to get him a job coaching an independent league baseball team in Fukui. Due to the long distance away from Tokyo,and a comparatively meagre 3.6 million-yen contract —still a significant pay raise compared to his salary at Otowa Radio— Toku worries that Akemi won't be willing to go with him. Akemi is not happy with the idea but sees this as an opportunity to leave her rather seedy work as a hostess in a club in Roppongi.
Unbeknownst to them, Jinno's friend, Akihiko Kugutsu, was nominated as the new head coach of the Bunkyo Mops. However, the media start reporting that Kugutsu was once a spokesperson of a real estate company, where the executive turned out to have ties with mob syndicates and the Mops withdraw the offer to avoid controversy. Jinno becomes the new head coach of the Bunkyo Mops instead, clearing the way for Toku's reinstatement and contract extension with Otowa Radio. (en)
- It's reported that representatives from the Spiders have gone to the U.S. to acquire closer to replace Segawa. Bonda is visited by Thomas Hotpopper an American left-handed pitcher. He is worried if the Spiders hire a new foreigner he'll be let go because of the restrictions on the number of foreign players on the active roster, each team is allowed in the league. Thomas is a starter in the next game and, since the Game is in Yokohama, Bonda volunteers to escort him there by train. Thomas has to pitch against a lineup of all right-handers, starts struggling and loses control of his temper and is substituted for Bonda. Eventually, the Spiders talks in the U.S. didn't work out and it was decided to keep Segawa. (en)
- When Yuki was at Jingu Stadium when Bonda beat Osaka Tempters , it was because 3 office workers, who are regulars in the canteen, took her out to watch the game. Yuki overheard that they want to take her out ice skating, which she accepted, as the skating rink is not far from Jingu Stadium. But the three men are way out of their depth since they cannot skate, whereas Yuki can because she has been skating since she was a kid. As they leave the rink, they followed the crowd to the Fan Appreciation Day hosted by Jingu Spiders. This was also the same place where Osaka Tempters won the Climax series. Spiders play in the Japan East vs. West Game based on birthplaces, as well as a hide-and-seek game. Bonda and Akira are dressed in Tutankhamen and Cleopatra costumes respectively, and they sat next to Yuki, but Shibuya manages to strike up a conversation with Yuki, whereas Bonda cannot, even when Yuki wanted to thank him for walking the Tempters during the Climax series that helped them win the series. Just when Bonda thought Akira was trying to flirt with her, he, in fact told Bonda how his decreasing performance would affect his earning power, meaning he can no longer go after women as he pleased. (en)
- The Spiders are playing an away game in Nagoya. When the scheduled starter comes down with a fever Bonda is rushed in as a substitute. In a rare chance to play as a starter Bonda becomes over-eager and breaks his right-hand wrist when trying to perform a double-tag-out by himself. This is the first major injury in Bonda's career.
Four months later, Bonda has at last recovered from his injury and makes it back to the team, the Spiders are in the middle of a three-way pennant race with 30 games left until playoffs. (en)
- Bonda found out that Toku is engaged, but he has also been fired from his job, because the radio station re-signed a veteran color commentator, Jiro Jinno, for a second stint at the radio station to take over his job after spending the last decade as a coach and commentator in other stations, despite Toku being able to find inside scoops on players. Toku, in his engagement bliss, took his fiancée to Guam for a vacation, so he doesn't know that he has no job to return to until he returns from the vacation, instead of finalizing his contract extension for next baseball season. (en)
- Bonda appears as a guest on a radio show. He is nervous so he gulps down some whiskey before the show. On air he starts saying things he shouldn’t, like complaining about his salary and criticizing the rules of the Japan Series. This shocks the other panelist and enrages a player for the Osaka Tempters who had just won the Japan series. In the end Bonda tries to play the whole thing off as a joke. (en)
- In a vital game Itsuki hits an obvious 'ball', the hit is caught in the field and the game ends in a draw rather than a win for the Spiders. In another game Itsuki manages score several runs but it doesn´t matter because the Spiders are getting thrashed anyway. Itsuki tells Bonda that he knows he will be sent back to the minors but he wants to stay in the majors until his son is born. Bonda disagrees and says people should play baseball for the sake of their own ambition and not for their families. In the next few games Itsuki goes on a hitting streak and earns a role as a starter and keeps the Spiders in the race for the pennant. (en)
- When Bonda returned from the minors Itsuki Roppa came with him. Bonda thinks that while Itsuki is a talented batter he doesn´t have the situational awareness or mindset to be a professional. Bonda gets his appearance after returning from his injries in Itsuki’s first game against the Mops. When Bonda pitches, an easy pop fly that Itsuki fails to catch, allows the Mops to score a run and eventually costs the Spiders the game. A downhearted Bonda returns to Kitchen Ajihei hoping that a glimpse of Yuki's face and her "fried chicken & rice" will cheer him up. (en)
- Bonda and Shibuya start thinking their lifestyle is too modest and boring so they go out drinking in a hostess club in Ginza. There they meet Sekiya, 1st baseman for the Nagoya Wild Ones. Bonda is very much aware of Sekiya because his salary is 180 million yen a year or ten times what Bonda makes. The day after Bonda goes for a morning run and sees Sekiya exiting a taxi. It's obvious Sekiya has spent the entire night drinking and partying which shocks Bonda because their teams are playing each other later that evening. (en)
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- Just Between Us (en)
- Multiplier (en)
- A Minor League Player in the Majors (en)
- Back in the Majors (en)
- Celebrate! The League Pennant! (en)
- Contract Renewals, Part One (en)
- Contract Renewals, Part Two (en)
- Designated for Assignment (en)
- Fan Appreciation Day (en)
- Gurazeni: Dai League-hen (en)
- Gurazeni: Natsunosuke no Seishun (en)
- Gurazeni: Pa League-hen (en)
- Gurazeni: Tokyo Dome-hen (en)
- High School Recruit, College Recruit (en)
- Lonely Season (en)
- Marrying While Unemployed?! (en)
- No Pitch to Throw (en)
- Prefecture Clique (en)
- Rising to First (en)
- Safe Bets, Risky Bets (en)
- Sudden Turnaround! (en)
- Teacher or Cautionary Tale? (en)
- Tendency / Buddies (en)
- The Commute to the Ballpark (en)
- The Lonely Gourmet (en)
- The Softy (en)
- Railroad to Retirement / The Man Who Couldn't Go Pro (en)
- Ama-chan (en)
- Anzen na Kabu Kiken na Kabu (en)
- Baisū (en)
- Fan Kansha Dē (en)
- Ichigun Fukki (en)
- Ikinari dai gyakuten! (en)
- Intai e no Rēru / Puro ni Narenakatta Otoko (en)
- Keiyaku kōkai kōhen (en)
- Keiyaku kōkai zenpen (en)
- Kenjinkai (en)
- Kodoku na Gurume (en)
- Koko dake no Ohanashi (en)
- Kyōshi or Hanmen Kyōshi (en)
- Kyūjō made no Tsūkin Jijō (en)
- Kōsotsu to Daisotsu (en)
- Mushoku de Kekkon?! (en)
- Nageru Tama ga Nai (en)
- Nigun nanoni Ichigun (en)
- Sabishii Kisetsu (en)
- Senryokugai Tsūkoku (en)
- Shui Fujō (en)
- Shuku Rīgu Yūshō (en)
- Shūsei / Dachi (en)
- manga (en)
- tv series (en)
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- 『グラゼニ』は、原作:森高夕次、漫画:足立金太郎(パ・リーグ編より「アダチケイジ」から改名)による日本の野球漫画作品。『週刊モーニング』(講談社)にて2011年第2・3合併号から不定期連載を開始。26号から週刊連載化し、2014年第39号での一旦終了を経て、同年第43号より2018年第11号にかけて第2部『グラゼニ 〜東京ドーム編〜』を連載。2018年17号から2021年38号にかけて第3部『グラゼニ 〜パ・リーグ編〜』として連載。2022年2・3合併号から第4部『グラゼニ 〜大リーグ編〜』を連載中。『イブニング』(同社)では2020年7号より2022年23号まで、スピンオフ『グラゼニ 〜夏之介の青春〜』を太秦洋介の作画で連載。『週刊モーニング』にて2021年第45号より2022年第1号までスピンオフ第2弾となる『昭和のグラゼニ』の第1期が川の作画により連載。第2期を同誌2022年14号から同年22・23合併号まで連載し、第3期の連載も発表されている。 2020年3月時点でシリーズ累計発行部数は350万部を突破している。2012年版『このマンガがすごい!』ではオトコ編第2位を獲得、第37回講談社漫画賞受賞。 (ja)
- Gurazeni (グラゼニ?) è un manga scritto da Yūji Moritaka e disegnato da Keiji Adachi, serializzato sulla rivista Weekly Morning di Kōdansha dal 9 dicembre 2010 al 23 gennaio 2015. Un adattamento anime è stato trasmesso Giappone nel 2018, arrivando in Italia in streaming sulla piattaforma VVVVID, in lingua originale sottotitolato in italiano. (it)
- 《錢進球場》(日语:グラゼニ)是由森高夕次原作、足立金太郎(太平洋聯盟篇連載之前筆名「足立刑事(アダチケイジ)」)負責作畫以日本職棒題材的日本漫畫作品,於《Morning》(講談社)上的2010年12月至2014年8月連載第一部,同年2014年9月至2018年3月連載第二部《錢進球場 ~東京巨蛋篇~》,2018年3月起連載第三部《錢進球場 ~太平洋聯盟篇~》。漫畫改編電視動畫由STUDIO DEEN製作,第1季於2018年4月至6月播出;第2季於同年10月至12月播出。2020年3月開始在《Evening》(講談社)連載外傳《錢進球場 ~夏之介的青春~》(太秦洋介負責作畫)。 本作故事是以重視金錢的職棒中繼左投凡田夏之介為主角,描述職業棒球員的職業生涯和職場生態。而作品名稱「グラゼニ」是一個作者原創的混成詞,指「グラウンド」(球場)和「ゼニ」(金錢),是將日本棒球運動員鶴岡一人的名言「グラウンドにはゼニが落ちている」(金錢灑在球場上。)縮減而成。 (zh)
- Gurazeni (グラゼニ) or Money Diamond, is a Japanese baseball manga series written by Yūji Moritaka and illustrated by Keiji Adachi. The manga was serialized in Kodansha's seinen manga magazine Morning and has been followed by four sequels since. A twenty-four episodes anime television series adaptation by Studio Deen was broadcast from April to December 2018. (en)
- Gurazeni (en)
- Gurazeni (it)
- グラゼニ (ja)
- 錢進球場 (zh)
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- Gurazeni: Dai League-hen (en)
- Gurazeni: Natsunosuke no Seishun (en)
- Gurazeni: Pa League-hen (en)
- Gurazeni: Tokyo Dome-hen (en)
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